Vocabulary for the Common Core. Robert J. Marzano

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Название Vocabulary for the Common Core
Автор произведения Robert J. Marzano
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780985890230

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       Vocabulary for the



      Robert J. Marzano

      Julia A. Simms

      Copyright © 2013 by Marzano Resources

      All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction of this book in whole or in part in any form.

      555 North Morton Street

      Bloomington, IN 47404


      FAX: 866.801.1447

      email: [email protected]


      Printed in the United States of America

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2013906762

      ISBN: 978-0-9858902-2-3 (paperback)

      Editorial Director: Lesley Bolton

      Managing Production Editor: Caroline Weiss

      Copy Editor: Rachel Rosolina

      Proofreader: Elisabeth Abrams

      Text Designer: Amy Shock

      Cover Designer: Rian Anderson

       Table of Contents

       About the Authors


       PART I

       Vocabulary Instruction for the Common Core State Standards

       1 The Importance of Vocabulary

       Vocabulary Development

       Vocabulary Knowledge

       The Effects of Vocabulary Instruction

       2 A Six-Step Process for Vocabulary Instruction

       Step 1: Provide a Description, Explanation, or Example of the New Term

       Step 2: Ask Students to Restate the Description, Explanation, or Example in Their Own Words

       Step 3: Ask Students to Construct a Picture, Symbol, or Graphic Representing the Term or Phrase

       Step 4: Engage Students Periodically in Activities That Help Them Add to Their Knowledge of the Terms in Their Vocabulary Notebooks

       Step 5: Periodically Ask Students to Discuss the Terms With One Another

       Step 6: Involve Students Periodically in Games That Allow Them to Play With Terms

       3 Vocabulary Terms From the Common Core State Standards

       Tier 2 Vocabulary From the Common Core State Standards

       Tier 3 Vocabulary From the Common Core State Standards

       4 Building a Vocabulary Program

       Selecting Terms to Teach

       Creating Systems to Assess and Track Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge

       PART II

       Tier 2 Vocabulary Terms From the Common Core State Standards

       Add To (ADD)

       Arrange (ARR)

       Collaborate (COLL)

       Compare/Contrast (C/C)

       Create (CRE)

       Decide (DEC)

       Define (DEF)

       Elaborate (ELAB)

       Evaluate (EVAL)

       Execute (EXEC)

       Explain (EXP)

       Hypothesize (HYP)

       Infer (INF)

       Measure (MEAS)

       Problem Solve (PS)

       Prove/Argue (P/A)

       Pull Apart (PULL)

       Redo (REDO)

       Reference (REF)

       Seek Information (SI)

       See the Big Picture (SBP)

       Symbolize (SYM)

       Think Metacognitively (TM)

       Transform (TRANS)

       PART III

       Tier 3 Vocabulary Terms From the Common Core State Standards

       English Language Arts


       Reading Foundations


       Speaking and Listening



       Number and Quantity

       Operations and Algebra



       Measurement, Data, Statistics, and Probability

       Appendix: Master List of Terms

       Part II Categories

       Part III Measurement Topics