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temperatures, concentration of the isotopes contained in ice cores and in tree rings and others are crucial to consider not only for the common sense, but for the scientific predictions.

      3.1 Relation between width of annual tree-rings and the Earth’s rotational velocity in the past

      The relation between the width of annual tree-rings, their thickness and the saturation with radioactive isotopes is extremely complicated. But fortunately, there are scientific institutions that have already studied this relation systematically (see http://www.rmtrr.org/basics.html).

      Change in width of annual tree rings is shown in the model below created by the scientists.

      Rт = е (Gt, Ct, D1t, D2T, Et)

      Gt = change in width of annual tree-rings along with the change of the tree age

      Ct = climate that influences the growth: precipitation, temperature, atmospheric pressure, forest fires, El Niño and others.

      D1t = growth impediments on the local level: influence of insects, air pollution and others.

      D2t = growth impediments on the regional level: fires, floods, earthquakes, volcanism, erosion and others.

      Et = “errors”, variability because of other factors different from Gt, Ct, D1t, D2T ones.

      And how will the tree rings will be increasing in their number, if we consider the factors listed above, standardize them and bring their impact to an average one? It can be found out by means of generalization of the biggest number of cases of measuring the widths of annual tree rings in different regions, in other words, by enhancing the number of samples, when the factors listed in the formula begin to do leveling of each other. This is the classical way of reducing the statistical sampling error.

      This can be also reached by referring to growth of tree rings’ measurements in unique regions where the above mentioned factors have minimal effect. There is such place and it is located in the USA near the Colorado River.

      This is the unique place where the deviations from the average values in the width of tree-rings correlate very well with the Earth’s rotational velocity.

      It can be seen from the graph that, when the Earth’s rotational velocity reduced rapidly in the second half of the 19th century, the width of annual tree-rings increased dramatically.

      Not only the Earth’s rotational velocity, but also the concentration of the isotopes of different substances in tree-rings and ice cores indicate the dynamics of cosmic energies. Trees grow better when the concentration of the isotopes decreases.

      Now we are to refer to the data on the increase of width of annual tree-rings according to different samples and to generalized results of research in this field obtained by the most authoritative scientists.

      In 1900s, the rapid change of the Earth’s rotational velocity was followed by the dramatic change in width of annual rings of the trees which were growing on the territory of Russia.

      If to make a time move by 25 years, then the correlation between the increase in number of annual tree-rings and the velocity of Earth’s rotation becomes higher.

      The same move was also made for the trees which grow on the territory of China. At that, Chinese scientists have found out that the height of plant’s location above the sea level influences the plant’s growth. It has less effect on the increase in number of annual rings of different samples than the Earth’s rotational velocity does. The graphs are shifted by 30 years.

      There are some convincing graphs, some of which are shown below:

      In 1900s opposite tendencies in the increase in number of tree-rings in China and the United States could be observed.

      In the United States, the shift in increase of the tree-rings width, in relation to the Earth's rotational velocity, is different than in Europe, China and Russia.

      Like people, trees change the dynamics of their development depending on which cosmic energies they grow along with. However, there are always subspecies and species, which grow by the opposite tendency.

      The change in the dynamics of development is manifested clearly in two different ways:

      – with a shift for the time of the emergence of a new trees’ generation,

      – with a present trees’ generation at present times along with a rapid change of cosmic energies.

      Under rapid decrease in the Earth’s rotational velocity, oaks usually grow better according to the data taken from all the corners of Europe.

      The European beech has a different growth dynamics.




      Let us draw your attention to the fact that measurements of tree-rings in samples 1,2,3,7, and 8 gave a relatively opposite result in relation to samples 4,5 and 6. However, the annual increase in the number of tree-rings has remained the same since 1990.

      At the same time, the decreasing number of beeches in Europe coincided with the economic crisis and rapid increase of the Earth's rotational velocity. It might be considered that the cosmic energies which influence the increase in number of the tree-rings, also have a strong impact on people and the society. Does it mean that the beech reacts to the cosmic energies, which affect people, more directly?

      The important conclusion is that the opposite tendencies in different trees’ growth along with different velocity of Earth’s rotation are the typical phenomenon.

      With a shift in 30 years, the correspondence between the change in Earth’s rotation and increase in number of annual rings belonging to different trees is higher.

      The example above shows that the changes in growth tendencies of different trees samples occurred in the end of the 18th century. It correlates with the change in concentration of the isotopes in tree-rings successfully.

      Two tree samples which follow the opposite tendencies of increase in number of annual tree-rings and one of the tree groups both may react on the change of Earth’s rotational velocity.

      Coherence in change of the Earth’s rotational velocity and the increase in the width of the trees-rings are also associated with the dynamics of global temperatures. However, such a standard coherence kept until 1960.

      Can it be that the temperature change is the reason of change of width of the tree-rings? In this case, there is a natural experiment. Since 1960 global temperatures have started to grow at another pace than the Earth’s rotational velocity has. The anthropological factor has started to affect it. And what had caused the trees growth? It was the Earth’s rotational velocity.

      Different sources show the similar data: the increase in width of the tree-rings is more directly related to the Earth’s rotational velocity.

      Thus, the usage of the unique forest areas, where the variation of previously mentioned factors, affecting the growth of the trees, is minimal, and generalizing of the data from the most authoritative researches in this field, show the similar results that the increase in the width