The Warriors Of Shambhala. Sergii Sheludchenko

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Название The Warriors Of Shambhala
Автор произведения Sergii Sheludchenko
Жанр Боевая фантастика
Серия Chronicles of star margins
Издательство Боевая фантастика
Год выпуска 0

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his goal will have been achieved. School navigators for people from the colonial district had only three planets of the Empire, representing different educational institutions. The boys from poor families and orphans could only become cadets. After passing the test, they were placed in quarantine for a long time, where the boys took a short course in psycho training and physical fitness. Then the entrance exams and only the most worthy were received into the school of navigators.

      Eric's parents worked most of their lives in the quarries of a huge quarry-planet situated in one of the industrial sectors. After the transition of their native system under the protection of the Empire the residents were resettled to Staindsburg, ostensibly for the development of new territories. Staindsburg was named after the dark red sediment or ore dust called "Red Devils" and it became his home. Eric was born and raised there.

      Working down the mines was the only prospect for local residents. Each family dreamed that their child would get out of this hell. Thousands of children tried their luck annually, submitting applications to a variety of educational institutions, but only a few managed to leave the planet. The Empire chose only the best. On the day when Eric passed the test and received a cadet's uniform, it turned into a celebration for the whole village.

      Graduates were awarded the qualification of "technician-navigator", after graduating from high school, which corresponded in rank to a naval Lieutenant. Pilots who signed a contract, were on the provision of the Empire, and after the expiration, they could easily get a job on merchant ships. By the end of the contract, most browsers had the qualification of "master pilot". Flights were provided by such specialists, costing several thousand intergalactic dinars. But the price was quite reasonable for the peddlers. The cost of cargo was much higher than the cost of shipping. The fact that the ship was run by cool professionals that ensured the safety of the goods. However, few graduates of navigator schools were searching for such jobs. Money that had been received for the contract was quite enough for a comfortable existence. The majority were consultants at the military departments and groups of Astro Control, someone passed on the staff posts, but most prolonged the contract. Although a native of colonial remote places were unavailable highest goods of imperial life, Eric realized that the contract was the only way to get the family out of Staindsburg’s mess.

      The man was lying on his back with outstretched arms. The pleasant warmth of stone, heated during the day by the hot Velburg's sun, was caressing his body. The Azure sky abyss was dissolving him in its arms. The tide was beginning. The Sound of the surf was strong, and the sandbar had disappeared under the water. Eric closed his eyes. The gold star will shine on his chest tomorrow, determining his rank and position in society. Although he was only twenty-two, by the standards of some galactic systems he was still a very young man. Therefore, Eric felt the strength and willingness to overcome any difficulties. He escaped from the clutches of the "Red Devil", and his family would not have to earn a livelihood by ingesting toxic dust from the quarries.

* * *

      Dan Reynolds could not take his eyes off the scenery while sailing for the aircraft porthole. Mountain peaks, sheltered snow-white caps of snow, were striking in its beauty and grandeur. The speed and altitude "of Hercules" was given the opportunity to fully enjoy the splendor of the Himalayas.

      It was no more than an hour’s flight to their destination. Taihang was holding himself. Sergeant Quinn Dexter was a huge well-built black man, and Corporal Vincent Santini was an Italian-American, both staring at the Chinese girl. In fact, Dan was glad when they were instructed to accompany Taihang. It was at least some variety.

      On board, except for the pilots and the escort group, there was another passenger who caused special interest to the commander. There was a cute little girl in the form of a Warrant officer sitting in the first class. However, as soon as the plane gained altitude, she produced a "tablet" and delved into reading, ignoring the others. For a while, Den watched the girl, but then lost all hope to get acquainted, so he decided to take a nap.

      Suddenly, the plane shook, and it abruptly went to the side. The fuselage of the helicopter trembled like a patient in a fit of fever. Reynolds drew a “Beretta” holster from his chest and moved suddenly. Dexter and Vincent, cursing, took a place next to the Chinese girl. A smile flashed across Taihang’s face. Probably, the American looked pretty silly from the outside. Dan hid the gun and looked at the girl.

      ‘Senior group, go to the cockpit!’

      Holding onto the chair, Dan went to the pilots.

      ‘We're losing altitude. Failure of two turbines, the machine at any time may fall into a tailspin.’

      ‘What has happened?’

      ‘I cannot understand. Right on the nose swept a ball of fire. Look, even the glass has begun to melt.’

      In fact, on the windshield of the cabin light traces of melting were seen.

      ‘I cannot imagine what the temperature should be and what is happening to the body of the aircraft. We need to sit down, but there is nowhere to go. There are mountains everywhere.’

      ‘Did you try to get in contact with the nearest airport?’

      ‘It is useless, there is no connection.’

      ‘Where are we?’

      ‘Tibet is the nearest locality, Gerze. Maybe there is a village in the highlands, but they are not specified on the map.’

      ‘Try to get the car. In any case, we will be on the ground.’

      ‘We will try, you have to inform the passengers that they have to fasten their seatbelts, group them and we will try to find a place.’

      Then everything happened as in a film. A sharp turn and a minute later a hard blow came. The plane for a while was sliding on its belly, scattering in all directions and pieces of wing were falling off. There was shock and silence. When Reynolds came to his senses and got out, he could not understand how the pilot was able to accommodate the freighter in such a tiny area, sandwiched in a ring of granite boulders. The passenger compartment suffered the least. Vincent and Dexter got off with light injuries, but the Chinese girl had been badly hurt. Taihang for a long time did not show any signs of life. It was not possible to determine the severity of the injury, which he had received. In any case, we gave him a tranquilizer injection. Dan left the girl and Taihang in the care of Vince and went with the sergeant to inspect the cockpit. Unfortunately, none of the crew had survived.

      ‘Look around, maybe you will find something useful. Cover the bodies; we still cannot bury them, because of the rocky ground.’

      ‘I'll do it, Commander.’ Reynolds returned back. The girl was sitting in a chair that Vincent took out from the passenger compartment.

      ‘What happened to the pilots?’

      ‘No options. How are you feeling?’The commander moved closer to the girl.

      ‘I am fine, but here it is very cold.’

      Reynolds was wearing an assault jumpsuit, so he almost did not feel the cold. But the girl’s dress uniform could not help her in such conditions. Dan gave her his jacket.

      ‘Take my jacket, Vince will ignite the fire now, and it will be warmer.’

      The girl felt fine, and the head of the group went to Taihang, who was lying on the canvas precipice. Her Chinese eyes looked up at the sky, without noticing Reynolds. Handcuffs! Perhaps, in such a condition of being escorted it wasn’t possible to manage without them. Dan disconnected the fixed bracelets.

      ‘This is the end, American!’

      ‘Do not hope.’

      ‘People don’t have the right to dispose the destinies of people. Everything is under the will of Heaven.’

      ‘Did you think about the sky, when you poisoned people with drugs?’

      ‘Your country sells arms, it is an obvious death. My death is sweeter. I am giving people the opportunity to forget the nightmare in which they live. I have little interest in money. I am a warrior, the same as you. But the difference between us is that you risk your life for some unknown reason, and I live in the name of the clan. My death will not change anything, but people will always remember me. When you