Природа советской власти. Экологическая история Арктики. Энди Бруно

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Название Природа советской власти. Экологическая история Арктики
Автор произведения Энди Бруно
Серия Historia Rossica
Год выпуска 2016
isbn 9785444823324

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яз. см.: Штильмарк Ф. Заповедное дело России. Теория, практика, история. М.: Изд. КМК, 2014; Henry L. A. Red to Green: Environmental Activism in Post-Soviet Russia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2010.


      Brain S. Song of the Forest: Russian Forestry and Stalinist Environmentalism, 1905–1953. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011; Bonhomme B. Forests, Peasants, and Revolutionaries: Forest Conservation and Organization in Soviet Russia, 1917–1929. Boulder: East European Monographs, 2005.


      Этот краткий историографический обзор не охватывает все работы и не включает исследования, посвященные досоветской эпохе. См. также работы в специальном выпуске The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review. 2013. Vol. 40. № 2 (Ed. by L. Coumel, M. Elie); The Slavonic and East European Review. 2015. Vol. 93. № 1 (Ed. by J. Oldfield, J. Lajus, D. J. B. Shaw). Также см. мой обзор историографии экологической истории России в: Bruno A. Russian Environmental History: Directions and Potentials // Kritika. 2007. Vol. 8. № 3. P. 635–650. Более свежие обзоры включают в себя работы: Bonhomme B. Writing the Environmental History of the World’s Largest State: Four Decades of Scholarship on Russia and the USSR // Global Environment. 2013. № 12. P. 12–37; Dills R. Forest and Grassland: Recent Trends in Russian Environmental History // Global Environment. 2013. № 12. P. 38–61. Также см.: Человек и природа: экологическая история / Ред. Д. Александров, Ф.‐Й. Брюггемайер, Ю. Лайус. СПб.: Алетейя, 2008. Более современный обзор см.: Lajus J. Russian Environmental History: A Historiographical Review // The Great Convergence: Environmental Histories of BRICS / Ed. by S. R. Rajan, L. Sedrez. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. P. 245–273.


      Lajus J. Controversial Perceptions of Arctic Warming in the 1930s in the Context of Soviet-Western Contacts in Environmental Science (paper presented at the National Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies in Washington, DC, November 2011); Shaw D. J.B., Oldfield J. D. Totalitarianism and Geography: L. S. Berg and the Defence of an Academic Discipline in the Age of Stalin // Political Geography. 2008. Vol. 27. № 1. P. 96–112; Chu P.Y. Mapping Permafrost Country: Creating an Environmental Object in the Soviet Union, 1920s–1940s // Environmental History. 2015. Vol. 20. № 3. P. 396–421.


      Cameron S. I. The Hungry Steppe: Soviet Kazakhstan and the Kazakh Famine, 1921–1934. PhD diss., Yale University, 2010. Cameron S. I. The Hungry Steppe. Famine, Violence, and the Making of Soviet Kazakhstan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2018. Пер. на рус.: Камерон С. Голодная степь. Голод, насилие и создание Советского Казахстана. М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2020; Bruno A. Tumbling Snow: Vulnerability to Avalanches in the Soviet North // Environmental History. 2013. Vol. 18. № 4. P. 683–709; Elie M. Coping with the «Black Dragon»: Mudflow Hazards and the Controversy over the Medeo Dam in Kazakhstan, 1958–66 // Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History. 2013. Vol. 14. № 2. P. 313–342; Brown K. Plutopia.


      Dawson J. Eco-nationalism: Anti-Nuclear Activism and National Identity in Russia, Lithuania, and Ukraine. Durham: Duke University Press, 1996; Schwartz K. Z. S. Nature and National Identity after Communism: Globalizing the Ethnoscape. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006; Metzo K. The Formation of Tunka National Park: Revitalization and Autonomy in Late Socialism // Slavic Review. 2009. Vol. 68. № 1. P. 50–69.


      Other Animals: Beyond the Human in Russian Culture and History / Ed. by J. Costlow, A. Nelson. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2010; Ice and Snow in the Cold War: Histories of Extreme Climatic Environments / Ed. by J. Herzberg, Ch. Kehrt, F. Torma. N. Y.; Oxford: Berghahn, 2019.


      Dronin N. M., Bellinger E. G. Climate Dependence and Food Problems in Russia 1900–1990. Budapest: Central European University Press, 2005; Dronin N. M., Kirilenko A. P. Weathering the Soviet Countryside: The Impact of Climate and Agricultural Policies on Russian Grain Yields, 1958–2010 // The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review. 2013. Vol. 40. № 1. P. 115–143; Mincyte D. Everyday Environmentalism; Leigh Smith J. Works in Progress: Plans and Realities on Soviet Farms, 1930–1963. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2014. Об экологической истории в связи с историей сельского хозяйства до революции см.: Moon D. The Plough that Broke the Steppes: Agriculture and Environment on Russia’s Grasslands, 1700–1914. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.


      Peterson M. K. Technologies of Rule: Water, Power, and the Modernization of Central Asia, 1867–1941. PhD diss., Harvard University, 2011. Peterson M. K. Pipe Dreams: Water and Empire in Central Asia’s Aral Sea Basin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019; Gestwa K. Die Stalinschen Grossbauten des Kommunismus: Sowjetische Technik- und Umweltgeschichte, 1948–1967. Munich: Oldenbourg, 2010; Zeisler-Vralsted D. The Cultural and Hydrological Development of the Mississippi and Volga Rivers // Rivers in History: Perspectives on Waterways in Europe and North America / Ed. by Ch. Mauch, Th. Zeller. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2008; Zeisler-Vralsted D. Rivers, Memory, and Nation-building: A History of the Volga and Mississippi Rivers. Oxford; NY: Berghan Books, 2014; Obertreis J. Soviet Irrigation Policies under Fire. Ecological Critique in Central Asia, 1970s–1991 // Eurasian Environments. Nature and Ecology in Imperial Russia and Soviet History / Ed. by N. B. Breyfogle. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. P. 113–129; Teichmann Ch. Canals, Cotton, and the Limits of De-Colonization in Soviet Uzbekistan, 1924–1941 // Central Asian Survey. 2007. Vol. 26. № 4. P. 499–519; Breyfogle N. B. At the Watershed: 1958 and the Beginnings of Lake Baikal Environmentalism // The Slavonic and East European Review. 2015. Vol. 93. № 1. P. 147–180.


      О важности соединения подходов социальной и экологической истории см.: Mosley S. Common Ground: Integrating Social and Environmental History // Journal of Social History. 2006. Vol. 39. № 3. P. 915–935; Taylor A. Unnatural Inequalities: Social and Environmental Histories // Environmental History. 1996. Vol. 1. № 4. P. 6–19. Исследователи экологической истории СССР сделали лишь первые попытки в этом направлении, см., в частности, мою работу: Bruno A. Industrial Life in a Limiting Landscape: An Environmental Interpretation of Stalinist Social Conditions in the Far North // International Review of Social History. 2010. Vol. 55. № 18. P. 153–174. Также см.: Brown