The Summer of Theory. Philipp Felsch

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Название The Summer of Theory
Автор произведения Philipp Felsch
Жанр Социология
Издательство Социология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781509539871

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his arrival at the university that he had no talent as a writer.

      At first, the critics of the paperback format saw its success as confirmation of their suspicions that people might buy paperbacks, but not read them.44 But the phenomenon also admitted the opposite interpretation: perhaps the affordable books were actually revolutionizing people’s reading habits; perhaps they were a medium for disseminating difficult ideas. Unseld, one of the optimists, commissioned the young luminaries of the West German social sciences to conceive another series that would serve this purpose. Jürgen Habermas, Hans Blumenberg, Dieter Henrich and Jacob Taubes were engaged as advisors and series editors to attune Suhrkamp’s academic catalogue to the zeitgeist. A few years later, Unseld added Niklas Luhmann to this circle. ‘The individual books should be formally appealing as well as inexpensive’, the editor Karl Markus Michel wrote to the professors in January of 1965, ‘and should be distinct