BECOMING A REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONER In the newly revised sixth edition of Becoming a Reflective Practitioner , expert researcher and nurse Christopher Johns delivers a rich and incisive resource on reflective practice in healthcare that offers readers a diverse and expansive range of contributions. It explores the value of using models of reflection, with a focus on John’s own model of structured reflection, to inform and enhance the practice of professional nursing. This book is an essential guide for everyone using reflection in everyday clinical practice or required to demonstrate reflection for professional registration. Students will acquire new insights into how they interact with their colleagues and their environment, and how those things shape their own behaviours, both positively and negatively. Readers will learn to “look in” on their thoughts and emotions and “look out” at the situations they experience to inform how they understand the circumstances they find themselves in. Readers will also benefit from: Thorough introductions to reflective practice, writing the Self and engaging in the reflective spiral Comprehensive explorations of how to frame and deepen insights, weave and perform narratives Practical discussions of how to move towards more poetic form of expression and reflecting through art and storyboard In-depth examinations of the reflective curriculum, touch and the environment and reflective teaching as ethical practice Perfect for nurses in clinical practice, conducting research or developing their practice, the latest edition of Becoming a Reflective Practitioner is also an indispensable resource for mentors and clinical supervisors, post-registration nursing and healthcare students and other healthcare practitioners.
Blow past the jargon and get hands-on, practical guidance on managing any project with Microsoft Project Lean. Agile. Hybrid. It seems that project management these days comes with more confusing buzzwords than ever. But you can make managing your next project simple and straightforward with help from Microsoft Project For Dummies. This book unpacks Microsoft’s bestselling project management platform and walks you through every important feature, step-by-step, until you’re ready to take on virtually any project, no matter the size. From getting set up for the first time to creating tasks, managing resources and working with time management features, you’ll learn everything you need to know about managing a project in Microsoft’s iconic software. You’ll also find: Totally updated guidance that applies to both the desktop version and Microsoft’s new subscription-based Microsoft Project Online Helpful information on integrating Agile practices and techniques into your project “Golden rules” that keep a project on-track and on-time Ways to effectively manage your resources with Microsoft Project’s built-in functionality Managing a project, big or small, is no easy task. Luckily, Microsoft Project For Dummies can take a lot of the hassle out of your day-to-day life. Learn how to take advantage of this powerful software today!
APPLICATIONS OF POLYMER NANOFIBERS Explore a comprehensive review of the practical experimental and technological details of polymer nanofibers with a leading new resource Applications of Polymer Nanofibers delivers a complete introduction to the basic science of polymer nanofibers as well as a review of their diverse applications. The book assesses their potential for commercialization and presents contributions from leading experts emphasizing their practical and technological details. New and up to date research findings are presented throughout the book in areas including filters, fabric, energy, fuel cells, batteries, sensors, biomedicine, drug delivery, tissue engineering, and wound dressings. The book also presents a fulsome analysis of the technology of electrospinning, the most convenient and scalable technique for nanofiber production. It also provides readers with practical information on relevant surface modification techniques. Applications of Polymer Nanofibers effectively balances theoretical background with practical applications of the technology, including insights into polymer nanofiber materials that will be useful for advanced students and researchers. Students, researchers, and industry professionals will also enjoy the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to electrospinning parameters and resulting nanofiber characteristics, including theoretical and practical considerations An exploration of textile applications of nanofibers, like protective clothing, filter fabrics, wearable devices, functional fabrics, and biomedical textiles A review of nanofiber mats as high-efficiency filters, including filtration developments, filters made with nanofibers, and the future outlook for nanofiber filters A treatment of nanofiber-based chemical sensors, including sensor materials, approaches to nanofiber sensor design, and gravimetric nanofiber sensors Perfect for researchers and graduate students studying polymer science and engineering, chemical engineering, materials science, and nanotechnology. Applications of Polymer Nanofibers will also earn a place in the libraries of industrial researchers concerned with electrospinning, air filtration, fabrics, drug delivery, catalysis, and biomedicine.
