Tektime S.r.l.s.

Все книги издательства Tektime S.r.l.s.

    BIPOLAIRE II - (Au-Delà Du Triste Diagnostic Et Vers Une Vie Heureuse)

    Evelyn Tomson

    Un livre instructif et positif sur le diagnostic dur. Dissiper le stigmate, trouver que vous n'êtes pas seul dans tout cela. Ce livre est un voyage personnel, qui parle de ce qu'est la maladie, gérant les moments difficiles de dépression et les épisodes d'hypo-manie jusqu'à ce qu'un effet stable soit atteint, soi-disant rémission. L'auteur partage également ses réussites, ses talents et tout ce qu'elle a appris d'une manière optimiste et positive.

    The Mozarts, Who They Were (Volume 1)

    Diego Minoia

    During a century dominated by absolute monarchy and powerful aristocrats, the Mozart family traversed Europe on the quest for artistic consecration and prestigious promise. Was the ambition of his father, Leopold, combined with the genius of his son, Wolfgang, enough to reach their mission? The story of their lives, in order to get to know and understand them, follows the sojourns of the adventurous journeys that they carried out. This book takes a penetrating look at the life and experiences of the Mozart family during the 1700's: beyond the myth of Mozart, an in-depth view of their world. In this new publication, available in an engaging two-volume series by Diego Minoia, we learn about the life and times of the Mozart family. Everything that there is to discover about these extraordinary characters and the epoch in which they lived is illustrated in this interesting and curious story that narrates approximately thirty years of their lives: travels and encounters, triumphs and disappointments, petty deceit and genius, rebellion and defeat. The story of the Mozart family, told through their own eyes, thanks to a rich collection of letters containing a wealth of information, enriched with detailed study that allows us a complete panoramic view of the circles in which they traveled, between journeys and presentations, intrigue and friendship, compliance to the powerful and desire for autonomy. An overview of a family and of a European continent that helps us understand the Eighteenth Century from a protagonist who rendered it one of the most prolific eras for music. “The Mozarts: A Family Portrait” narrates the story of their lives until 1775, following them step by step, getting to know and understand them. Would you like to be their traveling companion? We will begin in Salzburg, where the family was formed and where Wolfgang Amadeus and his sister Maria Anna – known as Nannerl – were born to accompany them in their early travels to Munich and Vienna. We will then follow them in their very long European Grand Tour where the two young Mozarts were to become known as child prodigies, journeying through the principle courts of Germany, the Netherlands, France and England. 5,200 kilometers covered and 80 cities, visited in 1,269 days. No rock or pop star has ever accomplished such a tour! In Volume I, we will follow Mozart to Munich, then on to Vienna, and finally Paris. Volume II will see his return to Salzburg from London, traveling through France and Switzerland. This is the moment when Leopold Mozart's ambitions become more audacious. It was time for Wolfgang Amadeus to begin his formation in becoming a composer, and there was only one place to do this: Italy. And this is how father and son, alone, without the women of the family, confronted their three journeys to Dante's Bel Paese, where they made friends and found recognition, as well as some less complimentary opinions. We will continue to accompany the Mozarts along the various visits on their tour of Italy where they visited many important cities: Verona, Mantua, Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples, Turin, Venice. We will discover through their travels the many interesting facts about how life was lived in the country of Bel Canto – beautiful singing. In the meantime, Amadeus the child, was growing into a mature musician, brought up to perfect his craft, having already composed his first operas, as well as being able to navigate his way through the creation of the sacred and profane vocal and instrumental music. The elderly prince-bishop who had supported the Mozarts passed away and was substituted by Hieronymus Colloredo, whose relationship with the family grew constrained over time. The small and provincial Salzburg didn't allow the young Wolfgang to express his full potential, who dreamed of the capital and a prestigious post at the Imperial Court.

