John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Dental Management of Sleep Disorders

    Ronald Attanasio

    DENTAL MANAGEMENT OF SLEEP DISORDERS [b]A clinically focused, updated, and expanded edition of the leading resource on the dental management of sleep disorders The newly revised Second Edition of Dental Management of Sleep Disorders delivers a focused and authoritative exploration of the dentist’s role in managing patients with sleep problems, especially sleep-related breathing disorders and bruxism. Full discussions of the use of appliances, overviews of current treatment modalities, and investigations of the relationship between sleep disorders and dental and orofacial features accompany detailed chapters on oral appliance therapy, pharmacological, and behavioral management of symptoms. The book includes a variety of revealing case studies that examine the treatment of different sleep disorders, as well as: Thorough introductions to the societal impact of sleep disorders and human sleep architecture and functional anatomy of the airway Comprehensive explorations of the pathophysiology and classification of sleep disorders and sleep disorders in the pediatric population Practical discussions of medical disorders related to obstructive sleep apnea and the dental and orofacial consequences of sleep-related breathing disorders In-depth examinations of the role and interaction of the dentist with the sleep physician and sleep study center Offering practical advice for diagnosis and treatment, Dental Management of Sleep Disorders, Second Edition is a valuable resource for dental practitioners as well as students.

    Biomolecules from Natural Sources

    Группа авторов

    Biomolecules from Natural Sources An up-to-date exploration of new and novel biomolecules In Biomolecules from Natural Sources: Advances and Applications, a team of accomplished researchers delivers up-to-date information on various bioresources, bioprocessing, production, mechanisms of action for selective bioactivity, biochemistry, targeted therapeutic roles and the advancements made on their bioactive potentials of new and novel biomolecules. The book presents recent trends in new and novel biomolecules and their identification, characterization, and potential applications. The selected contributions canvas a variety of breakthroughs in the understanding and applications of naturally derived biomolecules. Biomolecules from Natural Sources: Advances and Applications is an exhaustive collection of research and information, as well as an insightful and interdisciplinary treatment of a rapidly developing field. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to phenolics from natural sources and plant-based natural artemisinin and its biomedical applications Comprehensive explorations of protein structure, function, and specificity and the pharmacological potential of pigments Practical discussions of biomolecules obtained through food biotechnology and the biological activities of natural glycosides In-depth examinations of biomolecules from basil and their pharmacological significance Perfect for biotechnologists, food technologists, and plant biologists, Biomolecules from Natural Sources: Advances and Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of bioprocessing engineers, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students of biochemistry.

    The Black Swan Problem

    Håkan Jankensgård

    An incisive framework for companies seeking to increase their resilience In The Black Swan Problem: Risk Management Strategies for a World of Wild Uncertainty, renowned risk and finance expert Håkan Jankensgård delivers an extraordinary and startling discussion of how firms should navigate a world of uncertainty and unexpected events. It examines three fundamental, high-level strategies for creating resilience in the face of “black swan” risks, highly unlikely but devastating events: insurance, buffering, and flexibility: The author also presents: Detailed case studies, stories, and examples of major firms that failed to anticipate Black Swan Problems and, as a result, were either wiped out or experienced a major strategy disruption Extending the usual academic focus on individual biases to analyze Swans from an organizational perspective and prime organizations to proactive rather than reactive action Practical applications and tactics to mitigate Black Swan risks and protect corporate strategies against catastrophic losses and the collateral damage that they cause Strategies and tools for turning Black Swan events into opportunities, reflecting the fact that resilience can be used for strategic advantage An expert blueprint for companies seeking to anticipate, mitigate, and process tail risks, The Black Swan Problem is a must-read for students and practitioners of risk management, executives, founders, managers, and other business leaders.

