Raven's Cove. Jenna Ryan

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Название Raven's Cove
Автор произведения Jenna Ryan
Жанр Зарубежные детективы
Издательство Зарубежные детективы
Год выпуска 0

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      Outside her window he stood—and Jasmine Ellis knew she'd been marked for murder

      The reappearance of Rogan signaled she needed protection. They'd lived together for months in a safe house, her life in this mysterious detective's hands. Dark haired and heavyhearted, Rogan had allowed his and Jasmine's fates to be intertwined, just as someone from her past sought to kill her....

      Rogan and Jasmine had ended their romance because of the danger it had brought. Now, if they hoped to stop the killer, they would have to revisit Raven's Cove, the birthplace of the ancient legend he twisted to suit his dark mission. And uncover the secrets still left between them....

      There was no way to read his tone or his mood. But his eyes—now, those occasionally told a tale.

      Blanking her expression, she turned. And immediately wanted to sigh. He had such a devastating half grin.

      The touch of his fingers and thumb on her chin cautioned her to put some distance between them—as she should have done six weeks ago.

      Was his mouth moving closer? Being around him, she let curiosity chase away good sense. She ran her own finger down the side of his throat to the shadowy hollow at the base. “Pulse rate’s up a little, Rogan.”

      The man was gorgeous in a dark and dangerous way. Eyes that could weave a spell with a look, great hands, even better mouth…

      She’d let herself fall under his spell at the safe house and again after the funeral. So why, with two mistakes to her credit, couldn’t she walk away and be done with him?

      Raven’s Cove

      Jenna Ryan



      Jenna started making up stories before she could read or write. As she grew up, romance always had a strong appeal, but romantic suspense was the perfect fit. She tried out a number of different careers, including modeling, interior design and travel, but writing has always been her one true love. That and her longtime partner, Rod.

      Inspired from book to book by her sister Kathy, she lives in a rural setting fifteen minutes from the city of Victoria, British Columbia. It’s taken a lot of years, but she’s finally slowed the frantic pace and adopted a West Coast mind-set. Stay active, stay healthy, keep it simple. Enjoy the ride, enjoy the read. All of that works for her, but what she continues to enjoy most is writing stories she loves. She also loves reader feedback. Email her at [email protected] or visit Jenna Ryan on Facebook.


      Jasmine Ellis—Her ex’s meddling combined with a three-hundred-year-old legend have put her life in jeopardy.

      Rogan—The rogue cop saved her from a drug lord, but can he protect her from a murderer who’s using an old legend to stalk her?

      Daniel Cory—Jasmine’s ex has endangered her life twice since their divorce.

      Malcolm Wainwright—The drug lord died during a prison break. Allegedly.

      Brent Boxman—Jasmine knows him from her stint at a safe house, but why is he in Raven’s Cove?

      Sergeant Costello—He knows Jasmine is under threat. He also hates that he was forced to retire.

      Victor Bowcott—The safe house cop is in love with Jasmine.

      Cyrus Bowcott—Victor’s twin brother has as many secrets as the residents of Raven’s Cove.

      Donald Dukes—The chameleon cop disappeared. But is he dead or alive?


       The Raven’s Tale

       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen

       Chapter Seventeen


      The Raven’s Tale

      When lost and angry soul did meet,

      Sly spirit cloaked in dark deceit,

      That whispered low within the mist,

      Of vengeance and false justice, hissed,

      And twined until the soul, confused,

      Unable to resist, bemused,

      And willing to forsake his faith,

      Bade spirit enter. Like a wraith,

      The darkness crept in, seized control.

      The two now intertwined, now whole,

      Saw death descend upon the town.

      As spirit grew, held lost soul down,

      Regret, repentance rose and cried,

      Please help the one ensnared inside.

      But darkness had its claws sunk deep,

      Would not relinquish hold, would keep,

      Soul prisoner forevermore,

      Brooked no escape to any shore.

      Bright spirit heard but could not break,

      Dark spirit’s grip so deeply staked,

      Could merely transform man to bird,

      And offer hope through cryptic word.

      Sleek raven now can steal no breath,

      Can cause no harm, incur no death.

      But feathers three placed on the door,

      Means life within is destined for,

      Untimely end.