Полный вариант заголовка: «A discourse concerning the being and attributes of God, the obligations of natural religion, and the truth and certainty of the christian revelation : in answer to Mr. Hobbs, Spinoza, the author of the Oracles of reason, and other deniers of natural and revealed religion : being 16 sermons, preach'd in the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul, in the years 1704, and 1705, at the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle : in which is inserted a discourse concerning the connexion of the Prophecies in the Old Testament, and the application of them to Christ : there is alfo, an answer to a 7th letter, concerning, the argument a priori, in proof of the being of God / by Samuel Clarke».
Полный вариант заголовка: «Speech of Viscount Palmerston in the House of Commons on Wednesday, the 10th of March, 1830, on moving for papers, respecting the relations of England with Portugal».
Примечание: О поселениях древних славян. Полный вариант заголовка: «Über die Wohnsitze der ältesten Russen : Sendschreiben an den Staatsrat Gustav Ewers».
Полный вариант заголовка: «A circumstantial narrative of the campaign in Russia : Embellished with plans of the battles of the Moskwa and Malo-Jaroslavitz : Containing a faithful description of the affecting and interesting scenes of which the author was an eye-witness : Transl. from the French / By Eugène Labaume».
Полный вариант заголовка: «L'antiquite devoilee, au moyen de la Genese : sourse et origine de la mythologie et de tous les cultes religieux : augmentee de la chronologie de la Genese, confirmee par les monumens astronomiques dont on s'est servi pour l'attaquer / par Gossalin Laic».
Полный вариант заголовка: «Le pelegrinage de deux soeurs Colombelle et Volontairette : Vers leur Bien-aimé en la cité de Jerusalem / Par Boethius de Bolswert».
Полный вариант заголовка: «History of the Staffordshire potteries and the rise and progress of the manufacture of pottery and porcelain : With the references to genuine specimens and notices of eminent potters / [By Simeon Shaw]».
Полный вариант заголовка: «Leçons du docteur Broussais sur les phlegmasies gastriques dites fièvres continues essentielles des auteurs, et sur les phlegmasies cutanés aiguës / Par É. de Caignou de Mortagne ... et A. Quémont».