John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Crafting the Customer Experience For People Not Like You. How to Delight and Engage the Customers Your Competitors Don't Understand

    Kelly McDonald

    Deliver a better business experience, for every kind of customer A «one-size fits all» approach to customer service is no longer viable. Businesses competing on service need to understand and cater to customers' racial, ethnic, religious, generational, and geographic differences in order to meet or exceed customers' service expectations. Crafting the Customer Experience to People Not Like You shows how companies, brands, and products struggling to differentiate themselves in a sea of sameness can foster long-term loyalty and brand preference with exceptional and customized customer service. A detailed guide to core customer groups including women, the five generations (matures, Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z), racial and ethnic segments, such as Hispanics and African-Americans, as well as those who are defined by key lifestyle and life-stage attributes Includes onsumer insights that will help business leaders deliver a better business experience with every customer You cannot control the economy, the stock market or the costs of goods and labor. But you can control your organization's customer service. It's an empowering thought. Customer service is 100% in your control at all times and it's more important than ever.

    Cracking Health Costs. How to Cut Your Company's Health Costs and Provide Employees Better Care

    Al Lewis

    Cracking Health Costs reveals the best ways for companies and small businesses to fight back, right now, against rising health care costs. This book proposes multiple, practical steps that you can take to control costs and increase the effectiveness of the health benefit. The book is all about rolling back health care costs to save companies and employees money. Working hand-in-hand with their employees, businesses need to ensure that, whenever feasible, employees with the most expensive diagnoses get optimal treatment at hospitals not practicing “volume-driven” medicine for higher profits. Less than 10% of employees incur 80% of costs. About 20% of patients have been completely misdiagnosed, while many others are simply the victims of surgeons who are either practicing bad medicine or overtreating for profit. For example, some companies, such as Walmart and Lowe’s, are turning to the “Centers of Excellence” approach author Tom Emerick helped to pioneer while running benefits for Walmart. By determining which hospitals are adopting the highest standards of care, benefits managers can reduce the number of unnecessary high-cost surgeries and improve employees’ overall health. The solution-based approach offered by the book is unique, because it can be implemented by businesses today.

    The New Relationship Marketing. How to Build a Large, Loyal, Profitable Network Using the Social Web

    Mari Smith

    A top social media guru shares the secrets to expanding your business through relationships People have always done business with people they know, like, and trust. That's the essence of «relationship marketing.» Today, the popularity of online social networking has caused a paradigm shift in relationship marketing. This book helps businesspeople and marketers master this crucial new skill set. Social marketing expert Mari Smith outlines a step-by-step plan for building a sizable, loyal network comprised of quality relationships that garner leads, publicity, sales,, and more. If you're a businessman or businesswoman feeling the pressure to shift your approach to using social media marketing, to better understand the new soft skills required for success on the social web, and to improve your own leadership and relationship skills through emotional and social intelligence, this book is for you. Outlines how to become a significant «center of influence» for your customers and prospects Explains the unspoken rules of online etiquette—and the common «turnoffs» that drive customers and potential partners away Details the unique cultures of Facebook, Twitter, and other popular online platforms Shows exactly what to automate and delegate to build your social media persona, yet still retain the personal touch Even if you currently have zero presence online, this book will help you see measurable results in a short time.

    Winning The War for Talent. How to Attract and Keep the People to Make the Biggest Difference to Your Bottom Line

    Mandy Johnson

    A new system of people practices that produce extraordinary business results Hiring and retaining great people is the key to profitable growth, but it is the number one issue keeping leaders and managers awake at night. Winning the War for Talent addresses this issue with an unconventional ‘how to’ guide of innovative techniques to source and retain skilled staff. This book shows you how to do away with old-fashioned, destructive and subjective practices that have spread like a pandemic through the HR industry. It also outlines why effective sourcing of talent is now vital to business success. You will be shown proven, scientific solutions that are rarely used and never mentioned in existing business books and seminars and much, much more. Includes a complete step-by-step system with checklists, KPIs and templates that organisations of any size or type, can easily follow and implement Features proven strategies and secret weapons that won't cost you a cent, highlighted in case studies from a diverse range of businesses Written by bestselling author Mandy Johnson, the youngest ever director of Flight Centre, Australia’s leading travel agent For business owners and organisational leaders Winning the War for Talent is your must-have companion to effective recruitment, staff retention and increasing business success.

    The Ask. How to Ask for Support for Your Nonprofit Cause, Creative Project, or Business Venture

    Laura Fredricks

    A completely revised edition of the must-have resource for increasing your nonprofit's bottom line This thoroughly revised and updated edition of the best-selling book The Ask is filled with suggestions, guidelines, and down-to-earth advice that will give you the confidence to ask anyone for any size gift, for any purpose. Written in winning language, filled with sample dialogues, and offering a wealth of tips and tools, this book addresses common mistakes made when asking and shows how to correct each mistake, providing guidance and direction on how to make a great ask. Offers step-by-step guidance for learning personal solicitation skills Filled with real-world tools and techniques for raising money or support Contains advice for overcoming situations such as hesitating to ask for money and following through on the ask Written for fundraisers from any size organization Includes information on how to apply asking skills to a fundraiser's personal and professional pursuits. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

    Startupland. How Three Guys Risked Everything to Turn an Idea into a Global Business

