Each one of us has views about education, how discipline should function, how individuals learn, how they should be motivated, what intelligence is, and the structures (content and subjects) of the curriculum. Perhaps the most important beliefs that (beginning) teachers bring with them are their notions about what constitutes «good teaching». The scholarship of teaching requires that (beginning) teachers should examine (evaluate) these views in the light of knowledge currently available about the curriculum and instruction, and decide their future actions on the basis of that analysis. Such evaluations are best undertaken when classrooms are treated as laboratories of inquiry (research) where teachers establish what works best for them. Two instructor centred and two learner centred philosophies of knowledge, curriculum and instruction are used to discern the fundamental (basic) questions that engineering educators should answer in respect of their own beliefs and practice. They point to a series of classroom activities that will enable them to challenge their own beliefs, and at the same time affirm, develop, or change their philosophies of knowledge, curriculum and instruction.
This book reviews basic electromagnetic (EM) wave theory and applies it specifically to lasers in order to give the reader not only tangible examples of how the theory is manifested in real life, but also practical knowledge about lasers, and their operation and usage. The latter can be useful for those involved with using lasers. As a short treatise on this subject matter, this book is not intended to dwell deeply into the details of EM waves nor lasers. A bibliography is provided for those who wish to explore in more depth the topics covered in this book. Rather the aim of this book is to offer a quick overview, which will allow the reader to gain a competent general understanding of EM waves and lasers.
This book results from many years of teaching an upper division course on communication networks in the EECS department at the University of California, Berkeley. It is motivated by the perceived need for an easily accessible textbook that puts emphasis on the core concepts behind current and next generation networks. After an overview of how today's Internet works and a discussion of the main principles behind its architecture, we discuss the key ideas behind Ethernet, WiFi networks, routing, internetworking, and TCP. To make the book as self-contained as possible, brief discussions of probability and Markov chain concepts are included in the appendices. This is followed by a brief discussion of mathematical models that provide insight into the operations of network protocols. Next, the main ideas behind the new generation of wireless networks based on LTE, and the notion of QoS are presented. A concise discussion of the physical layer technologies underlying various networks is also included. Finally, a sampling of topics is presented that may have significant influence on the future evolution of networks, including overlay networks like content delivery and peer-to-peer networks, sensor networks, distributed algorithms, Byzantine agreement, source compression, SDN and NFV, and Internet of Things.
FPGAs have almost entirely replaced the traditional Application Specific Standard Parts (ASSP) such as the 74xx logic chip families because of their superior size, versatility, and speed. For example, FPGAs provide over a million fold increase in gates compared to ASSP parts. The traditional approach for hands-on exercises has relied on ASSP parts, primarily because of their simplicity and ease of use for the novice. Not only is this approach technically outdated, but it also severely limits the complexity of the designs that can be implemented. By introducing the readers to FPGAs, they are being familiarized with current digital technology and the skills to implement complex, sophisticated designs. However, working with FGPAs comes at a cost of increased complexity, notably the mastering of an HDL language, such as Verilog. Therefore, this book accomplishes the following: first, it teaches basic digital design concepts and then applies them through exercises; second, it implements these digital designs by teaching the user the syntax of the Verilog language while implementing the exercises. Finally, it employs contemporary digital hardware, such as the FPGA, to build a simple calculator, a basic music player, a frequency and period counter and it ends with a microprocessor being embedded in the fabric of the FGPA to communicate with the PC. In the process, readers learn about digital mathematics and digital-to-analog converter concepts through pulse width modulation.
Optical properties, particularly in the infrared range of wavelengths, continue to be of enormous interest to both material scientists and device engineers. The need for the development of standards for data of optical properties in the infrared range of wavelengths is very timely considering the on-going transition of nano-technology from fundamental R&D to manufacturing. Radiative properties play a critical role in the processing, process control and manufacturing of semiconductor materials, devices, circuits and systems. The design and implementation of real-time process control methods in manufacturing requires the knowledge of the radiative properties of materials. Sensors and imagers operate on the basis of the radiative properties of materials. This book reviews the optical properties of various semiconductors in the infrared range of wavelengths. Theoretical and experimental studies of the radiative properties of semiconductors are presented. Previous studies, potential applications and future developments are outlined. In Chapter 1, an introduction to the radiative properties is presented. Examples of instrumentation for measurements of the radiative properties is described in Chapter 2. In Chapters 3-11, case studies of the radiative properties of several semiconductors are elucidated. The modeling and applications of these properties are explained in Chapters 12 and 13, respectively. In Chapter 14, examples of the global infrastructure for these measurements are illustrated.
The progress of civilization can be, in part, attributed to their ability to employ metallurgy. This book is an introduction to multiple facets of physical metallurgy, materials science, and engineering. As all metals are crystalline in structure, it focuses attention on these structures and how the formation of these crystals are responsible for certain aspects of the material's chemical and physical behaviour. Concepts in Physical Metallurgy also discusses the mechanical properties of metals, the theory of alloys, and physical metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.