A comprehensive, authoritative examination of Chinese auditing practices Study on the Auditing System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics provides unprecedented insight into China's current audit process, with expert contributions and predictions of future trends. Author Jiayi Liu is the Auditor General of the National Audit Office of the People's Republic of China, and the current chairman of the governing boards of the International Organizations of Supreme Audit Institutions; in this book, he draws upon his vast experience to help you better understand China's unique approach to auditing. Contributions from senior auditors across the China National Audit Office share deep insight into the system's framework, features, and development, providing a comprehensive, systematic examination of current, past, and future practices. As a leading global auditing authority, Liu is the ideal source of information and clarity on China's auditing system. This book opens up the practices, processes, and foundational aspects of this complex system to provide insight for those doing business in China. Understand the foundation of the Chinese auditing system Learn how the system was created and developed over time Delve into the system's framework and detailed features Gain first-hand insight into China's auditing experience Developed as a companion to Study on the Auditing Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, this book expands upon the system's basic foundations to show how theory translates into practice. Companies who do business in China need a working knowledge of the system, and a scientific examination from the definitive authority provides a level of insight you won't find anywhere else. Study on the Auditing System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is the essential primer to the Chinese audit.
The invaluable handbook for acing your on-camera appearance On-Camera Coach is your personal coach for becoming great on camera. From Skype interviews and virtual conferences to shareholder presentations and television appearances, this book shows you how to master the art of on-camera presentation to deliver your message clearly, effectively, and with confidence. Fear of public speaking is common, but even the most seasoned speakers freeze in front of a single lens—being on camera demands an entirely new set of skills above and beyond the usual presentation to an audience you can actually see. It requires special attention to the way you move, the way you speak, and even the way you dress. This book provides the guidance and tools you need to ace it every time. Video is powerful, and it is everywhere; corporate YouTube channels, webinars, virtual meetings, TedTalks, and more are increasingly turning the lens on those who typically remain behind the scenes. This relatively recent trend will continue to expand as media plays a larger role in business, and the ability to appear confident, authoritative, and polished is becoming a necessary job skill. This book shows you everything you need to know about being on camera, from preparation through presentation and beyond. Learn how to prepare for an on-camera appearance Tailor your presentation to on-camera demands Discover how the camera interprets wardrobe and body language Appear dynamic, confident, and engaged when the lens points your way The lens captures everything—the awkward pauses, the nervous fidgets, poor posture, and every false start and mistake is captured for posterity. Is that the image you want to present? You want to get your message across and be heard; to do that, you must portray authority, energy, and confidence—even when you don't feel it. On-Camera Coach provides the expert instruction and insider secrets that help you make your message sing.
Risk management solutions for today's high-speed investing environment Real-Time Risk is the first book to show regular, institutional, and quantitative investors how to navigate intraday threats and stay on-course. The FinTech revolution has brought massive changes to the way investing is done. Trading happens in microsecond time frames, and while risks are emerging faster and in greater volume than ever before, traditional risk management approaches are too slow to be relevant. This book describes market microstructure and modern risks, and presents a new way of thinking about risk management in today's high-speed world. Accessible, straightforward explanations shed light on little-understood topics, and expert guidance helps investors protect themselves from new threats. The discussion dissects FinTech innovation to highlight the ongoing disruption, and to establish a toolkit of approaches for analyzing flash crashes, aggressive high frequency trading, and other specific aspects of the market. Today's investors face an environment in which computers and infrastructure merge, regulations allow dozens of exchanges to coexist, and globalized business facilitates round-the-clock deals. This book shows you how to navigate today's investing environment safely and profitably, with the latest in risk-management thinking. Discover risk management that works within micro-second trading Understand the nature and impact of real-time risk, and how to protect yourself Learn why flash crashes happen, and how to mitigate damage in advance Examine the FinTech disruption to established business models and practices When technology collided with investing, the boom created stratospheric amounts of data that allows us to plumb untapped depths and discover solutions that were unimaginable 20 years ago. Real-Time Risk describes these solutions, and provides practical guidance for today's savvy investor.
Start a successful online business—and be your own boss! Being an online entrepreneur means more than just building a website—and this book breaks down everything you need to know to be successful. Inside, you'll get plain-English explanations and easy-to-follow instruction on online business basics, legal and accounting issues, website design, Internet security, boosting sales, e-commerce, and so much more. While the ideas and concepts behind starting an online business are tried and true, the tools available to entrepreneurs change and evolve quickly—and often. Starting an Online Business All-in-One For Dummies gets you up to speed on the best new tools, resources, and communities, and shows you how to best leverage them to up your chances of success. Discover your niche and create a business plan Design your website and storefront Increase your reach and market with social media Choose the best web host for your needs If you're a budding entrepreneur with dreams of running your own online business, this book has everything you need to get started and grow your company to extraordinary heights!
The evidence-based approach to a more worthwhile portfolio The Index Revolution argues that active investing is a loser's game, and that a passive approach is more profitable in today's market. By adjusting your portfolio asset weights to match a performance index, you consistently earn higher rates of returns and come out on top in the long run. This book explains why, and describes how individual investors can take advantage of indexing to make their portfolio stronger and more profitable. By indexing investment operations at a very low cost, and trusting that active professionals have set securities prices as correctly as possible, you will achieve better long-term results than those who look down on passive approaches while following outdated advice that no longer works. «Beating the market» is much harder than it used to be, and investors who continue to approach the market with that mindset populate the rolls of market losers time and time again. This book explains why indexing is the preferred approach in the current investment climate, and destroys the popular perception of passive investing as a weak market strategy. Structure your portfolio to perform better over the long term Trust in the pricing and earn higher rates of return Learn why a passive approach is more consistent and worthwhile Ignore overblown, outdated advice that is doomed to disappoint All great investors share a common secret to success: rational decision-making based on objective information. The Index Revolution shows you a more rational approach to the market for a more profitable portfolio.
