Dragon’s Empire – 1. Curse of the younger Prince. Natalie Yacobson

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Название Dragon’s Empire – 1. Curse of the younger Prince
Автор произведения Natalie Yacobson
Жанр Приключения: прочее
Издательство Приключения: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005540492

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bed like a tent. The bed could well be an old, hence the inconvenience. It seemed to me that I was sleeping on the stones, surrounded by a canopy of foliage. In the uneven light of the candles, I noticed a thin gold pattern, which stretched along the edges of the canopy like an ornament. It seems that many vintage letters and unusual characters are woven into the intricate patterns. I was literate enough to understand it. I have never had to see the inscriptions wounded on the material, but here they were, long and bizarre, like a magic spell.

      I plunged into a shallow, disturbing sleep. When I woke up, the bedroom was immersed in the dark. I must have slept only a few hours. I closed my eyes again, but I could not get rid of the feeling that someone watches me from the darkness. I listened, no sound, silence and darkness became all thicker, and the danger was hidden under their cover. I felt someone’s unwanted presence in the bedroom. Suddenly, there was a fire, and I saw the baron.

      «Let’s go, a beautiful prince, I have to show something to you,» said the baron. I obediently got up and went after him. We descended down the screw staircase. I did not even have time to capture the transshipment with the sword. The only weapon in the case of danger was a little instructed by pearl and mother-in-law dagger, which I always wore with me.

      A black suit of the baron merged with darkness, and the elder face seemed just a mask silently hung in emptiness. I had to follow this silent ghost only in order to prove my courage. I added a step and soon stood with the baron, but I didn’t even decide to touch him, fearing that my hands do not fasten anything but emptiness. The candle’s light was becoming more dull and lifeless. Steps under the feet began to slide. I looked around and noticed that water drips from a low ceiling. Green moss pierced on the walls. We must have descended into the dungeon. I kept my hand over the wall so as not to fall, however, the baron moved surprisingly easily and cleverly, as if he was used to a long descent along a narrow slippery staircase.

      Then we found themselves in a long corridor. I’m leaned about the wall and immediately pulled out my hand. The baron, having seen my confusion, immediately brought the candle closer to the wall. The dim flame snatched tiny drawings and symbols carved right on the stone. I looked at patterned letters, long bizarre inscriptions and small figures, even more elegant than those that the jeweler carries out on the female cameo. The image of a winged woman immediately attracted my attention.

      «That genius, which made these inscriptions, believed in the legends about the fairies,» I said.

      «No one knows how long the letters and numbers are carved on a stone. No sage can tell what it is written here. It is even possible that these are witchcraft’s symbols, and the walls themselves existed under the ground long before the building of the fortress.»

      I heard some sound. Silent, patched steps. Someone invisible passed by me, someone laughed. Music female laughter was in my brain. I started choking, as if someone’s strong hand squeezed me throat.

      «I ask you, take away from here. This is a bad place,» I prayed, but the baron did not listen to me.

      «Do you not really feel that there is someone here!» I exclaimed.

      «Everyone who first descends here, becomes bad,» the baron explained condescendingly. «But this corridor is not the worst. Let’s go further!»

      My head began to spin and, nevertheless, I went ahead, risking in any moment to lose consciousness. What is it, a terrible dream? Some severity fell on me, as if the ancient walls were about to collapse and bury us both under their wreckage.

      Still, I got to the end of the corridor and in the glare from the orange light saw the doors.

      «I ordered to establish them here for the sake of the security of others,» the baron explained.

      I noticed that the door was with a variety of heavy chains. The chains were firmly fortified in cast-iron rings inserted into the wall. Why such a precaution? Is there really a monster behind this door, which the ancestors of the baron have been held in sharpening for centuries. I wanted to express my guess, but I was afraid to be ridiculous.

      «It must be a gate to hell,» I grinned. Just think, even at such a moment I did not leave a sense of humor. Although it is unlikely to be a hereditary feature. My brothers have always been restrained and serious as young philosophers.

      «Evil is hidden there,» the baron raised his hand and his unnaturally long index finger almost touched one of the numerous hanging locks.

      «Do you keep the dragon in imprisonment?» I asked with the same smile.

      «With such a light-mindedness, you will not be able to keep even a titmouse, my prince for a long time,» the baron was clearly offended by my untimely jokes. «Dragons are too powerful creatures, you will not hold them with chains. At this door there is a hatch, also with chains, and under it a stone staircase, which descends deeply into the womb of the earth. There, many generations of my family hid their scary treasure. If you open these doors, then a black hurricane will break out of them and knock you down. And if we go a little further, we will be threatened with inhuman voices. They will also ask to open the hatch, but sorrow to someone who believes their sweet speeches and will release evil to the will. Sometimes the hatch cover shudders so that the chains are ringing and the walls are shaken, as with an earthquake. Even it seems to me that some monster sits underground and is trying to free themselves from its century old shackles.

      «And what is under this hatch?» I already asked more seriously.

      «If you go down, then you will find yourself in a small room,» my enlightener clearly slowed down with the answer, as if he was weighed, what could be said, but what is not and is it worth talking with a skeptical guest.

      «There is an organ in the corner. Sometimes you heard how someone plays on it, although there is not a single living soul in the dungeon and nevertheless the organ makes heartbreaking sounds. And the manuscripts with the witchcraft symbols are stored near.»

      «Are you saying that there is a witchcraft? Then why don’t you invite any scientist to decipher all the records?»

      «It is excluded,» shook his head the baron. «No one can even touch these ancient scrolls. If you just knew what force they hide in themselves and the curse falls on the one who keeps them in their home. A few years ago, my son tried to descend under the ground and died. Since then, these doors are always closed and sealed by a variety of locks.»

      «But there must be some kind of dare-devil!» I protested. «If the witch mysteries hide behind this set of locks and seals, someone who wants to decipher the manuscripts will come.»

      «I have no more heir, but maybe someday you will return here to take care of my ominous heritage. Are you bold enough to take on such a cargo? If so, I will show you a place where the keys are hidden.»

      «Yes, someday I’ll be back here,» I not think that I promised. It seemed to me that in this moment the triumphant laughter came across the door, from which the chains were shouted and ran.

      Although I was and uncomfortable, but on the way back I asked exactly how the son of the baron died. Are there any wounds on the body?

      «No,» he shook his head calmly. «Only his shirt was broken, and three scratches and a red handprint remained on the throat.»

      «Maybe it was not a palm, but a paw of some kind of creature?» I expressed my assumption.

      «No, it was a track from a very elegant female hand. I can’t say anything else. My help was late,» he showed me a cache, where he hid the keys from the locks. I tried to remember the simple cipher. Although if the story of the Baron is truthful, then these keys had to be destroyed long ago, and the door to leave the locked forever. I looked at the door covered by the web of a heavy chain, and her species made a depressing impression on me. In my heart, cold and fear were sought. It seemed that from under the ground, despite the cast-iron barrier, I heard a joyful, victorious laughter and someone’s voice,