Edgar Cayce and the Cosmos. James Mullaney

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Название Edgar Cayce and the Cosmos
Автор произведения James Mullaney
Жанр Философия
Издательство Философия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876048733

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       AND THE



       AND THE


       James Mullaney

      A.R.E. Press • Virginia Beach • Virginia

      Copyright © 2007

      by James Mullaney

      1st Printing, August 2007

      Printed in the U.S.A.

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

      A.R.E. Press

      215 67th Street

      Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Mullaney, James.

      Edgar Cayce and the cosmos / by James Mullaney.

      p. cm.

      Includes index.

      ISBN 13: 978-0-87604-566-4 (trade pbk.)

      1. Parapsychology and science. 2. Cayce, Edgar, 1877-1945. 3. Cosmology. I. Title.

      BF1045.S33M85 2007



      Cover design by Richard Boyle

      Images reproduced in the center spread are courtesy of NASA, the Space Telescope Science Institute and the Hubble Heritage Team, and the European Space Agency (ESA).

      Edgar Cayce Readings © 1971, 1993–2007

      by the Edgar Cayce Foundation.

      All rights reserved.


      To my dear wife, Sharon McDonald Mullaney, for her patience and encouragement during the long process of researching and writing this book. Edgar Cayce’s work has double meaning for both of us, since it was at an A.R.E. conference that fate brought us together.




       1. Worlds Beyond: Stars and Stellar Systems

       The Cosmic Hierarchy

       Stars Named in the Readings

       The “Stargate” Arcturus

       Personification of the Stars

       Music of the Spheres

       More About Stars

       Star Clusters: Stellar Jewelboxes and Beehives

       2. Life Elsewhere in the Universe

       Are We Alone?

       Cayce and Extraterrestrials

       A Cosmic Christ

       Alternative Life Forms

       Going Deeper

       3. Earth Changes and Cosmic Cataclysms

       Pole Shift and Physical Changes

       Mental Changes

       Earthquakes and Tsunamis

       Changes in Sea Level and Geography

       Asteroid and Comet Impacts

       The Missing Planet

       4. Other Universes and Dimensions

       Bubble Universes

       Alternate Realities and Dimensions

       Superstring Theory

       Provocative Insights

       A Mind-Expanding Experience

       5. Astronomy and Astrology

       The Great Rift

       An Historic Conference

       Cayce’s Disclaimer

       Astronomy and Astrology

       Astrological Influences

       Psychic Anchors?

       6. Planetary/Astrological/Astral Sojourns Within Our Solar System

       Sojourns Defined