Время перемен. Алексей Уразов

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Название Время перемен
Автор произведения Алексей Уразов
Жанр Политика, политология
Серия Политика (АСТ)
Издательство Политика, политология
Год выпуска 2019
isbn 978-5-17-118158-1

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1952. N 2. P. 591–592.


      Clifton D. The Moslem World Watches Palestine // New York Times Magazine. 1948. 12 June. P. 56.


      Foreign Relations of the United States. Vol. V. The Near East, South Asia and Africa, Part 1. Wash., 1975. P. 57.


      Ibid. P. 65.


      Ibid. P. 69.


      Ibid. P. 78.


      Jacobs Matthew F. The Perils and Promise of Islam: The United States and the Muslim Middle East in the Early Cold War // Diplomatic History. Vol. 30, Number 4, September 2006. P. 733.


      Digest of Discussion, Sixth Meeting of the Discussion Group on the Middle East and Modern Islam, 18 May, 1959. P. 2.


      Ovendale R. British defense policy since 1945, Manchester-New York, 1994. (Documents and contemporary history). P. 193–196.


      Ibid. P. 217–21.


      Эта инициатива коррелировала с процессом создания Манильского пакта, подписанного в сентябре 1954 г.


      Toru Onozawa Formation of American Regional Policy for the Middle East, 1950–1952: The Middle East Command. Concept and Legacy // Diplomatic History Vol. 29, N 1, Jan.2005. P. 125.


      Gaddis John Lewis Strategies of containment, Oxford, 2005 (1st edition 1982), P. 150–151.


      Ibid. P. 126.


      Hutchison E. Violent Truce. A military Observer Looks at the Arab-Israeli Conflict 1951–1955. L., 1955. P. 196–197.


      FRUS 1951. Vol. P. 94–95.


      NATO and the Mediterranean. / Ed. by Lawrence S. Kaplan, Robert W. Clawson, Raimondo Luragh. Wilmington, Delaware, 1985. P. 9.


      Toru Onozawa Ibid. P. 128.


      The Times. 1951. 15th Febr.


      Foreign Relations of the United States. 1951. Vol. V. P. 528–535.


      Ibid. 1951. Vol. V. P. 569–574.


      NATO Strategy Documents. Ed. by G. Pedlow. Brussels, 1997. P. 185; FRUS. 1951. Vol. V. P. 568–574.


      Foreign Relations of the United States, 1951. Vol. V. P. 173–175.


      Ibid. 1951. Vol. V. P. 209–210.


      The Times. October, 16th.


      Toru Onozawa. Ibid. P. 134.


      См.: Пелипась М. Я. Экспансионистская политика США на Ближнем Востоке в 1947–1952 гг. – Томск, 1989. С. 171.


      NATO Strategy Documents / ed. by G. Pedlow. Brussels, 1997. P. 201; FRUS. 1951. Vol. V. P. 725–726.


      The Economist. 1951. 28th April.


      The New York Times. 1952. 15th January.


      Toru Onozawa. Ibid. P. 138.


      FRUS. 1952–1954. Vol. IX. P. 237–247.


      FRUS. Vol. IX. P. 266–67.


      Ibid. P. 319–326.


      Ibid. P. 188–189, P. 271–274.


      The Middle Eastern Journal. 1952. Oct. P. 239.


      Выделение «особых» партнеров в регионе противоречило американскому принципу всецелого охвата региона как такового.


      British interests in the Mediterranean and Middle East / A report by Chatam house group. Oxford, 1958. P. 98.


      Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952–1954. IX, The Near and Middle East. P. 350–352.


      Ibid. P. 359.


      Ibid. P. 350–352.


      Ibid. P. 364–371.


      В англоязычной историографии в качестве антонима к понятию «холодная война» применяютcя термины «hot war» или «shooting war».


      The Middle East Journal summer. 1953. Vol. 7, N 3. P. 349.


      Foreign Policy Bulletin 1953. June. P. 8.


      Ibid. P. 34.


      US Congress Committee on Foreign relations, Overseas information programs of the United States. Washington. 1953. P. 6.

