Russian cooking for men. All about egg dishes. Alexey Glazyrin

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Название Russian cooking for men. All about egg dishes
Автор произведения Alexey Glazyrin
Жанр Кулинария
Издательство Кулинария
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005087287

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Russian cooking for men. All about egg dishes

      Alexey Glazyrin

      © Alexey Glazyrin, 2019

      ISBN 978-5-0050-8728-7

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Russian cooking for men. All about fried eggs

      In every man, a great culinary doze.

      For men in the kitchen, as in war, the main thing is to rationally organize their work and provide for their rear areas. It will be sad if during the preparation of the borscht it turns out that there is no cabbage, and the tomato paste is moldy, or if in the process of stewing the meat, it turns out that the whole onion went to the herring. Therefore, before each expedition to the kitchen, it would be nice to be acquainted with the contents of the refrigerator and chests. If you have potatoes, onions and meat, then you will not go hungry. If only the potatoes were not frozen, the onions were not rotten, and the meat was not… However, there can be any meat, not even meat, but on what it was held, that is, bones. You can make excellent broth from them, add onions, potatoes…

      Since ancient times, man has been considered a man because he took on the functions of hunting and obtaining food. True, once they were too carried away by the hunting process (apparently, a great herd of mammoths was caught) and released the reins of government from their hands, however, the experiment with matriarchy quickly ended, and since then men have been holding power tightly in their hands. However, he also has no one to entrust the functions of hunting and obtaining food with. Unless the nature of the hunt changed, and the jungle came to the place of the primeval forest, the fried mammoth is replaced by trivial greens with a portrait of Ben Franklin, well, the tax police acts as a saber-toothed tiger.

      In addition, despite the fact that most men believe that his duty as a hunter is fulfilled at the stage when his salary migrates in the wife’s purse (and therefore the image of a muzzled woman with string bags in both hands has become traditional), however, a good example is a man on a weekend trip to the market.

      Chapter 1

      From eggs you can cook many different types of fried eggs, which we will consider today. You are surprised at how many recipes you have not even heard of.

      Interesting! Eggs contain many vitamins and minerals, namely folic acid, biotin, potassium, phosphorus, iron, B vitamins, vitamins A, E, D and many other components. One egg contains 15% of the daily protein required by humans.


      The most common fried eggs can be, firstly, much tastier than most of us are used to thinking and, secondly, able to reconcile a person with the mood of any morning on any working day. You need to cook fried eggs for breakfast so that not just any European can envy the result, but an Englishman or a citizen of Ireland, where this food is considered a traditional breakfast. True, they certainly fry bacon in addition to eggs, but nothing prevents us from frying bacon or boiling sausage, for example.


      Chicken egg (the fresher, the better) – 4 pcs. Seasoning “Paprika” or “For fried eggs”, or any greens. Vegetable oil for frying. Salt. Desirable lack of a hangover.

      STEP 1

      Observance of trifles (there is nothing more important than) in the preparation of this “children’s” dish will make it your pride in those who are lucky enough to have breakfast at the same table with you. That is, what I wanted to say? There are no trifles in this recipe, just as there is nothing superfluous.

      STEP 2

      Set the pan to warm up. Pour in a pan of sunflower oil (olive oil is less harmful, it seems) oil – there should be quite a lot of oil (more precisely, it should not be enough), and there is no reason to worry about it, because egg white does not absorb oil – and now let an already heated pan heats the oil.

      STEP 3

      Eggs will need to be taken one at a time. The fact is that we must not allow the yolk to spread – it will be our / your defeat! Therefore, you should do this: take a soup plate and break the egg over it, carefully moving the contents of the egg to the bottom of this plate. I don’t know who thought of such a way to preserve the yolk, but thank him very much for that!

      STEP 4

      Send the first egg, it is necessary to pour it out, as it were, from the bottom of the plate into a preheated pan at a time when the oil is already very warm, but will not yet boil. It is very important! Yes, the fire should be reduced and made very insignificant before you send the first egg to the pan.

      STEP 5

      Now we are doing exactly the same with the second, third and fourth egg. That is, the way is: C: \ Kitchen \ Soup plate \ Frying pan. If your pan is small, then cook two eggs in two sets of eggs.

      STEP 6

      Be sure to wash your hands with soap!

      STEP 7

      Sprinkle the eggs with paprika or seasoning for scrambled eggs, or herbs. You need to do this when the protein is still completely raw, because then the seasoning is as if baked in a protein. It should look appetizing now.

      STEP 8

      When the protein sets, the egg must be removed from the pan. The yolk should warm up, but remain damp. Remove the eggs one at a time and very carefully. Agree, now letting the yolk spread will be especially offensive. You can decorate the contents of the plate as you wish, at your discretion. At your own discretion, you can not decorate anything. To help you ketchup, green peas, canned corn and so on.

      STEP 9

      I prefer to salt already in the plate. You can salt in a pan, but someone told me that this is stupid. Alas, I do not remember how the speaker motivated this. The absence of a hangover I mentioned is not accidental. One of my wonderful friends, who knows how to cook exclusively, tried to cook fried eggs in the morning, but the hangover, as an echo of yesterday, was so strong that the eggs beat quickly and on the floor, which was accompanied by comments in which there was a surprise over a huge amount of mat. Ultimately, we had breakfast in toasts and my friend cannot forgive ourselves this morning so far. Be careful!

      The classic recipe for fried eggs

      Such an uncomplicated dish will help out when you need to cook something, but there is catastrophically little time for it.

      Required Products:

      • Egg – 1 piece.;

      • vegetable oil for frying – 1 tablespoon. a spoon;

      • salt – 1 pinch;

      • greens – 1 sprig.


      Heat the pan over high heat. Pour oil on it and spread over the entire area of the pan.

      Good to know! If you salt the fried eggs during cooking, then light spots from salt form on the yolk.

      Gently break the egg into the pan so as not to damage the integrity of the yolk. Reduce the heat to medium, and fry the egg until the protein is completely white. The yolk must remain moist.

      Fried eggs according to the classic recipe is ready. Before serving, you need to salt and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

      Microwave fried eggs in a basket of tomatoes

      This fried egg is not simple, it will be cooked in a tomato in the microwave. It is very fast and delicious.

      Required Products:

      • Eggs – 2 pieces;

      • tomatoes (large) – 2 pieces;

      • butter – 2 teaspoon;

      • garlic – 2 cloves;

      • hard cheese – 0.02 kilograms;

      • salt to taste.