John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

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    Kelly McDonald

    Umsetzbare, wirkungsvolle und kostenlose Strategien für mehr Vielfalt und Inklusion am Arbeitsplatz!<br> <br> Rassismus am Arbeitsplatz ist leider keine Seltenheit. Er findet sich in verschiedenen Ausprägungen und Härtegraden. Teilweise ist er sogar unbeabsichtigt, aus Unwissenheit, wie die richtige Verhaltensweise aussehen sollte. Dabei wollen viele Führungskräfte Diversity und Gleichberechtigung stärken. Sie wissen nur oft nicht, wie sie dies angemessen und effektiv tun können. Sie müssen sich über die blinden Flecken bewusst werden, die Hindernisse zum Beispiel für People of Color oder Angehörige von Minderheiten schaffen können. Ihre Absichten mögen aufrichtig und von Herzen kommen, aber Absichten reichen nicht aus.<br> In ihrem Buch liefert die renommierte Rednerin und Bestsellerautorin Kelly McDonald einen dringend benötigten Fahrplan für Geschäftsleute. Dieses Buch wird ihnen dabei helfen, erfolgreich einen fairen und gerechten Arbeitsplatz zu schaffen, der unterschiedliche Talente anerkennt und produktive und konstruktive Gespräche in ihrem Unternehmen fördert. Die Autorin nähert sich dem Thema Diversity nicht aus dem Blickwinkel des sozialen Aktivismus oder aus der Perspektive der Personalabteilung. Stattdessen erläutert sie den Lesern – unabhängig von der Größe ihres Unternehmens – klar und konkret realistisch umsetzbare Lösungen für mehr Fortschritt in puncto Vielfalt und Integration.<br> Führungskräfte, Manager und Geschäftsführer erfahren:<br> – Die Kosten und Risiken, die sie eingehen, wenn es in ihrem Unternehmen an Diversity mangelt.<br> – Wie Menschen, die sich selbst nicht als rassistisch einschätzen, dennoch blinde Flecken in Sachen Vielfalt haben können.<br> – Hinweise zur Gestaltung schwieriger Gespräche, bei denen sie vielleicht nicht wissen, wie sie sie angehen sollen.<br> – Eine Methode, mit der sie sicherstellen können, dass ihre Bemühungen um Diversity, Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion effektiv sind.<br> – Wie sie die Ausreden erkennen, die Menschen benutzen, um Maßnahmen zur Förderung von Diversity und Gleichberechtigung zu vermeiden.<br> – Wie sie, während sie die Vielfalt im Unternehmen voranbringen, die Probleme und Kommentare ansprechen, die auftauchen, wenn sich Mitarbeitende nervös, verärgert oder unwohl fühlen.<br>

    Preparing for Professional Practice in Health and Social Care

    Группа авторов

    PREPARING FOR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE The new edition of Preparing for Professional Practice in Health and Social Care is a welcome resource for students and newly registered Allied Health professionals, emphasising client-centered practice while clarifying expectations from regulatory bodies such as the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). The book presents a range of topics—such as law, ethics, interprofessional working, leadership, equality and diversity, team building, communication skills, and reflective practice—ensuring readers are fully prepared for the demands of their profession. Readers will also find: Practical guidance on getting, and keeping, the job – from writing a CV, applying for jobs, interview techniques, as well as career-planning and continuing professional development Each chapter begins with an overview of the content and concludes with key take-home messages and further reading suggestions A set of self-assessment exercises Case studies and examples from clinical practice Preparing for Professional Practice in Health and Social Care is a useful reference for all Allied Health professionals.

    Commercial Real Estate Investing For Dummies

    Peter Harris

    Make your money work for you with sound commercial real estate investment strategies If you're looking for more detailed advice on the commercial real estate market than, «Buy low, sell high,» you've come to the right place. Commercial Real Estate Investing For Dummies is where you can find the smart, straightforward, and accurate info you need to get your start—or grow your portfolio—in commercial real estate. You'll learn foundational strategies, tips, and tricks for investing in all sorts of commercial properties, from apartments to shopping malls. You'll also get rock-solid advice on: How to get started in commercial real estate investing, even if you've never tried it before How to work with business and investment partners and protect your own interests with contracts Financing your investments with a variety of instruments and taking advantage of legal tax opportunities Growing wealth by investing in real estate is a strategy as old as money itself. Do yourself a favor and get in on the action with this straightforward and up-to-date guide!

    Beleuchtung in Innenräumen - Human Centric Integrative Lighting

    Tran Quoc Khanh

    Ausführliche Darstellung der technischen und nicht-technischen Aspekte der modernen Beleuchtungstechnik im Blick auf die Wirkung auf den Menschen!<br> <br> Die moderne Lichttechnik befasst sich nicht nur mit den technischen Aspekten von Beleuchtung in Innenräumen, sondern auch mit der Wirkung unterschiedlicher Arten von Beleuchtung auf den Menschen. Über die genaue Kenntnis der physikalischen Eigenschaften von Licht und der Lichterzeugung hinaus werden dazu validierte physiologische und psychologische Wahrnehmungsmodelle benötigt, auf deren Basis Hersteller von Leuchtmitteln und Anbieter von Lichttechniklösungen Design- und Entwicklungsentscheidungen treffen können.<br> <br> Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über das Forschungsgebiet des Human Centric Integrative Lighting, also der menschzentrierten Innenraumbeleuchtungstechnik. Nach einer Zusammenfassung der Grundlagen der Lichttechnik im Zusammenspiel mit der menschlichen Wahrnehmung und dem aktuellen Stand der heutigen Innenraumbeleuchtung legen die Autoren die Grundprinzipien des Human Centric Integrative Lighting dar und schildern ausführlich Aspekte wie visuelle Leistungen, Farbqualität und emotionale Wirkung sowie die Korrelation der relevanten Parameter. Im Anschluss diskutieren sie umfassende Lichtqualitätsmodelle und leiten daraus Empfehlungen für die praktische Umsetzung des Konzepts des Human Centric Integrative Lighting ab.<br> <br> * Geballtes Expertenwissen: das Buch ist geschrieben von Deutschlands führenden Wissenschaftlern auf dem Gebiet der Lichttechnik<br> <br> * Kohärente Zusammenfassung des Forschungsstands: das Buch kombiniert die relevanten Forschungsergebnisse aus Zeitschriften, Patentschriften und Normen zu einem einheitlichen Ganzen<br> <br> * Praxisorientierter Ansatz: die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse werden zu Modellen kondensiert, die für Entwickler direkt nutzbar sind<br>

