
Все книги издательства HarperCollins

    Once a Rebel

    Sheri WhiteFeather

    It's not easy living down a wild-child reputation. But Susan Fortune has never done anything the easy way. Who would have guessed she'd turn out to be a well-respected San Francisco psychologist with a knack for helping wayward teens? Not Ethan Eldridge, her secret crush who lived in Red Rock, Texas, seventeen years ago.Now back on the ranch to pay respects to ailing Ryan Fortune, Susan lets Ethan in on her little secret. However, the sexy and serious veterinarian has a surprise for her, too. Their longing was mutual. And how can he say no to a second chance with Susan? But Ethan's heart is scarred. And if she wants to keep him, Susan's got to prove that even rebels have to put down roots sometime.

    If the Stiletto Fits...

    Wendy Etherington

    How does a girl sweep a guy off his feet?Thanks to an amazingly efficient business manager, Lily Reaves finds herself teetering–in stilettos, no less–on the brink of distinction now that her line of come-get-me pumps shows every sign of becoming a huge success. Which is why James's announcement that he's leaving brings her to earth with an unpleasant thump.Before his arrival, everything was a mess. Even finding a lover was impossible, which was why she'd discarded them like so many ill-fitting shoes. Hmm. Could James be the perfect «fit» for both her business and pleasure? If so, she'll have to curb that occasional urge to open her mouth–and insert high heel!It's going to be war!

    Playing Games

    Dianne Drake

    Your couch–or mine?On-air, she's the radio shrink who tells lovelorn listeners to let their hang-ups go. And he's the dark chocolate-voiced caller who makes critical remarks about everything she says. He is so obviously suffering from subconscious Penvy–P meaning professional, of course.But off the air it's a different story. She's mild-mannered Roxy Rose, who never takes her alter ego's advice and has a libido in urgent need of repair. So thank Sigmund Freud she found «Ned» the handyman as a neighbor. It is rather odd that he doesn't know one end of a wrench from the other–but it's not that «tool» she cares about….

    A Perfect Life?

    Dawn Atkins

    Claire Quinn has a perfect ife–in her dreamsIn reality, she has an advertising job headed for permanent entry-level, a pricey apartment and a rat of a boyfriend. So now she has to make her wish come true.But she can get this figured out, right? She just has to hit on the plan and her life will get better. Good thing she has the Chickateers–her loyal girlfriends who regularly dish on their love lives, but never snivel! With their smart-ass outlooks and cheeky advice guiding her, how can she go wrong?Except that it turns out her ad exec mentor is a closet lecher, her new roommate is a little, uh, wild and the cute guy who just captured her attention? He's got a no-attachments, no-regrets mantra that doesn't fit the plan.Looks as if she's going to have to stop following her own advice.

    Wolf In Waiting

    Rebecca Flanders

    Forbidden loversHe was the standard against which all others were measured–the strongest, the smartest, the sexiest and the most noble kind: Noel Duprey, whose birthright forbade him even to look Victoria St. Clare's way, for his destiny would never allow him to take her as his bride.Furthermore, Noel believed she was a traitor, out to destroy his legacy–out to destroy him. But all she was really after was his heart….Within a few lost souls, the Heart of the Wolf beats fierce and wild. Feel them, fear them, tame them….

    Knit Two Together

    Connie Lane

    Her mother remained a mystery in life…and in deathLibby Cartwright hadn't planned on inheriting a yarn shop from her estranged mother. But that was before she found her favorite childhood stuffed animal amidst the dust and moldering yarn. And before she encountered a motley crew of locals determined to resurrect the store. So what else had Mom been hiding?Running Metropolitan Knits means Libby still has lots to learn. About knitting. Motherhood (who ever said raising a daughter was easy!). And even romance. For quiet Hal O'Connell, an unlikely–and unattached–new customer, turns out to be a kindred spirit. As the Grand Reopening approaches, Libby learns to knit two together–in knitting and in life….

