Dirty Girl - Part 1. Rebecca Ridge

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Название Dirty Girl - Part 1
Автор произведения Rebecca Ridge
Жанр Языкознание
Серия Dirty Girl
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783956953354

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      Episode 1

      The Submissive Diaries

      Rebecca Ridge

      Artcover: Giada Armani

      Copyright: BERLINABLE UG

      Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

      Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

      When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

      Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

      Open your mind and free your deepest desires.

      All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.

      The Submissive Diaries

      I trudged across the open space to the hotel bar. Honestly, I was just waiting for a suitable amount of time to pass before I could retire to my room without looking unsociable. I’d been dragged along on this hen party by my best friend Kay.

      The bride, her cousin Margo, is a stuck-up bitch. Apparently, she doesn’t have many friends, judging by the hen party being made up of mainly her family… and, the ones she does have, are all bitches too.

      I ordered a large vodka and coke, knowing I was going to need it if I was going to get through the evening with my sanity intact. I inwardly sighed, I still had a full weekend of this to look forward to, it was only Friday fucking night. The only saving grace about this whole mess is that the hotel was lovely. A real classy affair. A lot more upmarket than anything I would have booked. Whenever Kay and I went away we usually stayed at a travel lodge.

       I walked slowly back to the table, knowing only too well how easy it was to slip on a marble floor. I wished feverishly that I had worn my flats. I knew that was a decision I’d live to regret. Story of my life.

      When I got back to the table and taken my seat, Kay nudged me. She lent in close to my ear.

      “Don’t look now, but a really hot guy is checking you out.” I gave it a minute so it didn’t look obvious, then casually looked behind. My mouth dropped open. My stomach dropped with it.

      A blast from my past was sat three tables over. He flashed me a perfect white toothed grin, making my heart stutter. I could feel my cheeks heating, and I knew I was turning a nice dark shade of pink.

      “Do you know him?” Kay whispered, surprise colouring her tone. I nodded, managing a shaky smile. She raised her eyebrows, impressed.

      He hooked his finger in a come here gesture. My heart beat a hundred miles per hour. My throat went dry. Picking up my vodka and coke, I began chugging it to replenish the moisture plus some Dutch courage wouldn’t go a miss.

      Liam, was a guy who I used to hook up with. If we were out on the town, or at a party, we would always end up having sex. At the back of the nightclub, down an ally, or in his one room flat. It was always hot and dirty. My pussy throbbed at the memory.

      I got up on shaky legs, making my way over to his table. His green eyes scanned over my body, slowing down on my bare legs. I resisted the urge to pull down my denim mini skirt. My cheeks burned brighter. He looked gorgeous, sitting there in a white shirt and black suit trousers. His blonde hair swept to the side, styled perfectly. A deep tan covered his handsome face. My stomach did little flips just looking at him. His familiar voice spoke straight to my pussy.

      “Beth Ramsey,” he arched an eyebrow, his eyes resting briefly on my left hand. “You’re still Ramsey then?” I laughed lightly.

      “Of course.”

      He gestured to the seat next to him. “Sit down, have a drink with me?” I jerked my head in an awkward nod. My stomach far too full of butterflies to speak.

      The atmosphere between us was thick with sexual tension. My eyes scanned his broad chest, noticing how his shirt pulled tight over his biceps. I licked my lips. His shirt was rolled up to his elbows revealing thick tanned forearms. He’d defiantly bulked out since we last hooked up. Lust burned in my blood. His sexy tone snapped me back into the room.

      “So how longs it been? Ten, eleven years?” His eyes roaming to the low-cut neck line of my top.

      I swallowed nervously, trying to get a grip of myself so I could at least try not to sound like an idiot when I spoke. My voice still squeaked.

      “Yeah, about that I think.”

      It’s been eleven years. I know this because I have never forgotten this man. He is like the one that got away. I often find my thoughts drifting to him, I’ve even dreamt of him. I liked him way more than he liked me.

      We fell into an easy conversation about why were both here. He told me he’s here for work. He’s leaving in the morning. The atmosphere between us intensified with each errant glance.

      A while later, Kay interrupted. “We're going up, are you coming?”

      Liam cut in smoothly, “why don’t you stay, have another drink?”

      Kays eyes met mine, they were full of innuendo. She shrugged, turning, before I had even answered. Am I that predictable, I wondered.

      He stood, turning towards me, his eyes lingered a second to long on my lips. His tongue darted out licking his bottom lip. Everything below my waist dissolved. Fuck.

      “Why don’t we take this up to my room? I have a well-stocked mini bar.”

      I’m nodding over eagerly before he had even finished the sentence. He smiles sexily, leading the way.


      Jesus Christ, his hotel room was huge. Easily twice the size of mine.

      “What do you do?” I asked him, a little awed, turning on the spot, taking in the luxury.

      His salacious smile lit up his face. “I’m a teacher, of sorts.” I raised my eyebrows, my curiosity piqued.

      “What do you teach?”

      He didn’t answer right away, he just started pouring the drinks at the mini bar, which was an actual fucking mini bar, not a fridge like in my room.

      “I teach people, different skills, behaviour, discipline. A mixture of things, really.” He walked towards me eyeing me hungrily. My stomach churned with butterflies. He handed me my drink. I took a deep slug, shaking my head as the bitter taste of gin flowed down my throat.

      He turned, opening a set of double doors that led out onto a large balcony. I followed him out. The night’s humid, a warm breeze blew around my shoulders, offering no comfort to the heat. I gazed out, it wasn’t much of a view, just the car park and an industrial estate. I finished my drink. I think it must have been a double, I was starting to feel tipsy. With alcohol fuelling my confidence. I turned, brazenly, “so, did you just bring me up here to show off; or did you have something else in mind?”

      His eyes flashed, darkening. My stomach flipped. Adrenalin kicked up, even though there wasn’t a threat. He casually put down his glass, our eyes stayed locked as he approached. He pressed his rock-hard body against mine, pinning me to the balcony. His lips at my ear made me shiver.

      “One of the things I teach, are manners.” His hand snaked up around the