Learn Windows 11 quickly, easily, and with expert help from a tech education master Windows 11 Simplified is your from-scratch beginner’s guide to the ins and outs of the latest version of Windows. It’s fully updated to include all the coolest new features of Windows 11 and offers a highly visual roadmap – complete with tons of screenshots and illustrations – to Windows 11 mastery. You’ll get up to speed on the basic, and not-so-basic, features of Windows 11 with plain-English instructions and step-by-step screenshots that walk you through every technique you need to know to make Windows 11 do what you want it to do. You’ll learn to navigate the user interface, work with and manage files, create user accounts, and practice using the tools that make Windows 11 the most user-friendly and powerful version of the famous operating system yet. You’ll also discover how to: Master the basics, as well as a bunch of power-user tools, with easy-to-follow instructions Learn your way around the interface, File Explorer, the Settings app, and more Navigate the web, send emails, access online media, and chat with friends and family Customize windows to look and feel exactly the way you want it toWith the right help, learning a new operating system can be fun, straightforward, and exciting. This book is perfect for everyone from those with no Windows experience at all to users of previous versions who just need a heads-up on the latest features. If you’re ready to become a Windows 11 master, Windows 11 Simplified is the easiest and fastest way to do it.
Ein Schwerpunkt des Stahlbau-Kalenders 2022 ist der Brandschutz, der existenziell für die Stahlbauweise ist. Die ganzheitliche Betrachtung des vorbeugenden Brandschutzes unter Berücksichtigung der nutzungsbedingten Gefährdungspotentiale und Schutzziele spielt bei der Planung und Errichtung von Bauwerken eine wesentliche Rolle. Planung und Entwurf mithilfe von Brandschutzkonzepten und Naturbrandmodellen können vorteilhafte, wirtschaftliche Konstruktionen hervorbringen.<br> Mit dem zweiten Schwerpunktthema Türme und Maste behandelt dieser Kalender ein Spezialthema des Stahlbaus mit seinen spezifischen Konstruktionsformen und Einwirkungen, insbesondere aus Wind.<br> Der Stahlbau-Kalender dokumentiert verlässlich und aus erster Hand den aktuellen Stand der Stahlbau-Regelwerke. In diesem Sinne werden, neben der Aktualisierung des Kommentars zu Eurocode 3 Teil 1-1 «Bemessungsregeln für den Hochbau», die neuen Entwicklungen zur Regelung der «Brandeinwirkungen auf Tragwerke» in prEN 1991-1-2 und der «Tragwerksbemessung für den Brandfall» in prEN 1993-1-2 dargestellt und erläutert.<br> Wie immer bewegen sich alle Kapitel nahe an der Ingenieurpraxis und enthalten zahlreiche Beispiele. Das Buch ist ein Wegweiser für die richtige Berechnung und Konstruktion im gesamten Stahlbau mit neuen Themen in jeder Ausgabe. Herausragende Autoren aus der Industrie, aus Ingenieurbüros und aus der Forschung vermitteln Grundlagen und geben praktische Hinweise.<br>
It has become axiomatic to contend that U.S. foreign policy must adapt to an era of renewed “great-power competition.” The United States went on a quarter-century strategic detour after the Cold War, the argument goes, basking in triumphalism and getting bogged down in the Middle East. Now China and Russia are increasingly challenging its influence and undercutting the order it has led since 1945. How should it respond to these two formidable authoritarian powers? In this timely intervention, Ali Wyne offers the first detailed critique of great-power competition as a foreign policy framework, warning that it could render the United States defensive and reactive. He exhorts Washington to find a middle ground between complacence and consternation, selectively contesting Beijing and Moscow but not allowing their decisions to determine its own course. Analyzing a resurgent China, a disruptive Russia, and a deepening Sino-Russian entente, Wyne explains how the United States can seize the «great-power opportunity» at hand: to manage all three of those phenomena confidently while renewing itself at home and abroad.