A roadmap to success for tomorrow's leaders The EQ Leader provides an evidence-based model for exceptional leadership, and a four-pillar roadmap for real-world practice. Data collected from thousands of the world's best leaders—and their subordinates—reveals the keys to success: authenticity, coaching, insight, and innovation. By incorporating these methods into their everyday workflow, these leaders have propelled their teams to heights great enough to highlight the divide between successful and not-so-successful leadership. This book shows you how to put these key factors to work in your own practice, with clear examples and concrete steps for improving skills and competencies. New data from the author's own research into executive functioning describes the neurological aspects of leadership, and a deep look at the leaders of tomorrow delves into the fundamental differences that set them apart—and fuel their achievement. Leadership is changing, both in look and practice; strictly authoritative approaches are quickly losing ground as today's workers discover the power of collaboration and the importance of interpersonal awareness. This book provides step-by-step guidance for leading from within this space, with evidence-based approaches for success. Lead authentically to inspire and motivate others Support employee's needs and nurture development Communicate with purpose, meaning, and vision Foster ingenuity, imagination, and autonomous thinking An organization's success rests on the backs of its leadership. At all levels, true leadership is about much more than management and task distribution—it's about commitment, collaboration, nurturing talent, developing skills, fostering relationships, and so much more. The EQ Leader integrates the essential factors of successful leadership into a concrete blueprint for the future's leaders.
The grade-saving Algebra I companion, with hundreds of additional practice problems online Algebra I Workbook For Dummies is your solution to the Algebra brain-block. With hundreds of practice and example problems mapped to the typical high school Algebra class, you'll crack the code in no time! Each problem includes a full explanation so you can see where you went wrong—or right—every step of the way. From fractions to FOIL and everything in between, this guide will help you grasp the fundamental concepts you'll use in every other math class you'll ever take. This new third edition includes access to an online test bank, where you'll find bonus chapter quizzes to help you test your understanding and pinpoint areas in need of review. Whether you're preparing for an exam or seeking a start-to-finish study aid, this workbook is your ticket to acing algebra. Master basic operations and properties to solve any problem Simplify expressions with confidence Conquer factoring and wrestle equations into submission Reinforce learning with online chapter quizzes Algebra I is a fundamentally important class. What you learn here will follow you throughout Algebra II, Trigonometry, Calculus, and beyond, including Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and more. Practice really does make perfect—and this guide provides plenty of it. Study, practice, and score high!
An accessible and detailed overview of the risks posed by financial institutions Understanding Systemic Risk in Global Financial Markets offers an accessible yet detailed overview of the risks to financial stability posed by financial institutions designated as systemically important. The types of firms covered are primarily systemically important banks, non-banks, and financial market utilities such as central counterparties. Written by Aron Gottesman and Michael Leibrock, experts on the topic of systemic risk, this vital resource puts the spotlight on coherency, practitioner relevance, conceptual explanations, and practical exposition. Step by step, the authors explore the specific regulations enacted before and after the credit crisis of 2007-2009 to promote financial stability. The text also examines the criteria used by financial regulators to designate firms as systemically important. The quantitative and qualitative methods to measure the ongoing risks posed by systemically important financial institutions are surveyed. A review of the regulations that identify systemically important financial institutions The tools to use to detect early warning indications of default A review of historical systemic events their common causes Techniques to measure interconnectedness Approaches for ranking the order the institutions which pose the greatest degree of default risk to the industry Understanding Systemic Risk in Global Financial Markets offers a must-have guide to the fundamentals of systemic risk and the key critical policies that work to reduce systemic risk and promoting financial stability.
