Legal English - Angielski dla prawników. Praca zbiorowa

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Название Legal English - Angielski dla prawników
Автор произведения Praca zbiorowa
Жанр Справочники
Издательство Справочники
Год выпуска 0
isbn 978-83-64340-03-1

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      Business English

      kieszonkowy poradnik


      Business English

      Vocabulary Booster

      Basic Legal English

      Dear Readers,

      Welcome again to BEM’s series of essential language guides. The booklet you’re holding is a self-study dictionary, which contains some of the most useful words and phrases related to the world of legal English. We are sure that it will provide a great boost to your vocabulary and will be useful not only in your professional life.

      essential – niezbędny

      guide – przewodnik

      booklet – książeczka

      resource – materiał

      boost – zwiększenie, przyspieszenie

Kieszonkowy poradnik biznesowo-językowy Opracowanie: Bartosz Zieleźnik Colorful Media ul. Lednicka 23, 60-413 Poznań tel. 61 833 63 28, [email protected] Zdjęcie na okładce: mVit
accused a person or persons charged in a court of law oskarżony
action a lawsuit in which one party (or parties) sues another powództwo
to adjudicate to settle or determine a legal issue or dispute orzekać, wyrokować
administrative law the body of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government prawo administracyjne
agency the situatiuon when one person or party engages another to act for them pośrednictwo, pełnomocnictwo
agreement an arrangement that is accepted by all arties or a document describing such an arrangement porozumienie
alternative dispute resolution (ADR) means for disagreeing parties to come to an agreement without litigation alternatywna forma rozwiązywania sporów
arbitration the settling of differences between parties by a person chosen or agreed to by them arbitraż
armed robbery a robbery in which the perpetrator is armed with a dangerous weapon rozbój z bronią w ręku
arson the crime of setting fire to buildings or other property podpalenie
articles of association (US: articles of incorporation) the document containing the constitution and regulations of a registered company statut spółki
assault an unlawful physical attack on someone napaść
assignee a person to whom some right or interest is transferred beneficjent
assignor a person who transfers a claim, property, etc. to another person cedent
attorney a lawyer or attorney-at-law; the official name for a lawyer in certain jurisdictions prawnik, adwokat
balance of probabilities the standard of proof required in all civil cases dowodowy standard prawdopodobieństwa
bankruptcy law the body of law that deals with the legally declared inability of an individual, organizations or businesses to pay their creditors prawo upadłościowe
barrister (GB) a lawyer who is a member of one of the English Inns of Court adwokat
battery the use of force against another person napaść, pobicie
board of directors a body of elected members who oversee the activities of a company or organization rada nadzorcza, zarząd
breach of contract a situation in which an agreement is not honoured by one or more of the parties naruszenie warunków umowy
breaching party the side of an agreement which does not honour it strona naruszająca warunki umowy
burden of proof a duty of a civil or criminal defendant to prove or disprove a disputed fact ciężar dowodu
burglary the criminal offense of breaking and entering a building for the purpose of committing a crime

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