
Все книги издательства Ingram

    Project: Shadow Walker

    Dalin Moss

    We are all connected. Our emotions, our memories, our minds are all linked by a thread power known as the Nexus. All life can access this connection, but there are few who realize its existence, and even fewer who can use it to control those around them. Jim Ash is about to become one of the fewer. After a contract goes wrong, Jim plummets through the world, shattering into the dark plains of the Below. He should be dead, should be swallowed by the afterlife told in religious stories and myth, but he is very much alive, and he has one more contract. A contract sold by Death. Destroy what links me to the world of life. Free me from this prison.

    Ansiedad Moderna, Mujer Moderna

    Lida Prypchan

    ¿Por qué la ansiedad moderna? La ansiedad siempre ha estado con nosotros, pero ¿qué es la ansiedad en una sociedad tecnológica? Si nuestra tolerancia al estímulo sensorial es finita, ¿cuándo llegamos al punto de ruptura en nuestro mundo frenético con sus medios de comunicación de 24 horas, su ataque visual, su aspiración material incesante? Si la felicidad se encuentra con moderación, ¿qué será de nosotros en un mundo de extremos? Éstos son los hilos que recorren ésta colección, con una mirada ocasional a tiempos más inocentes. Emily Brontë forjó, posiblemente, la novela más apasionada de la literatura a partir de una vida cotidiana ascética inconcebible para la mayoría de nosotros, acostumbrados como estamos a la distracción. Tanto consciente como inconscientemente estamos siendo constantemente estimulados, seducidos y sedados por placeres fáciles de ganar, ¿acaso estamos perdiendo la capacidad de alcanzar esa felicidad profunda, la que esta debajo de la superficie, aquella de la que hablan los grandes sabios de la historia? ¿Por qué la mujer moderna? Éstas piezas se centran en los alcances externos o extremos de la experiencia romántica: amor imposible, amor trágico, decepciones que nos marcan de por vida. ¿Son éstos temas «femeninos» o simplemente intentan describir la experiencia humana? Indudablemente vemos más material escrito por mujeres y sobre mujeres, pero después de milenios de silencio, donde la experiencia de la mujer fue casi completamente indocumentada y sin contexto, ¿sabemos siquiera qué es una mujer? Eclesiastés dice que no hay nada nuevo bajo el sol, pero quizás es posible dar una nueva perspectiva y es esto precisamente lo que más necesita este mundo psicológicamente abrumado.

    There Is Nothing Wrong With Saying So What

    Ella Destiny

    You ever hear the say, «there's nothing new under the sun?» It's the truth! There is nothing you have gone through, are «growing» through or will go through that catches God by surprise. From the beginning of time in the word, there's killing, stealing, lying, cheating, adultery, illness, lack, even death. Anything you have experienced in life, either personally or by way of someone else, no matter what it may be, it's happened before and that's why «There is Nothing Wrong With Saying So What»!!! For every problem, God has a solution. For every illness, God has a healing…all you have to do is go to him!

    Son of Satan

    Marion Julius

    A woman by the name of Veronica Ramirez has been hearing voices she is told that she will carry the son of Satan. She has been delving into the occult and has been possessed and is trying to figure it all out. People around the world are looking into the biblical prophecy of the end times the Book of Revelations in the Bible and people are worried that the end is near. Strange events and unusual paranormal activity goes on whilst this all takes place. Later Veronica Ramirez gives birth and raises a young bon who is the son of Satan who grows up to be the Anti-Christ.

    Sea State

    Captain Scott A. Lund & Principal Jim Kelley

    The authors describe a harrowing voyage at sea in a time less refined and regulated, truly a world away in all respects.

    Good Night, Little Helicopter!

    Cara Stefano

    Good Night, Little Helicopter! is a bedtime story for young children who love to count and who love helicopters! Young children will love the bright and fun illustrations. They will enjoy learning their numbers 0ne through Ten while a loved one reads to them.

    Social Distancing

    Michael K Freundt

    10 short stories; different voices; unsettling content; gender bending; experimental.

    Maria's Window

    Karen Tatro

    As the boat set sail, in search of the mysterious Island, Maria gazed out into the water's horizon, lost in thought of what was sure to be an amazing adventure. A woman's journey into the deepest depths of her own Ocean. "There are hidden secrets that lie deep within ourselves. How far are you willing to go to release them?"

    Poison Under Their Lips

    Mark Svendsen

    Arthur Wilbraham is lost – between love and hate, between his romantic vision of an earthly heaven and his descent into a very personal hell. Is it ever possible to forgive the unforgivable? Will he find his way? Can he earn his redemption? In the year 1876, Arthur Wilbraham, an idealistic young Christian, comes from South Australia to the Colony of Queensland, Australia, to join the Native Police Force. Under the infamous Lieutenant Frederick Wheeler, his education in the methods of this notorious police force begins.

    The Myth Alive

    Don Gutteridge

    When Don Gutteridge retired from academia in 1993, he intended to say my farewell by publishing a selection of the forty essays he had written over a long career. He gathered them together and gave them a title: The Myth Alive. However, other projects soon began competing for his time. He published two memoir novels in quick succession: Summer's Idyll (1993) and Winter's Descent (1995). Then as a last pedagogical hurrah, he wrote a small volume on teaching theory (Teaching English: 1999). Then it was back to novel writing with Bewilderment (2000) and finally fulltime work on the Marc Edwards mysteries (twelve titles). The Myth Alive was eventually forgotten. When he took it out for a belated look earlier this year, he found that the subject matter, though many years old, was still relevant today because it deals with questions of a literary/critical nature: how poems get made, the uses of history in literary works, the evolution of a Canadian mythology, the question of intention and so on. He trusts that they are as relevant today as when they were first written.