The Stolen History of World Civilization. History of India. Andrey Surkov

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Название The Stolen History of World Civilization. History of India
Автор произведения Andrey Surkov
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006208827

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>The Stolen History of World Civilization

      History of India

      Andrey Surkov

      © Andrey Surkov, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0062-0882-7

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      All artistic illustrations were made by the author using the neural network with documented historical accuracy.

      Chapter 1. Ancient India and its neighbors

      At first glance, it may seem that the history of India has been irretrievably lost: something deliberately destroyed by previous rulers’ generations, something rewritten by colonisers, and almost nothing has survived in its original form. However, history can be reconstructed, if not in its details, then in its core. India has always been surrounded by a whole world that could not help but interact with such a rich and developed region. In addition, the fact that India was very rich and developed is told to us by literally everything, and first of all by the richest architecture and archaeological research.

      Let us take a look at the regions that bordered India and explore how they interacted with it. We can immediately recognize the Persian Empire as one such region, a rich and advanced part of the ancient world, on par with India.

      Arias. Artistic reconstruction of the author.

      Aryas of the first ancient states on the territory of India. Artistic reconstruction by the author.

      Aryas of the first ancient states on the territory of India. Artistic reconstruction by the author.

      The Aryas played a significant role in the establishment of the Persian Empire, much like the great states of India. The Persian Empire rulers’ direct testimonies and records have been preserved in stone. It is unfathomable that two of the wealthiest regions in the ancient world, with overlapping cultural, linguistic, and religious origins, failed to pursue active interactions, engage in vigorous and large-scale trade, and mutually enrich each other’s cultures. The contemporary historical tradition, which was penned according to 19th century colonial powers orders, asserts that the Persian Empire focused all their attention on the scarcely populated Southern Balkans and only had distinctive and exclusive relations with this world region. However, a closer examination with an unprejudiced approach makes it clear that this is a historical fabrication.

      Ancient cities of India. Artistic reconstruction by the author.

      By the end of the eighteenth century, Britain initiated the acquisition of India and, subsequently, in the early nineteenth century, the British Empire gained control over a portion of the former Ottoman Empire that was located in the Southern Balkans. During the second half of the 18th century, the British political elite issued a directive to produce its own world history, which was in opposition to the extensive historical rewriting taking place in all regions of the world. This task was carried out by talented English writers, who, unfortunately, were not scientists, and, consequently, the work contained so many inconsistencies and outright falsifications. Currently, many people recognize this historical forgery. However, in the last century, everyone accepted this fabricated history without any critical analysis.

      Ancient cities of India. Artistic reconstruction by the author.

      The world civilization creation history, which began in India and reached its development peak there, was artificially transferred to the small area of the Southern Balkans solely because of its location in Europe and its full control by Britain. What purpose does such a grand deception serve? Firstly, to deprive humanity of knowledge regarding the modern world civilization origins and development. To separate the parts that have been torn away from each other – India and Russia – as far as possible from one another and to prevent their reunification in the future. To declare Western Europe as the center of civilization and to appropriate the entire world civilization for oneself.

      Aryas. Artistic reconstruction by the author.

      To declare the rest of the world as some other «alternative civilizations» which proved to be unsuccessful in a competitive confrontation with the European civilization, and, therefore, by our time they have all disappeared as political and state subjects. To create the illusion that the entire modern world has accepted the European civilization and lives by its standards, and, therefore, this civilization’s representatives have the moral right to impose their will on the rest of the world, and to teach us the civilized, Western European, way of living. In the modern world, these are such obvious axioms that in the political aspect no one, except for Russia, tries to challenge them or object to them.

      Ancient cities of India. Artistic reconstruction by the author.

      Studying the history of India destroys this seemingly unshakable construction of the English quirky mind. It becomes apparent that this whole ideology is very weak. Just try to approach this story with an open mind.

      During the ancient period, the two wealthiest and most developed regions with a shared border were India and the Persian Empire. Naturally, the main trade and foreign relations took place between these two regions.

      The King of Kings of the Persian Empire. Artistic reconstruction by the author.

      It is obvious that the economic, trading, and, consequently, the political interests between these two regions exceeded any other interest in any other peripheral region along their borders. Perhaps, with the exception of Scythia, which was the ancestral home for the military and creative elites of both these mega regions and served as the source of military strength for the Great Indian States and Persian Empire.

      Regarding modern Europe’s territory, it was likely a remote and underdeveloped region of the Persian Empire, and this part hardly played any significant role at that time. Without its own history, Western Europe, in the Modern Era, after the 18th century’s devastating events, simply appropriated someone else’s history, including the very name «Europe,» which was originally known as «Hellas» in ancient times. However, it was modern India that was the very ancient Europe – Hellas.

      Ancient cities of India. Artistic reconstruction by the author.

      Scythian King. Artistic reconstruction by the author, based on information from the tomb of the Scythian kings in Ukok, Altai.

      The connection between the Persian Empire and Hellas, which is the source for ancient authors’ writings, is, in fact, the relationship between India and Persia in ancient times. This book aims to demonstrate the unsuccessful attempt of Western European authors to rewrite history and the historical forgery they have perpetuated. My mission is to reconstruct the true history of India.

      Scythian queen. Artistic reconstruction by the author, based on information from the tomb of the Scythian kings in Ukok, Altai.

      Chapter 2. Aristotle – Chanakya and Alexander – Chandragupta. Teacher and Student

      Chandra-Gupta (Alexander). Artistic reconstruction by the author.