Voltaire: Treatise on Tolerance. Вольтер

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Название Voltaire: Treatise on Tolerance
Автор произведения Вольтер
Жанр Философия
Издательство Философия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788075835949

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      Voltaire: Treatise on Tolerance

      Published by


      - Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting -

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      2017 OK Publishing

      ISBN 978-80-7583-594-9

      Table of Contents




       Table of Contents

       Chapter I. A Brief Account Of The Death Of John Calas.

       Chapter II. Consequences Of The Ex­e­cu­tion Of John Ca­las.

       Chapter III. A Sketch Of The Re­form­a­tion In The Six­teenth Cen­tury.

       Chapter IV. Whether Toler­a­tion Is Dan­ger­ous, And A­mong What Nations It Is Prac­tised.

       Chapter V. In What Cases Tol­er­a­tion May Be Ad­mit­ted.

       Chapter VI. If Non-Tol­er­a­tion Is A­gree­able To The Law Of Na­ture And Of So­cie­ty.

       Chapter VII. If Non-Tol­er­a­tion Was Known A­mong The Greeks.

       Chapter VIII. Whether The Ro­mans En­cour­aged Tol­er­a­tion.

       Chapter IX. Martyrs.

       Chapter X. The Danger Of False Leg­ends And Per­se­cu­tion.

       Chapter XI. Ill Conse­quences Of Non-Tol­er­a­tion.

       Chapter XII. If Non-Tol­era­tion Was Part Of The Di­vine Law A­mong The Jews, And Wheth­er It Was Al­ways Put In Prac­tice.

       Chapter XIII. The Great Tol­er­a­tion Ex­er­cised A­mong The Jews.

       Chapter XIV. If Non-Tol­er­a­tion Was Taught By Christ.

       Chapter XV. Testimonies Against Pers­e­cu­tion.

       Chapter XVI. A Conversa­tion Be­tween A Dy­ing Man And One In Good Health.

       Chapter XVII. A Letter From A Ben­e­ficed Priest To Fa­ther Le­tel­lier, The Jes­u­it, Dat­ed The 6th Of May, 1714.

       Chapter XVIII. The Only Cases In Which Non-tol­er­a­tion Makes Part Of The Hu­man Law.

       Chapter XIX. Account Of A Con­tro­vers­ial Dis­pute Which Hap­pened In China.

       Chapter XX. Whether It Is Of Ser­vice To In­dulge The Peo­ple In Sup­er­sti­tion.

       Chapter XXI. Virtue Is Bet­ter Than Learn­ing.

       Chapter XXII. Of Universal Toleration.

       Chapter XXIII. An Address To The Deity.

       Chapter XXIV. Postscript.

       Chapter XXV. Sequel And Conclusion.

      Chapter I.

       A Brief Account Of The Death Of John Calas.

       Table of Contents

      The murder of John Calas, committed in Toulouse with the sword of justice, the 9th of March, 1762, is an event which, on account of its singularity, calls for the attention of the present age, and that of posterity. We soon forget the crowd of victims who have fallen in the course of innumerable battles, not only because this is a destiny inevitably connected with a life of warfare, but because those who thus fell might also have given death to their enemies, and did not lose their lives till after having first stood in their own defence. Where the danger and the advantage are equal, our wonder ceases, and even pity itself is in some measure lessened; but where the father of an innocent family is delivered up to the sword of error, prejudice, or enthusiasm, where the accused person has no other defence but his conscious virtue; where the arbiters of his destiny have nothing to hazard in putting him to death but the having been mistaken, and where they may murder with impunity under the sanction of a judicial process, then every one is ready to cry out, every one brings the case home to himself, and sees with fear and trembling that no person’s life is in safety in a court erected to watch over the lives of the subject, the public unite in demanding vengeance.

      In this strange affair, we find religion, self-murder and parricide blended. The object of inquiry was, whether a father and a mother had murdered their own son with a view to please God, and whether a brother had murdered his brother, or a friend his friend; or whether the judges had to reproach themselves with having publicly executed an innocent father, or with having acquitted a guilty mother, brother, and friend.

      John Calas, a person of sixty-eight years of age, had followed the profession of a merchant in Toulouse for upwards of forty years, and had always borne the character of a tender parent in his family and neighborhood; he was himself by religion a Protestant, as was also his wife, and all his children, one son only excepted, who had abjured heresy, and to whom the father allowed a small annuity; indeed, the good man appeared so far from being infected with that