    Il Bene E Il Male, Memorie

    Gerardo D'Orrico

    Questo libro è il mio primo manuale sull’essere contemporaneo, e diario personale scritto da me. La calma del benessere, delle invenzioni. Gli aspetti tridimensionali degli oggetti concreti e umani, per una ricerca nel pensiero individuale. Un’opera che libera da impegni stilistici, gli errori sono di tutti, il presente deve essere rappresentato ma, senza la paura di aver realizzato un errore più grande del silenzio prima accettato. Scegliendo un discorso che promette una soluzione giornaliera, definitiva all’arte retorica-storica. Descrive le mie esperienze, fantasiosamente le memorie di un bene nella terra dei mali. Diario scritto in modo semplice, una forma testuale a colmare anche un’assenza d’informazioni complete sul diritto al bene, che caratterizza un’insensibilità nelle pubblicazioni pubbliche e giornalistiche. Un fenotipo comprensivo di oggettività moderne materiali, cristiane e arabe. Vuole rappresentare una porta verso il futuro, un partito nuovo. Il periodo delle diciotto lettere contenute raggiunge d’agosto 2005 a marzo 2007. Buona lettura, Gerardo D’Orrico

    Io Sono Il Tuo Uomo Nero - Un Racconto Della Contea Di Sardis

    T. M. Bilderback

    Qualcuno… o una qualche cosa… sta uccidendo delle persone nella contea di Sardis Qualcuno… o qualcosa… sta uccidendo persone in tutta la contea di Sardis. Lo sceriffo Billy Napier e il vice sceriffo Alan Blake stanno facendo del loro meglio per trovare l'assassino prima che qualcun altro cada vittima dello ”Squartatore di Sardis”. Il problema nella ricerca dell'assassino? Non sono stati lasciati indizi che il nucleo della scientifica possa trovare. Katie Montgomery Blake e sua zia, Margo Sardis, stanno cercando di aiutare, ma anche loro non hanno trovato nulla. Anche Carol Grace Montgomery e Mary Smalls hanno fatto una scoperta… e questa scoperta aumenta la magia nella contea di Sardis! E alcuni nuovi arrivati nella Contea di Sardis offrono il loro aiuto per trovare l'assassino, ma hanno un segreto. Il segreto ha qualcosa a che fare con il padre dei figli di Phoebe Smalls Napier? O magari si tratta solo di un'altra magia? Scopritelo nell’eccezionale a tutto campo quarto thriller della contea di Sardis di T. M. Bilderback – Io sono il tuo uomo Nero – Un Racconto della serie sulla contea di Sardis!

    When Your Mom Has Borderline Personality Disorder

    Linsy B

    This book was written for young kids who presently have to live with a mother who does not seem to understand them. It shows them various tips, tricks, and ways of handling various situations. It is also written for adults who grew up in homes where they suffered various forms of abuse from their mothers while growing up. This book will help them to release those pent-up tensed moments and safely begin to recover from the anxiety they may have suffered as a result of their upbringing. It helps the readers learn various ways of not accepting that they are to blame for the situation and provides guidance on how not to descend into a victims’ mentally so that they do not also unconsciously make their kids go through the same experience as they did. Children raised by mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder (BDP) miss out on the healthy, steady, and loving relationship children with regular moms have with their moms. While it is true that there are many reasons while a child may have an unhealthy relationship with her mother, one possible explanation could also be, you were living with a mother that had borderline personality disorder. Adults who grow up with BPD mothers have great difficulty sustaining stable relationships. It's hard, really hard to live with a mom with BPD, because this personality disorder is known for its rigid pattern of unhealthy and abnormal thought patterns and behaviors, and is characterized by chronic instability in mood, behavior, relationships, and self-image. They develop a wide range of emotional problems that make it difficult for them to overcome their dysfunctional upbringing. These children may struggle with low self-esteem, anger, or depression and find out that they have difficulty getting along with their mothers. If you are one of those kids and have been wondering what could have happened, what went wrong, and if you are to blame in all of these, then, this book is for you. This book shows how heartbreaking the experience of a child with borderline personality disorder can be. The instability, emotional volatility, self-injury, and suicide attempts can be very draining and devastating for the emotions of the child and leave them feeling lost, helpless, and alone. They find that they practically have to live their life walking cautiously, scheming to avoid what’s the next inevitable rage and never able to predict what will be the next trigger. This book will talk about all of that and help you recognize that you are not to blame for your mother’s behavior, it will aid you toward healing some of your wounds.