    Carlye Adler

    The real story of what it takes to risk it all and go for broke. Conventional wisdom says most startups need to be in Silicon Valley, started by young engineers around a sexy new idea, and backed by VC funding. But as Mikkel Svane reveals in Startupland, the story of founding Zendesk was anything but conventional. Founded in a Copenhagen loft by three thirty-something friends looking to break free from corporate doldrums, Zendesk Inc. is now one of the hottest enterprise software companies, still rapidly growing with customers in 150 countries. But its success was anything but predestined. With revealing stories both funny and frank, Mikkel shares how he and his friends bravely left secure jobs to start something on their own, how he almost went broke several times, how they picked up themselves and their families to travel across the world to California and the unknown, and how the three friends were miraculously still together for Zendesk's IPO and (still growing) success. Much like Zendesk's mission itself—to remove friction, barriers, and mystery in order to make customer service easier and more approachable—Startupland removes some of the myths about startups and startup founders. Mikkel's advice, hard-won through experience, often bucks conventional wisdom and entrepreneurial tropes. He shares why failure (whether fast or slow) is awful, why a seemingly boring product or idea can be the most exciting, why giving back to the community is as important as the bottom line. From how to hire right (look for people who are not offended by swearing) to which personas generate the highest response rates, Mikkel answers the most pressing questions from the perspective of someone still in the trenches and willing to share the hard truth, warts and all. While there are books by consultants who tell you how to build businesses, or by entrepreneurs now running billion-dollar businesses, there are few books from people still in the trenches who acutely remember the difficult daily decisions, the thrill (and fears) of the early days, the problems that scale with growing a business, and the reason why they all went on the adventure in the first place. Startupland is indispensable reading for all entrepreneurs who want to make their ideas the next big thing. The book will inspire and empower you to follow your own dream and create your own story.

    The Executive's Guide to Enterprise Social Media Strategy. How Social Networks Are Radically Transforming Your Business

    Mike Barlow

    Social media has already transformed society. Now it is poised to revolutionize communications and collaborative business processes. This book provides you with an actionable framework for developing and executing successful enterprise social networking strategies. Using straightforward language, accompanied by exhibits and fleshed out with real-world stories and revealing anecdotes, you will learn how to develop your own internal corporate social media strategy. Through the use of in-depth interviews with leading companies using these strategies, you will also discover best practices that will propel your business to new heights.

    Pension Ponzi. How Public Sector Unions are Bankrupting Canada's Health Care, Education and Your Retirement

    Bill Tufts

    The vast majority of Canadians are blissfully unaware that every man, woman and child in Canada now owes a $35,000 share of government debt and must pay this back, with interest! Make no mistake, this debt will change our country and affect every single Canadian in the decades to come. You may think you have planned for your retirement and are safe, but the government must find a way to recover this borrowed money, and they can only do that by raising your taxes and reducing your hard-earned benefits. How did this debt come about, and why can't we simply pay it off? Pension Ponzi lays the blame squarely at the feet of the politicians who refused to stand up to Canada's public sector unions. The fact is Canada's public sector, which accounts for 20% of the workforce, has been grossly overpaid relative to their counterparts in the private sector with cushy pensions paid for with your taxes and new debt. There is no denying that the country does not have the financial resources to ensure that the next generation of Canadians will have the same standard of living as the ones before it-or to support our growing seniors population. Meeting our public sector pension obligations will break the current social safety net that is a pillar of the Canadian way. Can you escape this bleak future? Can you afford to live longer? Nationally-recognized pension expert Bill Tufts and award-winning journalist Lee Fairbanks explore how this catastrophe came about and then suggest ways that government can fix what's broken, and how you as an individual can protect yourself from the financial calamity that is about to engulf Canada.

    Edison in the Boardroom Revisited. How Leading Companies Realize Value from Their Intellectual Property

    Patrick Sullivan H.

    A revised and expanded edition of the groundbreaking Edison in the Boardroom, highlighting the winning strategies today's biggest companies use to maximize the value of their intellectual property Now fully revised and expanded, Edison in the Boardroom, Second Edition takes an in-depth look at the revolutionary concept of intellectual asset management (IAM). Incorporating stories and teachings from some of the most successful companies in the world—such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Procter & Gamble, Rockwell, Dow, Ford and many others—Harrison and Sullivan have made an exhaustive study of IAM and its implications for today's businesses. Features updated interviews of companies, and a new treatment of the Profit Center Level Updates stories and teachings from some of the most successful companies in the world Showcases a hierarchy of best practices that today's companies can integrate into their own business philosophies to gain the best return from their intellectual assets Edison in the Boardroom, Second Edition compiles a wealth of knowledge and successful stories that illustrate how far businesses have come in their ability to leverage and monetize their intellectual assets.

    The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy. Hogwarts for Muggles

    William Irwin

    A philosophical exploration of the entire seven-book Harry Potter series Harry Potter has been heralded as one of the most popular book series of all time and the philosophical nature of Harry, Hermione, and Ron's quest to rid the world of its ultimate evil is one of the many things that make this series special. The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy covers all seven titles in J.K. Rowling's groundbreaking series and takes fans back to Godric's Hollow to discuss life after death, to consider what moral reasoning drove Harry to choose death, and to debate whether Sirius Black is a man or a dog. With publication timed to coincide with the release of the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1), this book will be the definitive guide for all fans looking to appreciate the series on a deeper level. Covers a range of intriguing topics such as the redemption of Severus Snape, the power of love, and destiny in the wizarding world Gives you a new perspective on Harry Potter characters, plot lines, and themes Makes a perfect companion to the Harry Potter books and movies Packed with interesting ideas and insights, The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy is an ideal companion for anyone interested in unraveling the subtext and exploring the greater issues at work in the story.