Название | Mecca the Blessed & Medina the Radiant (Bilingual) |
Автор произведения | Seyyed Hossein Nasr |
Жанр | Книги о Путешествиях |
Серия | |
Издательство | Книги о Путешествиях |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781462915880 |
The Ka‘bah seen from the southeast, the direction of Yemen.
Ka’bah dilihat dari tenggara, arah Yaman.
Prayers in the evening of Laylat-al Qadr.
Jemaah di malam Laitul Kadar.
Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd
A book project realized with the support of Thaara International, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Photography and captions copyright © 1997; 2013 by Ali Kazuyoshi Nomachi represented by Crevis Company Limited
Text copyright ©1997 by Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Indonesian translation by Anglingsari Sunartadirdja
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A number of pilgrims gain the special opportunity of standing before the door of the Ka‘bah in prayer. Every year during the Hajj season this golden door is opened by the governor of Mecca and washed with perfume. To enter the Ka‘bah is a very rare honor and privilege bestowed upon only a few dignitaries each year.
Sejumlah jemaah haji mendapat kesempatan istimewa untuk berdiri didepan pintu Ka’bah dalam do’a. Setiap tahun di musim haji pintu emas ini dibuka oleh Gubernur Mekkah dan dicuci dengan wewangian. Memasuki Ka’bah adalah sebuah kehormatan dan keistimewaan langka yang diberikan kepada segelintir tokoh setiap tahunnya.
Pilgrims at Jabal Uhud, north of Medina, before dawn. It was here that on 23 March 625 (ah 3) the Islamic army led by the Blessed Prophet suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the Meccan army in a major battle of the early history of Islam during which the Prophet himself was injured.
Para peziarah di gunung Uhud sebelah utara Madinah disaat matahari terbit. Disinilah pasukan Islam yang dipimpin Nabi Muhammad SAW menderita kekalahan telak pada 23 Maret 625 (tahun 3 Hijrah) dari pasukan Mekkah dalam satu pertempuran besar di awal sejarah lahirnya agama Islam. Disini pula Nabi sendiri terluka.
Tawaf or circumambulation around the Ka‘bah. Tawaf is a required part of the Hajj and must be performed seven times counter-clockwise starting at the southeastern corner of the Ka‘bah where the Black Stone, symbol of the original covenant between God and man, is embedded.
Tawaf atau berjalan mengitari Ka’bah. Tawaf adalah rukun haji yang harus dilakukan sebanyak tujuh kali berlawanan arah dengan arah jarum jam diawali dari sudut tenggara Ka’bah dimana Batu Hitam yang melambangkan perjanjian awal antara Tuhan dan manusia ditanam.
In the Name of God, the Infinitely Good, the All-Merciful
The Holiest Cities of Islam
“And this is a Book which We have sent down full of blessings and confirming what [was revealed] before it: that thou mayest warn the Mother of Cities [Umm al-qura—Mecca] and its surroundings. Those who believe in the hereafter believe herein and they are constant in their prayers.”
—Qur’an, vi: 92, trans. Yusuf Ali, modified
“Medina is best for them if they only knew. No one leaves it through dislike of it without God putting in it someone better than he in place of him, and no one will remain there in spite of its hardship and distress without my being an intercessor on his behalf on the day of resurrection.”
—Saying (hadith) of the Prophet of Islam, in Muhammad ibn Abd Allah Khatib al-Tibrizi, Mishkat al-Masabih, trans.