Marketing 4.0. Setiawan Iwan

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Название Marketing 4.0
Автор произведения Setiawan Iwan
Жанр Зарубежная образовательная литература
Издательство Зарубежная образовательная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119341147

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      Philip Kotler

      Marketing 4.0

      “The technology world moves so quickly today that each change accelerates the next. It's critical in such an environment to have a baseline and point of reference to help marketers find their way forward. Marketing 4.0 puts a new scholarship stake in the ground and will be the starting point and an invaluable resource for everyone trying to invent and understand the digital and mobile future.”

– Howard Tullman, CEO, Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center/1871

      “The Internet and IT radically change marketing. This book is the eye-opener for marketing in the new era.”

– Hermann Simon, Founder and Chairman, Simon-Kucher & Partners

      “No one has a finger on the pulse of marketing like Phil Kotler. His ability to identify and interpret new marketing trends and developments is truly astounding. Once again, with Marketing 4.0, Kotler and his co-authors help to blaze a new trail tomarketing success. This is definitely the one marketing book you HAVE to read this year.”

– Kevin Lane Keller, E.B. Osborn Professor of Marketing, Tuck School of Business

      “Kotler and his associates have beautifully synthesized today's digital, interactive marketplace and marketing's new role.”

– Don Schultz, Professor (Emeritus-in-Service) of Integrated Marketing Communications, Medill School at Northwestern University

      “No one is more qualified than Philip Kotler, the father of marketing, to document the enormous changes taking place in the field today. The future of marketing is digital and this book is your guide.”

– Al Ries, Author of Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind

      “As the world of marketing increasingly grapples with digital transformation, Marketing 4.0 offers an exciting framework along with examples for practitioners.”

– Nirmalya Kumar, Professor of Marketing, London Business School

      “A terrific guide to the transformations that are already coming over the horizon to challenge marketing practice. Perplexed marketers will learn how to navigate the power shifts and possibilities of digital connectivity and turn them into advantages.”

– George S. Day, Geoffrey T. Boisi Professor Emeritus, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

      “I am often overwhelmed by the variety and the speed of change, in spite of being in marketing consulting for forty years. I am therefore happy that the ‘guru’ Philip Kotler, who began with Marketing 1.0 over four decades ago, is still with us to make another significant contribution with Marketing 4.0– guidelines to deal with changes today, especially those brought about by the IT revolution and changing consumer profiles.”

– Walter Vieira, Marketing Consultant, Author, Visiting Professor, Past Chairman of International Council of Management Consulting Institutes

      Marketing 4.0

      Moving from Traditional to Digital

      Philip Kotler

      Hermawan Kartajaya

      Iwan Setiawan

      Cover image: ©Stanislaw Pytel/Getty Images

      Cover design: Wiley

      This book is printed on acid-free paper.

      Copyright © 2017 by Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey

      Published simultaneously in Canada

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      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

      Names: Kotler, Philip, author. | Kartajaya, Hermawan, 1947- author. | Setiawan, Iwan, author.

      Title: Marketing 4.0: moving from traditional to digital / Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan.

      Description: Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., [2017] | Includes index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2016036899 | ISBN 9781119341208 (cloth) | ISBN 9781119341147 (epub) | ISBN 9781119341062 (epdf)

      Subjects: LCSH: Marketing. | Internet marketing.

      Classification: LCC HF5415 .K683 2017 | DDC 658.8 – dc23 LC record available at

To the next generation of marketers and behavioral economists, who will enhance the economic, social, and environmental contributions that marketing makes to the welfare of people and the planet– Philip KotlerTo President Joko Widodo, Marketeer of the Year Indonesia–Government 2010–2012 and A New Hope (Time magazine, October 27, 2014)– Hermawan KartajayaTo my family and friends and everyone else around me who has become my f–factor and made me a better human– Iwan Setiawan


      Marketing 4.0 was six years in the making. Over this period, a number of people have contributed to the completion of the book. The authors would like to thank the WOW team at MarkPlus, Inc., who conducted the research and spent countless hours brainstorming with the authors: Yosanova Savitry, Vendy Chandra, Cecilia Hermanto, Kevin Leonard, Quincy Wongso, Edwin Hardi, Adrian Hudiono, Evita Tania, Shabrina Annisarasyiq, Andre Anggada, and Fachriza Prathama.

      We would also like to thank the leaders at MarkPlus, Inc. – The Council – who have invested their thoughts and energy in the book: Michael Hermawan, Jacky Mussry, Taufik, Hendra Warsita, Vivie Jericho, Stephanie Hermawan, and Ence.

      Last but not least, we