Власть над миром. История идеи. Марк Мазовер

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Название Власть над миром. История идеи
Автор произведения Марк Мазовер
Жанр Политика, политология
Серия Геополитический ракурс
Издательство Политика, политология
Год выпуска 2012
isbn 978-5-9950-0715-9

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Methods of international organization in perpetual peace projects, Review of International Studies, 18:4 (Oct. 1992), 295–317. The essential reference work in: Hinsley F. H. Power and the Pursuit of Peace: Theory and Practice in the History of Relations between States (Cambridge, 1967).


      Nekhimovsky I. The Ignominious Fall of the “European Commonwealth”: Gentz, Hauterive, and the debate of 1800.


      Кант И. К вечному миру // Сочинения: в 6 т. М., 1966. Т. 6. С. 274


      Burns J. T. Bentham and the French Revolution, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 16 (1966), 95-114.


      Miles A. Blackstone and his American legacy, Australia and New Zealand Journal of Law and Education (2000), 57.


      Bentham. An Introduction, 326, note 1.


      Janis M. W. Jeremy Bentham and the Fashioning of “International Law”, American Journal of International Law, 78:2 (April 1984), 405–418.


      Abbe de Pradt. The Congress of Vienna (Philadelphia, 1816), 32–42, 202–215.


      The Literary Gazette for the Year 1823 (London, 1823); по вопросам монархии см.: Paulmann J. Searching for a Royal International: the Mechanics of Monarchical Relations in Nineteenth-Century Europe; Geyer M., Paulmann J., eds. The Mechanics of Internationalism: Culture, Society and Politics from the 1840s to the First World War (Oxford, 2001), 145–177, P. 167.


      Clarke I. F. The Pattern of Expectation, 1644–2001 (London, 1979), ch. 3.


      Bodin F. Le roman de l’avenir (Paris, 1834). В настоящее время эту книгу сложно найти. Существует английский перевод Brian Stapleford: Felix Bodin. The Novel of the Future (Encino, California, 2008).


      Прежде всего, Belich J. Replenishing the Earth: the Settler Revolution and the Rise of the Anglo-World, 1783–1939 (Oxford, 2009), chs. 6–7.


      См. У Дункана Бэлла: «До 1870-х глобальная политика… редко рассматривалась как реальная возможность; позже она стала привычным требованием». The Idea of Greater Britain: Empire and the Future of World Order, 1860–1900 (Princeton, 2007), 64.


      См. гл. 4 ниже.


      Bell, op. cit, 90.


      Этот и другие примеры см. у Armytage W. H. G. Yesterday’s Tomorrows: A Historical Survey of Future Societies (London, 1968), 36–39.


      Griffth G. The Angel of the Revolution. A Tale of the Coming Terror (London, 1893), ch. 48: “The Ordering of Europe”.


      Пер. Б. Слуцкого.


      Wreford S. Peace (London, 1851), 34–35.


      Reich J. The Slave Trade at the Congress of Vienna – a Study in British Public Opinion, Journal of Negro History, 53:2 (April 1968), 129–143.


      Philo Pacifcus. A Solemn Review of the Custom of War, showing that War is the Effect of Popular Delusion (Cambridge, Mass., 1816), 35–36; Sager E. The social origins of Victorian pacifsm, Victorian Studies, 23:2 (Winter, 1980), 211–236; Tyrrell A. Making the millennium: the Md-Nineteenth Century Peace Movement, HJ, 21:1 (March 1978), 75–95.


      Ibid., 86.


      Curti M. American Peace Crusade, 1815–1860 (1929), esp. 137–138.


      Henderson G. The pacifists of the Fifties, Journal of Modern History, 9:3 (Sept. 1937), 314–341, P. 319.


      Brown W. W. Three Years in Europe, or Places I have Seen and People I have Met (London, 1852), 50–59.


      Brown W. W. The American Fugitive in Europe (Boston and New York, 1855), 58–59.


      Brown W. W. Op. cit, 219–226.


      Greeley H. Glances at Europe: in a Series of Letters from Great Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland etc. during the Summer of 1851 (New York, 1851), 280–281.


      Peel cited in: Howe A. Free trade and global order: the rise and fall of a Victorian vision, in: Bell D., ed. Victorian Visions of Global Order (CUP, 2007), 26.


      Cited in: Hobson J. A. Cobden: the International Man (London, 1919), 50.


      Howe, 27.


      Benjamin Constant.


      Ibid., 38.


      Ricardo cited in: Cain P. Capitalism, war and internationalism in the thought of Richard Cobden, British Journal of International Studies, 5 (1979), 229–247, P. 231.


      Maynard, 226.


      Levitt J. An Essay on the Best Way of Developing Improved Political and Commercial Relations between Great Britain and the United States of America (London, 1869), 55–59.


      Lord Hobart. The “mission of Richard Cobden”, Macmillan’s Magazine, 15 (January 1867), 177–186.


      Cobden R. The balance of power.


      Hobson, Cobden, 115; Disraeli and Aberdeen cited