Achieve more, do more, create more with the power of creative courage Creative Courage challenges you to step outside of your comfort zone and truly make an impact. Set aside the same old routine and break the status quo—because you can only rise to new heights if you first smash the ceiling. Written by the former Executive Creative Director of Creations at Cirque du Soleil, this book shows you how to step up your game, flex your creativity, and make big things happen. Whether you work independently or as part of a team, whether you're self-employed or part of an organization, and even if you think creativity isn't a part of the work that you do—this book gives you the perspective, courage, and kick start you need to think differently about the things you do every day. Creative courage is more than a strategy, it's a way of life. It opens your mind—and the minds of those around you—to new approaches, new ideas, and new schools of thought that can revolutionize the way you work. This book invites you to experience the freedom and power at the intersection of courage and creativity so you can finally: Foster a more collaborative culture Bring depth and meaning to every project Turn challenge into opportunity Create work that matters The value of creative thinking extends far beyond the arts, but the work it allows you to produce has the power to touch like great art can. You gain the ability to make a more profound impact, and you inspire and motivate others to do the same; you become a catalyst for bigger, better things, driven by the enormous potential of the free-thinking mind. Creative Courage helps you break out of the box and start making things happen today.
Learn about the human body from the inside out Some people think that knowing about what goes on inside the human body can sap life of its mystery—which is too bad for them. Anybody who's ever taken a peak under the hood knows that the human body, and all its various structures and functions, is a realm of awe-inspiring complexity and countless wonders. The dizzying dance of molecule, cell, tissue, organ, muscle, sinew, and bone that we call life can be a thing of breathtaking beauty and humbling perfection. Anatomy & Physiology For Dummies combines anatomical terminology and function so you'll learn not only names and terms but also gain an understanding of how the human body works. Whether you're a student, an aspiring medical, healthcare or fitness professional, or just someone who's curious about the human body and how it works, this book offers you a fun, easy way to get a handle on the basics of anatomy and physiology. Understand the meaning of terms in anatomy and physiology Get to know the body's anatomical structures—from head to toe Explore the body's systems and how they interact to keep us alive Gain insight into how the structures and systems function in sickness and health Written in plain English and packed with beautiful illustrations, Anatomy & Physiology For Dummies is your guide to a fantastic voyage of the human body.
Understanding the world of R programming and analysis has never been easier Most guides to R, whether books or online, focus on R functions and procedures. But now, thanks to Statistical Analysis with R For Dummies, you have access to a trusted, easy-to-follow guide that focuses on the foundational statistical concepts that R addresses—as well as step-by-step guidance that shows you exactly how to implement them using R programming. People are becoming more aware of R every day as major institutions are adopting it as a standard. Part of its appeal is that it's a free tool that's taking the place of costly statistical software packages that sometimes take an inordinate amount of time to learn. Plus, R enables a user to carry out complex statistical analyses by simply entering a few commands, making sophisticated analyses available and understandable to a wide audience. Statistical Analysis with R For Dummies enables you to perform these analyses and to fully understand their implications and results. Gets you up to speed on the #1 analytics/data science software tool Demonstrates how to easily find, download, and use cutting-edge community-reviewed methods in statistics and predictive modeling Shows you how R offers intel from leading researchers in data science, free of charge Provides information on using R Studio to work with R Get ready to use R to crunch and analyze your data—the fast and easy way!
A practical, real-world training manual for mid-level management Managing to Make a Difference presents a leadership guide for those in the middle. The C-suite has a wealth of resources for leadership guidance, but middle managers face a quandary: often given little guidance on how to excel, they are also under enormous pressure to do a variety of things other than «lead.» This book provides much-needed tools and techniques for building a high-performing team—without letting your other duties suffer. Organized around a coherent philosophy and based on solid research, the discussion offers a roadmap to engagement, talent development, and excellence in management. From difficult situations and organizational challenges to everyday motivation and inspiration, these techniques help middle managers achieve the goals of their organization while empowering their workers to achieve their own. Talent development is probably not your full-time job—yet it drives the engagement that results in high performance. This book shows you how to hit the «sweet spot» of middle management, with a host of tools and strategies to help you help your team shine. Motivate, inspire, and lead your team with confidence Manage through challenges and overcome obstacles Develop key talent and maintain high engagement Adopt practical management tools based on substantiated research Most organizations direct the majority of their development resources to the C-suite, but still expect their mid-level managers to attract, engage, retain, and develop talent; but successfully juggling everyday duties while maintaining team performance and leading around roadblocks leaves little room for management planning. Managing to Make a Difference offers the solution in the form of tools, techniques, and practical strategy for a high performing team.
