
Все книги издательства Ingram

    Strategic Approaches to the Legal Environment of Business

    Michael O'Brien

    Current and future managers are regularly confronted with decisions that create risk in the legal environment of business. This book provides a framework for qualifying legal risk and then determining if the legal risk is worth taking. This framework begins by looking at the relationship between the firm, its suppliers, customers, owners, agents, and others in society as a whole to understand specific risks in personal injury, agreements, products, borrowing money, employees, independent contractors, and business entity selection. When the manager is aware of the magnitude of the risk and the likelihood of the risk, the manager is in a strong position to determine if the risk is worth taking. This book uses numerous applications from Game Theory to determine how risks of the firm compare to risks of another firm, an employee, a vendor and a customer.°Students of business law will appreciate the black letter legal discussions of civil procedure, torts, contracts, the sale of goods, secured transactions, agency, and business associations with tax implications. Aspiring accounting students will find familiarity with many topics that appear on the AICPA exam. Managers will gravitate toward specific guidance with regard to setting up agreements with customers and vendors, creating effective human relations policies, and mitigating firm risks with regard to internal and external stakeholders. Dozens of managers provided input and experience that found its way into the selection of examples in the book ensuring real-world application for many practical business law problems.

    Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy and Physiology for Healthcare Professionals

    Jassin M. Jouria

    Anatomy and Physiology is effectively a broad introductory course that requires the student to devote an enormous amount of effort to understand it on even a basic level. While this necessitates time, it can be streamlined in the early stages of one’s learning so that the student may understand why he or she is required to invest such a large amount of time into learning – Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy & Physiology is the textbook that accomplishes this.°Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy & Physiology is a book that combines both areas of knowledge for a full comprehension of the human body. It is targeted to healthcare students in need of a better understanding of human physiology to combine with their clinical training. The main objective of this book is to elucidate the organization and functioning of the major organs and systems with an emphasis on the applications of this knowledge on the daily clinical routine.°One of the main differences of this textbook that sets it apart from others is that it not only provides the information: it also contextualizes it. Every chapter starts introducing a case study that is related to the content that is going to be approached. At the end of the chapter, there is the conclusion of each case study, which presents the final diagnosis showing every step of the process. This context is essential so that, when the student faces this situation in the real-life clinic he or she will be able to deal with it efficiently. Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy & Physiology also has sections of questions to practice the knowledge that was obtained during the chapter, and the answers to each question are explained so no doubts remain after studying. All of this means that Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy & Physiology is a fully rounded book that combines information and practical applications, as well as questions that help the student to understand and retain all the information in a very efficient and effective way. This book has all the information you need to get started on your journey to learning about the human body.

    The Path of Yog

    Ashok K. Sachdeva

    'Yoga' (to be pronounced as 'Yog') is predominantly thought of as physical exercise only and the 'aasan' (written as 'aasana') meaning 'posture', have gained wide-spread popularity in recent decades. Yogaasans are in fact the most superficial aspect of this profound science of unfolding the infinite potentials of the human mind and soul.°Apart from the spiritual goals, the physical postures of Yog are used to alleviate health problems, reduce stress and make the spine supple. These days Yog is used as a complete exercise program and physical therapy routine. Different diseases occurring in stomach, neck, spine and knees can be cured by Yogic methods including Yog Aasans and Pranayams.°Good health ought to be everybody's concern, not solely the medical profession's business. The Yog postures (Aasan) and exercise strengthen the muscles and nerves. It is necessary to strengthen the muscles and nerves in order to keep the body healthy. Light breathing exercises strengthen our respiratory system. These are called Pranayams: The Breath of Life. Yog is fully capable of transforming the physical body. Cure without Medicines is the first book in the series The Path of Yog.

    Natural Behavior

    Burton A. Weiss

    Natural Behavior provides seminal insights into the evolution of animal and human behavior for enthusiasts of Comparative Psychology and Behavioral Biology. Evolution and the behavior of the animal kingdom are discussed with new concepts on science, learning and instinct, and population phenomena. Hominization, interaction with Neanderthals, how the brain evolved, and the impact on the World are described with new views.The origin of our scientific concepts and the trend away from the egocentric position, placing humans at the center of the universe, is considered, along with the status of religion and how the fit with science is positive. This volume carefully explains evolution and the central role of behavior in natural selection. The range of animal behavior from single cells to people is covered, as are, topics like European settling of the New World first, and the effects of humans on the planet.

    Book 1 of Plato's Republic

    Drew A. Mannetter

    Volume 1 of this new grammatical reader on the first 12 chapters of Book 1 of Plato’s Republic is the most thorough of available resources, designed for students who have only basic skills as well as those at a more advanced level. The text is complete and not adapted; no difficult passages are excised. The running vocabularies are complete, providing the reader context specific meanings. The text is broken down into sentences, providing a manageable amount of material, and space is provided for translation after each sentence. Every construction and word is discussed in detail and referenced to Smyth’s Greek Grammar for further explanation. The details of the text, accents, conjunctions, adverbs, and particles, are not minimized but receive thorough treatment as well. The presentation allows for beginning students to make thorough use of the notes while more advanced students are able to consult the notes only when necessary and thus build up speed in translation.°Special features include:°°1) Complete, unadapted text.°2) Full running vocabulary; no words are omitted.°3) Every word is discussed; none are omitted.°4) Every construction is discussed; none are omitted.°5) All particles are explained; none are omitted.°6) Every word and construction is cross referenced to Smyth’s Greek Grammar for further explanation.°7) Room is provided after each sentence for translation.°8) Accentuation, where challenging, is discussed.

