Фонд РГБ

Все книги издательства Фонд РГБ

    Reflections upon the conduct of human life

    John Norris

    Полный вариант заголовка: «Reflections upon the conduct of human life : with reference to the study of learning and knowledge : in a letter to the Excellent Lady, the Lady Masbam / by John Norris ; to which is annexed, a Visitation sermon, by the same author».

    Smarra, ou les demons de la nuit

    Maxime Odin

    Полный вариант заголовка: «Smarra, ou les demons de la nuit : songes romantiques / traduits de l'esclavon du Comte Maxime Odin par Ch. Nodier».

    Reflexions sur la corvee des chemins


    Полный вариант заголовка: «Reflexions sur la corvee des chemins : ou supplement a l'essai sur la voierie, pour servir de reponse a la critique de l'ami des hommes».

    The popular superstitions and festive amusements of the Highlanders of Scotland


    Полный вариант заголовка: «The popular superstitions and festive amusements of the Highlanders of Scotland».

    The Asiatic annual register


    Полный вариант заголовка: «The Asiatic annual register : or a view of the history of Hindustan, and of the politics, commerce and literature of Asia, for the year 1801».

    Specimens of early English metrical romances. Vol. 3

    George Ellis

    Полный вариант заголовка: «Specimens of early English metrical romances : Vol. 3 : chiefly written during the early part of the 14 century : to which is prefixed an historical introduction, intended to illustrate the rise and progress of romantic composition in France and England : in 3 volumes / by George Ellis».

    Specimens of early English metrical romances. Vol. 2

    George Ellis

    Полный вариант заголовка: «Specimens of early English metrical romances : Vol. 2 : chiefly written during the early part of the 14 century : to which is prefixed an historical introduction, intended to illustrate the rise and progress of romantic composition in France and England : in 3 volumes / by George Ellis».

    Specimens of early English metrical romances. Vol. 1

    George Ellis

    Полный вариант заголовка: «Specimens of early English metrical romances : Vol. 1 : chiefly written during the early part of the 14 century : to which is prefixed an historical introduction, intended to illustrate the rise and progress of romantic composition in France and England : in 3 volumes / by George Ellis».

    Memoires de la vie privee de Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin

    Полный вариант заголовка: «Memoires de la vie privee de Benjamin Franklin : ecrits par lui-meme et adresses a son fils : suivis d'un precis historique de sa vie politique, et de plusieurs pieces, relatives a ce Pere de la Liberte».

    Torquato Tasso's befreites Jerusalem. Bd. 1

    Torquato Tasso

    Полный вариант заголовка: «Torquato Tasso's befreites Jerusalem : 1 Band : mit gegenuber gedrucktem Original-Text / ubersetzt von Karl Streckfutz».