God and Love on Route 80. Stephen G. Post

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Название God and Love on Route 80
Автор произведения Stephen G. Post
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781642500103

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      Praise for God and Love on Route 80

      “Sometimes things happen that reveal an apparent pattern, plan, and meaning to the workings of the world. When this revelation occurs, it’s as if the Universe winks at us as if to say, ‘Now you’re in on the secret!’ The ‘secret’ is the realization that an infinite, unitary intelligence pervades everything—what author Stephen G. Post calls IM, for Infinite Mind. And that’s why God and Love on Route 80 is a poke in the eye of materialism, the numbing ideology that all happenings conform to the so-called blind, meaningless laws of nature. Post’s ‘journey west’ is a coming-of-age metaphor for the discovery of ancient truths: that Consciousness is primary, that Mind was ‘here first,’ and that love is a kind of metaphysical glue that holds things together and provides a delightful fizz to the whole show. God and Love on Route 80 is more than an enchanting, beautiful book; it indicates the kind of awareness that is required if we are to survive the challenges we face as a species—the awareness of our connectivity and unity with all else, the knowledge that our world is sacred, holy, and worth saving. Thank you, Stephen, for reminding us of this essential truth.”

      —Larry Dossey, MD

      Author: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters

      “Stephen G. Post, in this highly readable and deeply profound book, shares his journey to that which is whole, holy, and healed in all of us. Beyond the secret passages, the dark alleys and ghost-filled attics of our individual conditioned and separate minds, there is a single infinite boundless awareness that differentiates into all observers, all modes of observation and all objects observed. We can call it Ein Sof, Brahman, Nonlocal mind, God, Allah or the Self. Transcendence to this domain is the experience of absolute love and spontaneous creativity, intuition, insight, and higher vision.”

      —Deepak Chopra MD

      Author: You Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters and Synchrodestiny: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence to Create Miracles

      “You must be ready when you open this book. It’s a microburst of searching faith in a God of Love (be alert for the ‘blue angel’) and a spiritual and intellectual stance that everything in the universe—you, me, crickets, galaxies, microbes, stars, life, death—is connected. For the author who shares his awakening with us, the ‘blue angel’ offers him not only comfort but the bracing challenge to love others with a generous heart way beyond self-aggrandizement. Or, simply put, as God loves. It takes a large and open heart to take in the invitation to faith of this vocation story. I’m more alive and alert now for having read it.”

      —Sister Helen Prejean

      Author: Dead Man Walking and a soon-to-be-published memoir, River of Fire: My Spiritual Journey (Random House August 13, 2019)

      “In this fascinating and moving spiritual adventure story, which I was honored to help edit, a boy follows a dream…and it leads him on a journey of amazing encounters that reveal deep truths about the nature of the universe and the power of unlimited love. It also opens a path to a life of extraordinary creativity and achievement. Rarely has a book so vividly captured the ways in which the human mind is connected with the divine, and how through synchronicity we can be guided and supported by a presence in the universe that is greater than ourselves. Here is inspiration for anyone seeking the courage to live their dream—‘because,’ as Post reminds us, ‘if you don’t you will always wonder what you might have discovered if you had.’ ”

      —Ann Kathleen Bradley

      Writer and alumna, Harvard Divinity School and Union Theological Seminary

      “A beautifully written and illustrated spiritual adventure in which readers are fondly invited to join the author on a soul-seeking, soul-reclaiming, and soul-sustaining journey. Stephen G. Post has done it again. It is good to be good to all HUMANITY!”

      —Francisco Cardoso Gomes de Matos, PhD

      Distinguished Brazilian professor of Peace Linguistics

      Co-founder: The World Dignity University

      Author: Dignity: A Multidimensional View

      “Though very much the prodigal son, I still identify as a Quaker, believing in an ‘inner light’ accessible in and to each person and in all aspects of the natural world. Life is an opportunity to seek the ‘inner light’ in others and yourself. Stephen G. Post is someone whose light shines brightly indeed, because, to paraphrase George Fox (1656), Stephen walks cheerfully over the world answering that of God in every one. Part autobiography and part guide book of collected wisdom, Stephen witnesses in deed and word to the transformative power of love in the world. An inspirational read.”

      —William Grassie PhD

      Founding president, The Metanexus Institute

      Author: The New Sciences of Religion: Exploring Spirituality from the Outside In and Bottom Up and Applied Big History: A Guide for Entrepreneurs, Investors,

      and Other Living Things

      “Mind, as Stephen G. Post so beautifully points out, is more than tissue, neurons and matter. Sharing his three decades of experiences with those he refers to as ‘deeply forgetful people,’ Stephen pulls back the veil so we can see that our souls remain whole despite the advance of deep memory loss. Underneath the chaos of deep forgetfulness dwells our profound eternal essence and nothing can separate us from it. Post has brought the message that ‘Grandma’s still there’ in an inspiring fashion to millions of caregivers globally, reassuring them that their loved one is much more than a shell or a husk, and teaching them ways to connect with expressions of continuing self-identity. In Canada we cherish his many visits over the years to every province and city, including twice to my city of London, Ontario. He is the recipient of the Annual Award in Medical Humanities by World Literacy Canada, which he received in a packed Royal Ontario Museum.”

      —Cathy Chapin

      Co-founder (with her husband Ross Chapin) of Highview Residences—Excellence in Alzheimer Care, London and Kitchener Ontario, Canada

      “How fortunate I was to have Dr. Stephen G. Post in my hometown of Chagrin Falls, Ohio, when I was in the planning stages for my One Million Acts of Kindness bus tour. Stephen kindly took time out of his busy schedule from Case Western Medical School to meet with me and Bogart, my Boston Terrier, to discuss the importance of having kindness as a goal in all our lives and to offer important insight as a professional in the field of the kindness of humanity. No one has contributed more to the science of kindness and giving than Stephen. On several occasions during our travels these past ten years, I was able to bounce some kindness ideas off him, and we reconnected when I drove by kindness bus to Stony Brook. He has a steady and knowledgeable mind in all things kind and is able to convey, in person and on the pages of his books, sage-like wisdom. Stephen is on loan to New York but a Clevelander at heart, and Route 80 connects the two.”

      —Bob Votruba

      Founder: One Million Acts of Kindness

      “After reading Stephen G. Post’s personal coming-of-age story, you too will believe in ‘destiny more than goals.’ This compelling narrative unfolds around experiences of synchronicity that point to a subtle, benevolent source that links our apparently separate lives.”

      —Judy Rodgers

      International Initiatives, Brahma Kumaris

      Founder and president of Images and Voices of Hope (www.ivoh.org) Co-author: Something Beyond Greatness: Conversations with a Man of Sciences and A Woman of God

      “Of all approaches to life, I truly believe that following a spiritual path is by far the most rewarding. Out on Route 80, Stephen G. Post allowed Spirit to work at a young age with ever-expanding soul-growing experiences, increased wisdom, and a joyous contentment with the mysteries of life. He learned about the Oneness early on.”

      —Donna L. Johnson

      President and CEO, Unity Worldwide Ministries