Название | The Postman Always Rings Twice / Почтальон всегда звонит дважды |
Автор произведения | Джеймс Кейн |
Жанр | |
Серия | Abridged Bestseller |
Издательство | |
Год выпуска | 2023 |
isbn | 978-5-6049811-0-8 |
“I know.”
“Then he came along. I took him and meant to stay by him. But I can't stand it anymore. God, do I look like a little white bird?”
“To me, you look more like a hell cat.”
“That's one thing about you. I don't have to fool you all the time. And you're clean. You're not greasy. Frank, do you have any idea what that means?”
“I can kind of imagine.”
“I don't think so. He makes me sick at the stomach when he touches me. I'm not really such a hell cat, Frank. I just can't stand it anymore.”
“Cora, how about you and me going away?”
“I've thought about it. A lot.”
“We'll leave this Greek and go away.”
“Where to?”
“Anywhere. What do we care?”[33]
“Anywhere. You know where that is?”
“All over[34]. Anywhere we choose.”
“No it's not. It's the hash house.”
“I'm not talking about the hash house. I'm talking about the road. It's fun, Cora. And nobody knows it better than I do. Isn't that what we want? Just to be a pair of tramps, like we really are?”
“You were a fine tramp. You didn't even have socks.”
“You liked me.”
“I loved you. I would love you without even a shirt. I would love you specially without a shirt, so I could feel how nice and hard your shoulders are.”
“Fighting railroad detectives developed the muscles.”
“And you're hard all over. Big and tall and hard. And your hair is light. You're not a little soft greasy guy with black hair that he puts bay rum[35] on every night.”
“That must be a nice smell.”
“But it won't do, Frank[36]. That road, it don't lead anywhere but to the hash house. The hash house for me, and some job like it for you. A lousy parking lot job, where you wear a smock. I'd cry if I saw you in a smock, Frank.”
She sat there a long time, holding my hand in both of hers. “Frank, do you love me?”
“Do you love me so much that not anything matters?”
“There's one way.”
“Did you say you weren't really a hell cat?”
“I said it, and I mean it. I'm not what you think I am, Frank. I want to work and be something, that's all. But you can't do it without love. Do you know that, Frank? Well, I've made one mistake. And I've got to be a hell cat, just once, to fix it.[37] But I'm not really a hell cat, Frank.”
“They hang you for that.”
“Not if you do it right. You're smart, Frank. You'll think of a way. Don't worry. I'm not the first woman that had to turn hell cat to get out of a mess[38].”
“He never did anything to me. He's all right.”
“The hell he's all right. He stinks, I tell you. He's greasy and he stinks. And do you think I'm going to let you wear a smock, with Service Auto Parts[39] printed on the back, Thank-U Call Again[40], while he has four suits and a dozen silk shirts? Isn't that business half mine? Don't I cook? Don't I cook good? Don't you do your part?”
“You talk like it was all right[41].”
“Who's going to know if it's all right or not, but you and me?”
“You and me.”
“That's it, Frank. That's all that matters[42], isn't it? Not you and me and the road, or anything else but you and me.”
“You must be a hell cat, though.”
“That's what we're going to do. Kiss me, Frank. On the mouth.”
I kissed her. Her eyes were shining up at me like two blue stars.
Chapter 4
“Got any hot water?”
“What's the matter with the bathroom?”[43]
“Nick's in there.”
“Oh. I'll give you some out of the kettle.”
It was about ten o'clock at night, and we had closed up, and the Greek was in the bathroom, doing his Saturday night wash. I was to take the water up to my room, get ready to shave, and then remember I had left the car out. I was to go outside, and give her one on the horn[44] if somebody came. She was to wait till she heard him in the tub, go in for a towel, and hit him from behind with a blackjack I had made for her out of a sugar bag filled with ball bearings. At first, I was to do it, but we figured he wouldn't pay any attention to her[45] if she went in there, where if I said I was after my razor, he might get out of the tub or something and help me look. Then she was to hold him under until he drowned. Then she was to leave the water running a little bit, and step out the window to the porch roof, and come down the stepladder I had put there, to the ground. She was to hand me the blackjack, and go back to the kitchen. I was to put the ball bearings back in the box, throw the bag away, put the car in, and go up to my room and start to shave. She would wait till the water began dripping down in the kitchen, and call me. We would break the door down, find him, and call the doctor.
In the end, we figured it would look like he had slipped in the tub, knocked himself out, and then drowned. I got the idea from a piece in the paper where a guy had said that most accidents happen right in people's own bathtubs.
“Be careful of it. It's hot.”
It was in a saucepan, and I took it up in my room, set it on the bureau, and laid my shaving stuff out[46]. I went down and out to the car, and took a seat in it so I could see the road and the bathroom window, both. The Greek was singing. I looked in the kitchen. She was still there.
A truck and a trailer swung around the bend. I fingered the horn. Sometimes those truckmen stopped for something to eat, and they were the kind that would beat on the door till you opened up. But they went on. A couple more cars went by. They didn't stop. I looked in the kitchen again, and she wasn't there. A light went on in the bedroom.
Then, all of a sudden, I saw something move by the porch. I almost hit the horn, but then I saw it was a cat. It was just a gray cat, but it shook me up. A cat was the last thing I wanted to see then. I couldn't see it for a minute, and then there it was again, smelling around the stepladder. I didn't want to blow the horn[47], because it wasn't anything but a cat, but I didn't want it around that stepladder. I got out of the car, went back there, and shooed it away.
I got halfway back to the car, when it came back, and started up the ladder. I shooed it away again, and then stood there for a little bit, looking to see if it was coming back.
A state cop[48] came around the bend. He saw me standing there, cut his motor, and came wheeling in, before I could move. When he stopped
Какая нам разница?
мужской лосьон
Но из этого ничего не выйдет, Фрэнк
И мне придётся хоть раз да стать ведьмой, чтобы исправить её.
которой пришлось стать ведьмой, чтобы вырваться на свободу
Обслуживание. Запчасти
Спасибо. До встречи
Можно подумать, что так и надо
Только это имеет значение / важно
А что, ванной нет?
он не обратит на неё внимания
разложил бритвенные принадлежности
Дорожный патруль