    How Science Can Help Us Live In Peace

    Markolf H. Niemz

    Award-winning biophysicist Markolf H. Niemz puts into a nutshell what the top 3 scientists on earth have discovered. Charles Darwin: Animal and man are not two. Albert Einstein: Space and time are not two. Alfred N. Whitehead: The world and I are not two. The world we live in is non-dualistic. Nature is crying for peace, but we shut off foreign from native, poor from rich, others from ourselves. It is our concept of the self that stands in the way of peace. Based on Darwin's, Einstein's and Whitehead's scientific discoveries the author demonstrates how easily we mistake reality. There is neither a personal self nor an external, almighty God. Eternity, which most religious people hope for, does not begin at death. It is here and now—at the speed of light when all distances turn zero.°This book has the power to foster empathy among mankind as it brings together science and religion—human sources of truth. In the clearest of terms and examples possible, this bestselling author teaches us that a single cosmic self feels and learns through us. Lucid texts and colorful images help us understand why our concept of the self is false, how to interpret eternity, and where to spot God. An enlightening journey for anyone from age 16 to 100 who is thrilled to learn.

    A Practical Guide to Airline Customer Service

    Colin C. Law

    A Practical Guide to Airline Customer Service is written for airline executives and undergraduate students who are preparing for a career in the airline service industry. Those working in similar functions and fields can also benefit from this book. This book primarily focuses on the importance of customer service in the airline industry. This includes basic airline operations and essential communication skills, and how airline service agents interact with passengers at every contact point of the travel process. It is a useful guide for anyone seeking a successful and rewarding career in the airline industry.

    Psychological Problems and Their Big Deceptions

    David W. Shave

    Psychological Problems And Their Big Deceptions reveals the multiple fraudulent and deceptive concepts of both Psychology and Psychiatry, such as the present-day gross misuse of the «PTSD» diagnosis, while introducing the foremost, but previously unrecognized, concept, the «Unconscious Entity.» Though all people do not have a mental illness, everyone, without exception, has periods of being emotionally uncomfortable. This book convincingly shows what causes a state of being emotionally uncomfortable to any degree, and what is necessary to regain a state of being emotionally comfortable. In doing this, one will conclude it is a lot less the psychological counsel, in someone seeking professional help, and much more the listening, in any «counseling,» that makes the cure. This book explores, in detail, a dimension of human communication Psychology and Psychiatry have yet to fully appreciate, that has an immense capacity to make a person more emotionally comfortable, as well as an equally immense capacity to keep a person emotionally comfortable. That dimension is prevalent in any on-going small talk, and is mutually utilized, to the same degree, by the participants of that talking.

    Education in a Postfactual World

    Patrick M. Whitehead

    In this book, Whitehead argues against the fact-minded orientation of education and the practice of science. It is not that facts are unhelpful, but they have become a substitute for learning (learning is now tantamount to fact memorization). This change handicaps students by eliminating the possibility of creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking; it handicaps science by limiting the kinds of questions that can be asked and where to look for answers; and ultimately puts people out of touch with their experience.°The problem is fact-mindedness. Facts are the relics of enlightenment thinking. They represent unbiased and unquestionable truth about our universe. The more you collect, the more you know; the more you know, the more powerful you are; the more powerful you are…. You get the picture.°It is a familiar theme from the middle of this past century, and has been described by contemporary physicists, theoretical biologists, continental philosophers, humanistic psychologists, learner-centered teachers, among many, many others. Unfortunately, college students are seldom exposed to these ideas, and have to wait until they reach graduate school before they wonder if their learning experience may have been different. The goal is to make those ideas accessible here by translating the cumbersome, obscure, and turgid expression of these ideas into twenty-first century examples that are more applicable and meaningful for undergraduates and the educated public.°It is argued that judgment must always be applied to matters of fact. That is to say, the fact is not the end of the story. That gravity compels bodies does not substantiate itself: it is a way of describing the relationships between bodies. Gravity helps us better understand physical relationships, but by itself and outside of any meaningful context that fact of gravity is useless.

    The Fall of Literary Theory

    Liana Vrajitoru Andreasen

    The book revives literary theory, which was popular at the end of the 20th century, with the purpose of showing how useful it is in the current century in opening the minds of students to the dangers of claiming to have a fixed identity. The book shows that in Western cultures identity is a construct that always sees individuals as lacking something (being fallen) that can be retrieved or gained at the expense of an Other, an adversary seen as standing in the way of identity fulfillment. The book shows the history of «fallenness» through an analysis of Melville's Billy Budd, Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom!, Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49. It also shows ways to heal identity through an analysis of Toni Morrison's Beloved and Rudolfo Anaya's Tortuga.