The ultimate visual learner's guide to Windows 10 Teach Yourself VISUALLY Windows 10 Anniversary Update is the quick and easy way to get up and running with Windows 10 and Windows 10 Update. From setting up to shutting down and everything in between, this book guides you through everything you need to know to start working with Windows 10. Learn how to customize Widows 10, pin an app to the Start menu, work with files and digital media, customize the interface, optimize performance, set up email, go online, and so much more. Two-page spreads, detailed instruction, and expert content walk you through more than 150 Windows tasks. Coverage includes the Windows 10 release, along with the newest features of the Windows 10 Anniversary Update. This is your visual guide to learning what you can do with Windows 10 and Windows 10 Anniversary Update. Find your way around Windows 10 with full-color screen shots Install programs, set up user accounts, play music and videos, and more Learn basic maintenance that keeps your system running smoothly Set up password protection and troubleshoot basic issues quickly
The stress-free way to get up and running with Windows 10 If you're a first-time, over-50 Windows user looking for an authoritative, easy-to-follow guide to the basics of this new operating system, look no further. This no-nonsense book cuts through confusing jargon and covers just what you need to know, providing lots of helpful figures along the way! Whether you're upgrading to the new Windows 10 operating system with the hopes of keeping in touch with loved ones via webcam or social media, or simply want to make your life more organized and streamlined, all the help you need to make the most of Windows 10 is at your fingertips. You'll find out how to navigate the interface with a mouse or touchscreen, manage printers and other external devices, store files in the Cloud, send and receive email, listen to music, and so much more. Customize the desktop and set up a simple network Connect with family and friends online Protect your data, your computer, and your identity Learn faster and easier with the help of large-print text There's no easier way to get up and running on the new Windows operating system than with Windows 10 For Seniors For Dummies.
The most comprehensive guide to Windows 10, updated with the latest enhancements If you're new to Windows 10 and want an authoritative and accessible guide to the basics of the widely used operating system, Windows 10 All-in-One For Dummies is the book for you. Written by trusted Windows expert Woody Leonhard, this freshly updated guide cuts through the jargon and covers everything you need to know, including navigating the start menu, personalizing your Windows experience, maximizing Windows apps, and managing security. Windows 10 All-in-One For Dummies includes all the guidance you need to make the most of this latest update of Windows. It shows you how to set up multiple user accounts, create a Homegroup for easy sharing between devices, backup your files, and troubleshoot common problems. Covers all the new features and latest enhancements to Windows 10 Makes upgrading to the latest version easier than ever Lets you work with apps like a pro Includes tons of tips on protecting your computer, data, privacy, and identity Whether you use Windows 10 for business, fun and games, or staying in touch with family and friends, Windows 10 All-in-One For Dummies makes it easy.
Leverage Big Data analytics methodologies to add value to geophysical and petrophysical exploration data Enhance Oil & Gas Exploration with Data-Driven Geophysical and Petrophysical Models demonstrates a new approach to geophysics and petrophysics data analysis using the latest methods drawn from Big Data. Written by two geophysicists with a combined 30 years in the industry, this book shows you how to leverage continually maturing computational intelligence to gain deeper insight from specific exploration data. Case studies illustrate the value propositions of this alternative analytical workflow, and in-depth discussion addresses the many Big Data issues in geophysics and petrophysics. From data collection and context through real-world everyday applications, this book provides an essential resource for anyone involved in oil and gas exploration. Recent and continual advances in machine learning are driving a rapid increase in empirical modeling capabilities. This book shows you how these new tools and methodologies can enhance geophysical and petrophysical data analysis, increasing the value of your exploration data. Apply data-driven modeling concepts in a geophysical and petrophysical context Learn how to get more information out of models and simulations Add value to everyday tasks with the appropriate Big Data application Adjust methodology to suit diverse geophysical and petrophysical contexts Data-driven modeling focuses on analyzing the total data within a system, with the goal of uncovering connections between input and output without definitive knowledge of the system's physical behavior. This multi-faceted approach pushes the boundaries of conventional modeling, and brings diverse fields of study together to apply new information and technology in new and more valuable ways. Enhance Oil & Gas Exploration with Data-Driven Geophysical and Petrophysical Models takes you beyond traditional deterministic interpretation to the future of exploration data analysis.
1,001 practice opportunities for passing the GED test Ready to take the GED test? Get a head start on a high score with 1,001 GED Test Practice Questions For Dummies. Inside, you'll find 1,001 practice questions on all four sections of the GED test: Mathematical Reasoning, Science, Social Studies, and Reading & Language Arts. All of the question types and formats you'll encounter on the exam are here, so you can study, practice, and increase your chances of scoring higher on the big day. Earning a passing score on the GED test will boost your self-esteem, enable you to continue your education, and qualify you for better-paying jobs—it's a win-win! If you're preparing for this important exam, there are 1,001 opportunities in this guide to roll up your sleeves, put your nose to the grindstone, and get the confidence to perform your very best. Includes free, one-year access to practice questions online Offers 1,001 GED test practice questions—from easy to hard Lets you track your progress, see where you need more help, and create customized question sets Provides detailed, step-by-step answers and explanations for every question Study with the book or study online—or do a little of both—and get ready to pass the GED test with flying colors!