    In The Arms Of The Law

    Peggy Moreland

    A young man's body washes ashore near Ryan Fortune's ranch–and everyone is surprised to see he has the famous Fortune crown birthmark. Could the mystery man really be «the lost Fortune»?Before Detective Andrea Matthews can find out, she has to convince her young, headstrong–and all right, she'll admit it, sexy–partner Gabe Thunderhawk to stop thinking about his next promotion and start working as part of a team. Being forced to operate together is tricky, though–especially as their oil-and-water personalities become mixed with something much more volatile: desire. In this job there's no room for playing around with the laws of attraction.

    Happy New Year--Baby!

    Marie Ferrarella

    Nicole Logan's Resolution:To deliver the twins who had her feeling like the eighth wonder of the world. And January was the perfect due date, because her babies signaled a beginning. Nicole's life would once again be hers. Free from the shadow of a domineering father, a never-there mother–and a deceitful husband…Dennis Lincoln's Assignment:Investigate one very pregnant widow who was the key to exposing a powerful crime syndicate. To get the answers he wanted, he had to get close–very close. But soon, what he needed was Nicole…if she could ever forgive his lies.

    200 Harley Street

    Lynne Marshall

    200 Harley Street CollectionEight dashing doctors for your bedside!200 HARLEY STREET: SURGEON IN A TUX by Carol Marinelli Renowned plastic surgeon Leo Hunter has sacrificed everything to restore the Hunter Clinic to its former glory. Now this legendary playboy always has a glamorous woman on his arm. So why is he drawn to his new head nurse, Lizzie Birch? She’s the first woman who is resistant to Leo’s intoxicating charms!200 HARLEY STREET: GIRL FROM THE RED CARPET by Scarlet Wilson Lexi Robbins is determined to throw off her daughter-of-a-celebrity image and make her own name as Head of PR. And if that means pestering gruff, super-sexy Scottish surgeon Iain MacKenzie till she gets his co-operation she’ll do it! But getting too close to Iain is the last thing that she wants!200 HARLEY STREET: THE PROUD ITALIAN by Alison Roberts Top-notch surgeons Rafael and Abbie de Luca were once the Hunter Clinic’s ‘dream-team’. But the joyous birth of their little daughter, Ella, brought devastating news that she was suffering from a life-threatening condition, and their idyllic life came crashing down. But can they rekindle their once burning passion?200 HARLEY STREET: AMERICAN SURGEON IN LONDON by Lynne Marshall Mitchell Cooper had it all—a beautiful wife and daughter, and a glittering career in Hollywood as a sought-after plastic surgeon. But as his career soared his personal life collapsed. But after one sensational night with new colleague, Grace Turner, Mitchell finds himself daring to live again!200 HARLEY STREET: THE SOLDIER PRINCE by Kate Hardy Injured war hero Prince Marco is desperate to be back in the field, fighting alongside his men. However, he finds he’s in good hands with physical therapist Becca Anderson—the woman he once shared a magical forbidden summer with long ago…!200 HARLEY STREET: THE ENIGMATIC SURGEON by Annie Claydon Edward North—child prodigy turned genius microsurgeon—has no idea how attractive women find him! Hours spent researching and saving lives leaves him little time for socialising. Until an adorable little boy wanders into his office, followed by his frantic mum, nurse Charlotte King, and they turn his world upside-down!200 Harley Street: The Shameless Maverick by Louisa George Junior surgeon Kara Stephens has been assigned her first high-profile case to help an injured princess. Great news—if she wasn’t working with hot-shot Irish surgeon Declan Underwood, the man she kissed at the hospital ball! Declan’s notoriety with women is legendary!200 HARLEY STREET: THE TORTURED HERO by Amy Andrews Running the clinic’s charity operation has given surgeon and ex-soldier Ethan Hunter a new lease of life. His reconstructive work with the wounded helps block out his army traumas. But when he works alongside beautiful surgeon Olivia Fairchild—the woman whose heart he regretfully broke—he can’t help but remember the passion they once shared…

    Smoky Mountains Ranger

    Lena Diaz

    A dangerous mountain escapeAdam McKenzie’s protective instincts are on overdrive, but Jody Ingram is no helpless victim. She refuses to abandon the injured ranger who saved her life despite the mysterious gunmen hot on her trail. Adam must decide Jody is worth the risk to his life and his heart….