    The Puppet As An Educational Value Tool

    Paula G. Eleta

    In this short paper Paula Eleta explores the theme of the value of the puppet in the pedagogical field, mainly in early childhood (0-6 years), as an effective tool to improve the quality of the educational service through play. Under the direction of the educator, the puppet can become an excellent ”assistant” to build new educational contexts, able to offer all those who live in the services different accesses to a common and shared space. The puppet can help to found a more inclusive ”school”, giving voice and listening to the past, experiences, knowledge and skills of the various actors involved: children (first of all), families, educators, pedagogical coordinators and other subjects of their own territory. ”The puppet as an educational tool value” is a written text in an accessible and immediate form. Furthermore, the topics covered have been elaborated on the basis of the author's long experience in the field. The content is therefore full of concrete and enlightening examples and, among the many proposed activities to be carried out, there is an easy and quick technique to build puppet characters: an activity that can be performed, at the various educational services, both together with families and children (with the support of adults).

    La Tierra Estalla Por Todas Partes

    Manuel Arduino Pavón

    Un hombre solitario y torturado se refugia en una taberna abandonada mientras la tierra estalla. Allí se descubrirá como un jugador compulsivo que tendrá que sortear un sinnúmero de peripecias mientras descubre que la tierra también se está burlando de él. La tierra, una jugadora empedernida, tiene grandes planes para los tahúres profesionales, aquellos seres que la vida siempre maltrató. Está en juego la más importante de las partidas: el control del poder mundial.

    La Mentalità Di Successo Dei Grandi Leader

    Yael Eylat-Tanaka

    Cosa significa il successo? Come è misurato? Col denaro, la fama, molti amici? Questo libro esplora i moliti strati di ciò che costituisce il vero successo e come una persona possa ottenerlo. Il successo è qualcosa che tutti dicono di volere ma pochi sono in grado di definire in modo adeguato cosa sia. Per molti il successo è dato dalla fama e dalla fortuna, e coloro che realmente ottengono questo ”obiettivo” sono relativamente pochi. In effetti, il successo è un concetto effimero che ha bisogno di un continuo puntello e ridefinizione. Una volta che avete raggiunto quello che pensate sia il successo, dovete continuare a lavorare per mantenerlo! La definizione di successo non è semplice, ma i mezzi per ottenerlo sono aperti a chiunque ne adotti i principi sottostanti. Curiosamente, molti di coloro che non godono di quello che generalmente si pensa sia il successo dichiarano comunque di essere felici, Effettivamente, come vedremo, la felicità è una parte integrante del fenomeno che chiamiamo successo.

    Красивият Сплит – Хърватия

    Sanja Pokrajac

    Пътеводител и разговорник на хърватски език Съставих този пътеводител с желанието да предложа информация не само за историческите места и красоти на непознатия Сплит, но и за езиковите инструменти, необходими, за да се насладите напълно на пътуването и да можете да изразите себе си във всяка ситуация. Оставам с надеждата, че предоставям един полезен пътеводител на пътника, който е любопитен да опознае не само непознатите места, но и да научи езика. Приятно пътуване!

    Η Ψυχολογία Της Ευτυχίας.

    Dr. Juan Moisés De La Serna

    Μιλάς για την ευτυχία και την κάνεις με την ψευδαίσθηση του στόχου ζωής κάτι το πολύ επιθυμητό και ταυτόχρονα εφήμερο, τουλάχιστον όταν σκέφτεσαι την εξιδανικευμένη ευτυχία που ξεπουλιέται μέσω του εμπορίου, της τηλεόρασης ή του ραδιοφώνου, ωστόσο η ευτυχία είναι κάτι παραπάνω από το να αγγίξεις τον επιθυμητό στόχοˑ είναι μια καθημερινή εργασία για να διατηρήσεις αυτή την κατάσταση, ειδάλλως σε τι εξυπηρετεί να αγγίξεις την ευτυχία εάν ύστερα χαθεί; Σε αυτό το βιβλίο θα παρουσιαστούν οι πιο πρόσφατες έρευνες σχετικά με την ευτυχία, τι είναι και πως επιτυγχάνεται, αυτό που συμβαίνει όταν δεν κατακτιέται και όταν εμφανίζονται τα εμπόδια, οι φραγμοί για να αποκτηθεί. Όλο παρουσιασμένο με τρόπο καθαρό και απλό για να προσφέρει μια εμπειρία που εμπλουτίζει και μπορεί να βοηθήσει στην προσωπική αναζήτηση της επίτευξης της ευτυχίας: της πραγματικής, της δυνητικής και της εφικτής και περισσότερο από οτιδήποτε άλλο, ανθεκτικής.