    Magnetic Resonance Microscopy

    Группа авторов

    Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Explore the interdisciplinary applications of magnetic resonance microscopy in this one-of-a-kind resource In Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Instrumentation and Applications in Engineering, Life Science and Energy Research, a team of distinguished researchers delivers a comprehensive exploration of the use of magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) and similar techniques in an interdisciplinary milieux. Opening with a section on hardware and methodology, the book moves on to consider developments in the field of mobile nuclear magnetic resonance. Essential processes, including filtration, multi-phase flow and transport, and a wide range of systems – from biomarkers via single cells to plants and biofilms – are discussed next. After a fulsome treatment of MRM in the field of energy research, the editors conclude the book with a chapter extoling the virtues of a holistic treatment of theory and application in MRM. Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Instrumentation and Applications in Engineering, Life Science and Energy Research also includes: A thorough introduction to recent developments in magnetic resonance microscopy hardware and methods, including ceramic coils for MR microscopy Comprehensive explorations of applications in chemical engineering, including ultra-fast MR techniques to image multi-phase flow in pipes and reactors Practical discussions of applications in the life sciences, including MRI of single cells labelled with super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles In-depth examinations of new applications in energy research, including spectroscopic imaging of devices for electrochemical storage Perfect for practicing scientists from all fields, Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Instrumentation and Applications in Engineering, Life Science and Energy Research is an ideal resource for anyone seeking a one-stop guide to magnetic resonance microscopy for engineers, life scientists, and energy researchers.

    Notes on Canine Internal Medicine

    Kathryn F. Murphy

    Canine Internal Medicine A thorough yet concise guide to diagnosing and managing canine medical conditions The newly revised Fourth Edition of Notes on Canine Internal Medicine delivers a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis of common and uncommon medical conditions in dogs. Written to act as a practical and fast-access subject reference for veterinary practitioners and students, Notes on Canine Internal Medicine encourages physicians to take a logical and evidence-based approach to canine medicine. Divided into five sections, the first four are dedicated to clinical presentations, physical and laboratory abnormalities, and – new to this edition – imaging patterns. It concludes with a section on the organ systems of canines, providing a robust summary of how to diagnose and manage common specific conditions of each system. This new edition includes: A thorough introduction to the clinical presentations of a variety of presenting complaints, with both common and uncommon causes of each complaint and a logical diagnostic approach In-depth examinations of common and uncommon physical problems, with a complete diagnostic approach including lab results and key imaging findings that aid in diagnosis Comprehensive explorations of laboratory abnormalities in haematology, serum biochemistry, and urinalysis Practical discussions of diagnostic imaging patterns, including plain radiographic, ultrasonographic, contrast radiographic, and cross-sectional imaging Notes on Canine Internal Medicine Fourth Edition is designed to be a useful resource for all veterinary clinicians; as a handy point of reference for veterinary students, recently graduated veterinary surgeons and those returning to work after career breaks, but also for experienced veterinary surgeons dealing with particularly difficult or challenging cases.

    Card Games For Dummies

    Barry Rigal

    Greek and Roman Slaveries

    Eftychia Bathrellou

    Greek and Roman Slaveries <p>Slavery was foundational to Greek and Roman societies, affecting nearly all of their economic, social, political, and cultural practices. <i>Greek and Roman Slaveries</i> offers a rich collection of literary, epigraphic, papyrological, and archaeological sources, including many unfamiliar ones. This sourcebook ranges chronologically from the archaic period to late antiquity, covering the whole of the Mediterranean, the Near East, and temperate Europe. <p>Readers will find an interactive and user-friendly engagement with past scholarship and new research agendas that focuses particularly on the agency of ancient slaves, the processes in which slavery was inscribed, the changing history of slavery in antiquity, and the comparative study of ancient slaveries. <p>Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students taking courses on ancient slavery, as well as courses on slavery more generally, this sourcebook’s questions, cross-references, and bibliographies encourage an analytical and interactive approach to the various economic, social, and political processes and contexts in which slavery was employed while acknowledging the agency of enslaved persons.