A deeper examination of Basel III for more effective capital enhancement The Handbook of Basel III Capital – Enhancing Bank Capital in Practice delves deep into the principles underpinning the capital dimension of Basel III to provide a more advanced understanding of real-world implementation. Going beyond the simple overview or model, this book merges theory with practice to help practitioners work more effectively within the regulatory framework, and utilise the complex rules to more effectively allocate and enhance capital. A European perspective covers the CRD IV directive and associated guidance, but practitioners across all jurisdictions will find value in the strategic approach to decisions surrounding business lines and assets; an emphasis on analysis urges banks to shed unattractive positions and channel capital toward opportunities that actually fit their risk and return profile. Real-world cases demonstrate successful capital initiatives as models for implementation, and in-depth guidance on Basel III rules equips practitioners to more effectively utilise this complex regulatory treatment. The specifics of Basel III implementation vary, but the underlying principles are effective around the world. This book expands upon existing guidance to provide a deeper working knowledge of Basel III utility, and the insight to use it effectively. Improve asset quality and risk and return profiles Adopt a strategic approach to capital allocation Compare Basel III implementation varies across jurisdictions Examine successful capital enhancement initiatives from around the world There is a popular misconception about Basel III being extremely conservative and a deterrent to investors seeking attractive returns. In reality, Basel III presents both the opportunity and a framework for banks to improve their assets and enhance overall capital – the key factor is a true, comprehensive understanding of the regulatory mechanisms. The Handbook of Basel III Capital – Enhancing Bank Capital in Practice provides advanced guidance for advanced practitioners, and real-world implementation insight.
The bestselling social media marketing book Marketing your business through social media isn't an option these days—it's absolutely imperative. In this new edition of the bestselling Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies, you'll get comprehensive, expert guidance on how to use the latest social media platforms to promote your business, reach customers, and thrive in the global marketplace. Social media continues to evolve at breakneck speed, and with the help of this guide, you'll discover how to devise and maintain a successful social media strategy, use the latest tactics for reaching your customers, and utilize data to make adjustments to future campaigns and activities. Plus, you'll find out how to apply the marketing savvy you already have to the social media your prospects are using, helping you to reach—and keep—more customers, make more sales, and boost your bottom line. Includes the latest changes to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more Offers tips for engaging your community and measuring your efforts Explains how to blend social media with your other online and offline marketing efforts Shows you how to leverage data to learn more about your community Don't get left behind! Let this book help you get the most from every minute and dollar you spend on marketing.
Everything you need to know about WordPress If you strive to have a blog that suits your needs, delights your readers, and keeps visitors coming back for more, this book is your ace in the hole! Offering you cream-of-the-crop guidance from eight bestselling books, WordPress All-in-One For Dummies is the only reference you need to get a handle on blogging basics, use SEO and social media tricks to drive traffic to your site, customize your blog with plugins and themes, and so much more. WordPress powers more than 25% of the web—and for good reason. It's a state-of-the-art blog-publishing platform that makes your site look professional, lets it be searchable, and provides readers with a pleasant user experience. Whether you're just dreaming up your first blog or want to learn to use the latest version of the software to keep your site up to date, WordPress All-in-One For Dummies is the way to go! Build your site foundation and become an admin pro Personalize your site with themes and plugins Use SEO and social media to extend your site Read and understand site analytics WordPress is free—and with a bit of help from this how-to guide, it can also be easy!