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stretched, then noticed Bird. “Hi there! What’s for dinner?”

      “If you’re here it’s going to be good, that’s all I know. Aunt Hannah’s still trying to impress you.”

      “I hope she never stops!” The veterinarian’s face broke out in a grin. “Don’t tell her that I’m already impressed.”

      Bird smiled broadly. “You just don’t know how to play it cool, do you?” She was startled at her own cheekiness, and covered her mouth. Being able to speak again was part blessing, part curse. It was great to be able to say whatever was on her mind, but sometimes she needed to remind herself not to say everything she thought.

      Paul, however, didn’t seem in the least bit annoyed. “Why bother? Life is too darn short!”

      Hannah appeared at the door, freshly bathed and radiant. Lucky slipped past her legs and ran to Paul, wagging his tail madly. The dog wriggled with joy as he jumped and yelped.

      “Down, pup,” scolded Paul with a wink to Bird. “Play it cool.”

      Liz and Julia came running from the barn. “Aunt Hannah, can Liz stay for dinner? Please?”

      “Of course! Liz, check with your mom, and tell her I can drive you home after dinner, unless you want to spend the night.”

      The girls locked arms and rushed into the house. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” they chanted.

      Paul turned to Bird. “And you think I don’t know how to play it cool?”



      Tanbark felt so alone. More alone than he’d felt for a long, long time. He listened to the breeze ruffling the leaves overhead, and wished he had somebody to talk to. Somebody to tell about what had happened on the road.

       He’d moved his camp since that morning, careful to erase any sign that he’d been there. But he couldn’t erase the memory. The tire iron crunching the woman’s skull. Her surprised expression. The shock in her eyes. The blood gushing. The woman falling. The metal bar clanging to the road. The man on the road, watching him run. And the blood. So much blood. He shook his head to clear the images out as a wave of despair flooded over him. He curled up in a ball and slept.

      WHEN THE DOORBELL RANG, they had finished dinner and were trying to decide whether to go to Best’s for ice cream or slice into the watermelon that Paul had brought from the Apple Factory. Two police officers stood on the porch, their identification in hand. Officer Ed Paris was in his mid-fifties and wide across his middle. Officer Patrick O’Hare was younger by two decades, and slim. Hannah invited them in, and Paul offered them something to eat.

      “No thanks,” Officer Paris replied. “We’re on duty. Sorry to interrupt your evening, but you probably know why we’re here.”

      “Is it about the attack on the woman in Inglewood?” asked Julia, her eyes wide.

      “Yes. The witness was able to help our artist put together a composite sketch. We’re going house to house, asking people to take a look.”

      The younger officer added, “If anyone comes to mind when you see it, go ahead and tell us. We’re trying to find people to interview.”

      “Don’t worry that it’ll get someone in trouble,” Officer Paris added. “Just take a look and say who it reminds you of.”

      He pulled an eight-by-ten sheet of paper out of his case, and turned it to face Hannah. “Remind you of anyone?”

      Hannah took a good look at the sketch. “It could be half a dozen people up here! Dark, longish hair, unshaven, dark eyes, thin face.”

      “Anyone in particular?”

      Hannah shook her head. “No.” She passed it to Paul, who breathed in deeply, then shook his head. “Hannah’s right. Wouldn’t want to start any wild goose chases.”

      Officer Paris frowned. “You’ll have to leave that to us. As Officer O’Hare said, we’re looking for people to interview. Time is of the essence. The man who did this is out there right now and we don’t want him assaulting anybody else.”

      “Can I see?” Liz looked at Julia and giggled. “From here it looks like my mother’s b ... boyfriend.”

      Officer O’Hare grabbed the sketch from Paul and showed it to Liz. Liz and Julia pored over it.

      “I see what you mean,” said Julia, “but Phil isn’t so skinny and his hair is much shorter.”

      “What is his full name?” The young policeman smiled encouragement. “Phil who?”

      “Philip B ... Butler,” answered Liz.

      The two policemen exchanged a glance.

      “But it couldn’t be Phil! He’s a really nice m ... man. He’d never hurt anybody.” Liz blushed and stammered, something she did only when she was upset. “A ... And he used to be a p ... policeman!”

      “Thanks for your help. What is your name please, young lady?”

      Liz was turning white.“Elizabeth Brown.But honestly,I didn’t m ... mean that I think it’s him, the picture only r ... reminds me of him. A little.”

      “Don’t worry. If he’s innocent he has nothing to fear.” The young officer turned to Bird. “You haven’t looked at this yet, miss. Does it remind you of anyone?”

      Bird looked from one policeman to the other. “Yes.”

      All eyes were on her.

      “With shorter hair, it looks like you.” She pointed to the young officer.

      Liz and Julia covered their mouths but the policemen were not amused. “This is not a joke,” said Officer Paris sternly.

      But Bird wasn’t joking; she was making a point. The picture resembled any number of people, all innocent except for one.

      Paul deflected the tension with a question. “Could we keep one of your sketches and ask the people who board horses here?”

      Officer Paris answered, “No. We’ll ask them ourselves. We need to gauge their reactions. Where does your staff live?”

      Hannah pointed north. “I don’t think they’re home right now, but it’s the house at the end of the next lane. Go back to the road, turn right, then go up the next driveway. The house there has an apartment upstairs, so knock on both doors.”

      “Thank you for your time.” The two policemen stood up and left.

      Once the door closed, they all took a deep breath.

      Bird was the first to break the silence. “We’d better warn Cliff. That sketch looked like him, too.”

      Hannah nodded. “And Pierre Hall.”

      Paul turned to Liz. “Don’t worry. Somebody else would’ve identified Phil if you didn’t. It does look a lot like him.”

      “Anyone for ice cream?”asked Hannah brightly.“We can’t sit here and stew all night.”

      “You all go ahead,” said Bird. “I’m riding Sunny. I’ve got an hour and a half before it gets dark.”

      “Bird, a woman was attacked today and the man is still out there!” Hannah’s voice was filled with alarm.

      “You think a man can outrun Sundancer?”

      “Your Aunt Hannah’s right, Bird.” Paul backed her up. “This is no time for you to be out there alone.”

      Julia piped up. “She won’t be alone. Liz and I’ll go with her!”

      “Definitely not.” Hannah was firm. “And definitely