Speak Japanese Today. Taeko Kamiya

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Название Speak Japanese Today
Автор произведения Taeko Kamiya
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462911493

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      Taeko Kamiya

      TUTTLE Publishing

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      LESSON 1: How Do You Do?

      LESSON 2: What Is That?

      LESSON 3: Where Is the Bank?

      LESSON 4: What Time Is the Next Hikari?

      LESSON 5: How Many Hours Is It?

      LESSON 6: What Is the Date?

      LESSON 7: What Day of the Week Is Today?

      LESSON 8: When Is Your Trip?

      LESSON 9: Is There a Restaurant?

      LESSON 10: How Many Tables Are There?

      LESSON 11: How Many Persons Are There?

      LESSON 12: Review Exercises

      LESSON 13: Where Are You Going?

      LESSON 14: How Much Is This Vase?

      LESSON 15: What Did You Do Yesterday?

      LESSON 16: Can You Cook Sukiyaki?

      LESSON 17: Do You Like to Travel?

      LESSON 18: Where Do You Want to Go?

      LESSON 19: Which Button Is It?

      LESSON 20: Shall We Go Together?

      LESSON 21: May I Sit Here?

      LESSON 22: Review Exercises

      Appendix 1: Verb Conjugations

      Appendix 2: Particles

      Appendix 3: Counters



      I am deeply indebted to the late Professor Roy Smith of Kobe University, Father Edward J. Kowrach and the Sisters of Holy Names for their help and guidance given to me many years ago. Their high standards and ideals not only have long been an inspiration to me, it also gave me the courage to undertake this project.

      I am also grateful to the students of Japanese, present and past, at the Defense Language Institute. It has been their enthusiasm that has provided me with the stimulus to pursue better teaching methods over the years.

      Last but not least, I wish to express my appreciation to Tuttle Publishing Company for making this publication possible.


      This book is intended for those who have little or no knowledge of Japanese. Whether you are traveling, working, or studying, you will discover it quite enjoyable