    The Law of Fundraising

    Bruce R. Hopkins

    Stay abreast of the latest developments in charitable fundraising legislation and regulation Effective fundraising has never been more important to the success of a nonprofit organization than it is today. But national- and state-level legislative and administrative control over charitable fundraising is expanding quickly. In the newly revised Sixth Edition of The Law of Fundraising , distinguished lawyers and tax-exempt organization experts deliver a comprehensive and authoritative blueprint of the increasingly complex tangle of federal and state regulations and legislation that govern charitable fundraising in the United States. The authors explore the administrative, tax, and constitutional implications of the latest legislation, regulation, IRS pronouncements, private letter rulings, and technical advice memoranda. The book also includes: In-depth explorations of the anatomy of charitable fundraising, including different methods of fundraising and the roles of accountants and lawyers in the fundraising process Comprehensive examinations of federal and state regulation of fundraising, including the proper delegation of legislative authority and the treatment of fundraising disclosures Regulatory developments on the horizon, including major legislative proposals and new regulatory issues in areas including Internet fundraisingAn indispensable resource for tax-exempt board members, executives, managers, fundraisers, and other leaders, the latest edition of The Law of Fundraising will earn a place in the libraries of the accountants, lawyers, and other regulated professionals who serve nonprofit organizations.

    Doing Criticism

    James Chandler

    Not only an accessible hands-on guide to writing criticism across the literary arts, the dramatic arts, and the narrative screen arts, but also a book that makes a case for how and why criticism matters today Doing Criticism: Across Literary and Screen Arts is a practical guide to engaging actively and productively with a critical object, whether a film, a novel, or a play. Going beyond the study of lyric poetry and literature to include motion picture and dramatic arts, this unique text provides specific advice on how to best write criticism while offering concrete illustrations of what it looks like on the page. Divided into two parts, the book first presents an up-to-date account of the state of criticism in both Anglo-American and Continental contexts—describing both the longstanding mission and the changing functions of criticism over the centuries and discussing critical issues that bridge the literary and screen arts in the contemporary world. The second part of the book features a variety of case studies of criticism across media, including works by canonical authors such as Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and W. B. Yeats; films such as Coppola’s The Conversation andHitchcock’s Vertigo; screen adaptations of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day ;   and a concluding chapter on several of Spike Lee’s film “joints” that brings several of the book’s central concepts to bear on work of a single film auteur. Helping students of literature and cinema write well about what they find in their reading and viewing, Doing Criticism: Across Literary and Screen Arts : Discusses how the bridging of the literary arts and screen arts can help criticism flourish in the present day Illustrates how the doing of criticism is in practice a particular kind of writing Considers how to generalize the consequences of criticism beyond personal growth and gratification Addresses the ways the practice of criticism matters to the practice of the critical object Suggests that doing without criticism is not only unwise, but also perhaps impossible Features case studies organized under the rubrics of conversation, adaptation, genre, authorship and seriality   Doing Criticism: Across Literary and Screen Arts is an ideal text for students in introductory courses in criticism, literary studies, and film studies, as well as general readers with interest in the subject.

    Thermal Food Engineering Operations


    Thermal Food Engineering Operations Presenting cutting-edge information on new and emerging food engineering processes, Thermal Food Engineering Operations , the first volume in the new series, “Bioprocessing in Food Science,” is an essential reference on the modeling, quality, safety, and technologies associated with food processing operations today. As the demand for healthy food increases in the current global scenario, manufacturers are searching for new possibilities for occupying a greater share in the rapidly changing food market. Compiled reports and updated knowledge on thermal processing of food products are imperative for commercial enterprises and manufacturing units. In the current scenario, academia, researchers, and food industries are working in a scattered manner and different technologies developed at each level are not compiled to implement for the benefits of different stakeholders. However, advancements in bioprocesses are required at all levels for the betterment of food industries and consumers. This series of groundbreaking edited volumes will be a comprehensive compilation of all the research that has been carried out so far, their practical applications, and the future scope of research and development in the food bioprocessing industry. This first volume includes all the conventional and novel thermal technologies based on conduction, convection, and radiation principles and covers the basics of microbial inactivation with heat treatments, aseptic processing, retorting, drying, dehydration, combined high-pressure thermal treatments, and safety and quality concerns in food processing. Before studying the novel non-thermal processes and the concept of minimal processing, comprehensive knowledge about the conventional thermal technologies is desired along with benefits, constraints, equipment, and implementation of these technologies. Whether for the engineer, scientist, or student, this series is a must-have for any library. This outstanding new volume: Discusses food safety and quality and thermal processing, laying the groundwork for further study and research Provides case studies of solid–liquid and supercritical fluid extraction Explores pasteurization, ohmic heating, irradiation, and more Presents cutting-edge information on new and emerging food engineering processes Audience: Process and chemical engineers, chemists, engineers in other disciplines, managers, researchers, scientists, students, and teachers working in the field of food engineering and processing