John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Mythologie für Dummies

    Christopher W. Blackwell

    Mythologie ist spannender als jeder Krimi, grausamer als jeder Horrorfilm und leidenschaftlicher als jeder Liebesroman!<br> Wie hieß er doch noch gleich, der Meeresgott bei den Griechen? Was waren bloß die zehn Aufgaben des Herkules? Antworten auf solch typische Fragen nach dem Motto «Wie war das nochmal?» finden Sie in diesem wunderbaren Nachschlagewerk, das zum Schmökern einlädt.<br> Der Schwerpunkt des Buches liegt auf der griechischen und römischen Mythologie, aber auch nordeuropäische Gestalten wie König Artus und Beowulf, weniger bekannte Sagen aus Ägypten und Asien und die Mythen lateinamerikanischer Völker wie den Maya, Azteken und Inkas kommen nicht zu kurz.<br>

    3D Printing of Foods

    C. Anandharamakrishnan

    3D Printing of Foods < Explore the fascinating realm of 3D food printing and its applications In 3D Printing of Foods , a team of distinguished researchers delivers a comprehensive and eye-opening exploration of the rapidly developing field of 3D food printing. In the book, the authors offer readers an examination of “food printability,” the foundation of 3D food printing. They discuss the enormous research gap in the subject that remains to be addressed and envisage a robust discipline in which food processing techniques, combined with 3D food printing, gives rise to a range of synergistic applications. In addition to treatments of safety challenges and research requirements, the book tackles food industry market trends and consumer preferences, as well as the globalization of printed foods and consumer perception of 3D printed foods. 3D Printing of Foods also explores the integration of electrohydrodynamic processes and encapsulation with 3D food printing. Readers will also find: Thorough introductions to 3D printing technology, 3D printing approaches, and food components and their printability In-depth examinations of the factors affecting the printability of foods, printability and techniques, and natively printable foods Practical discussions of pre-processing of non-printable foods and alternative ingredients used in food printing Comprehensive explorations of 4D printing technology and the applications of 3D food printing technology Perfect for 3D printing professionals and enthusiasts, as well as food scientists, 3D Printing of Foods is an indispensable resource for anyone interested in a one-stop resource addressing this cutting-edge technology with nearly limitless potential.