John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Look at More. A Proven Approach to Innovation, Growth, and Change

    Andy Stefanovich

    Praise for Look At More «Andy Stefanovich is a masterful storyteller and a true 'curator of inspiration.' Look At More gives you a dose of Andy's adrenaline and creative can-do spirit, and it provides you with a powerful how-to guide for inspiring workplace innovation that lasts.»—Beth Comstock, chief marketing officer, GE «Andy Stefanovich has always exhorted his clients to 'look at more stuff, think about it harder.' With this inspired and inspiring book, he shares dozens upon dozens of ways to put that principle to work. Look At More offers a way to real business transformation.» —Daniel H. Pink, author, A Whole New Mind and Drive «Andy offers the reader a unique insight into what it really takes to create innovation within the structure of a corporate environment today. Andy doesn't think outside the box. He blows it up and starts again, helping large corporations think and behave like start-ups.» —Duncan Wardle, vice president, Creative Inc., Disney Company «Andy Stefanovich delivers a host of innovative approaches to transform you and your business. The addictive narrative, while informative and actionable, is as creative as he wants us all to be.»—Ivy Ross, executive vice president, marketing, Gap Brand at Gap Inc. «Look At More gives business leaders a practical and comprehensive framework to build, maintain, and most importantly inspire innovation not only at work but in all parts of life.»—Stew Friedman, Wharton professor and author, Total Leadership

    Investing in Energy. A Primer on the Economics of the Energy Industry

    Gianna Bern

    An energy industry researcher and investment advisor provides a fresh perspective on the economics of energy From major players in the energy industry, such as big oil, to the emerging cap-and-trade market, no other book offers a more complete overview of the energy industry, specifically its economic and financial intricacies, than Investing in Energy: A Primer on the Economics of the Energy Industry. Details how to value and invest in the four big energy sectors: oil, gas, power, and green Describes key financial considerations for the energy sectors, including credit metrics, the importance of liquidity, cash flow, and capital expenditures From Bloomberg, a leading provider of the most up-to-date business news and financial data A comprehensive guide to the economics of the energy industry, Investing in Energy will prove an invaluable resource for traditional energy investors looking to expand into new areas, as well as for eco-investors looking to better understand how energy markets function.

    Quantitative Value. A Practitioner's Guide to Automating Intelligent Investment and Eliminating Behavioral Errors

    Wesley R. Gray

    A must-read book on the quantitative value investment strategy Warren Buffett and Ed Thorp represent two spectrums of investing: one value driven, one quantitative. Where they align is in their belief that the market is beatable. This book seeks to take the best aspects of value investing and quantitative investing as disciplines and apply them to a completely unique approach to stock selection. Such an approach has several advantages over pure value or pure quantitative investing. This new investing strategy framed by the book is known as quantitative value, a superior, market-beating method to investing in stocks. Quantitative Value provides practical insights into an investment strategy that links the fundamental value investing philosophy of Warren Buffett with the quantitative value approach of Ed Thorp. It skillfully combines the best of Buffett and Ed Thorp—weaving their investment philosophies into a winning, market-beating investment strategy. First book to outline quantitative value strategies as they are practiced by actual market practitioners of the discipline Melds the probabilities and statistics used by quants such as Ed Thorp with the fundamental approaches to value investing as practiced by Warren Buffett and other leading value investors A companion Website contains supplementary material that allows you to learn in a hands-on fashion long after closing the book If you're looking to make the most of your time in today's markets, look no further than Quantitative Value.

    The Autism Checklist. A Practical Reference for Parents and Teachers

    Paula Kluth

    A practical resource filled with information, tips, and checklists for helping kids with autism This useful, accessible guide offers teachers and parents a better understanding of children on the autism spectrum and provides them with the kinds of support and intervention they need. Written in an easy-to-read checklist format, the book is filled with up-to-date research, practical advice, and helpful resources on a wide range of topics. The book covers five areas: basic information on autism, checklists for parents, checklists for teachers, effective support strategies, and helpful resources. Provides vital, accessible information for parents and teachers working with children in the autism spectrum Contains a wealth of useful strategies, information, and resources A volume in the popular Jossey-Bass Checklist series Offers a comprehensive yet affordable resource Kluth is the bestselling author of You're Going to Love This Kid!: Teaching Students with Autism

    Heuristics in Analytics. A Practical Perspective of What Influences Our Analytical World

    Fiona McNeill

    Employ heuristic adjustments for truly accurate analysis Heuristics in Analytics presents an approach to analysis that accounts for the randomness of business and the competitive marketplace, creating a model that more accurately reflects the scenario at hand. With an emphasis on the importance of proper analytical tools, the book describes the analytical process from exploratory analysis through model developments, to deployments and possible outcomes. Beginning with an introduction to heuristic concepts, readers will find heuristics applied to statistics and probability, mathematics, stochastic, and artificial intelligence models, ending with the knowledge applications that solve business problems. Case studies illustrate the everyday application and implication of the techniques presented, while the heuristic approach is integrated into analytical modeling, graph analysis, text analytics, and more. Robust analytics has become crucial in the corporate environment, and randomness plays an enormous role in business and the competitive marketplace. Failing to account for randomness can steer a model in an entirely wrong direction, negatively affecting the final outcome and potentially devastating the bottom line. Heuristics in Analytics describes how the heuristic characteristics of analysis can be overcome with problem design, math and statistics, helping readers to: Realize just how random the world is, and how unplanned events can affect analysis Integrate heuristic and analytical approaches to modeling and problem solving Discover how graph analysis is applied in real-world scenarios around the globe Apply analytical knowledge to customer behavior, insolvency prevention, fraud detection, and more Understand how text analytics can be applied to increase the business knowledge Every single factor, no matter how large or how small, must be taken into account when modeling a scenario or event—even the unknowns. The presence or absence of even a single detail can dramatically alter eventual outcomes. From raw data to final report, Heuristics in Analytics contains the information analysts need to improve accuracy, and ultimately, predictive, and descriptive power.

    The Mechanics of Securitization. A Practical Guide to Structuring and Closing Asset-Backed Security Transactions

    Moorad Choudhry

    A step-by-step guide to implementing and closing securitization transactions Securitization is still in wide use despite the reduction in transactions. The reality is that investors and institutions continue to use this vehicle for raising funds and the demand for their use will continue to rise as the world's capital needs increase. The Mechanics of Securitization specifically analyzes and describes the process by which a bank successfully implements and closes a securitization transaction in the post subprime era. This book begins with an introduction to asset-backed securities and takes you through the historical impact of these transactions including the implications of the recent credit crisis and how the market has changed. Discusses, in great detail, rating agency reviews, liaising with third parties, marketing the deals, and securing investors Reviews due diligence and cash flow analysis techniques Examines credit and cash considerations as well as how to list and close deals Describes the process by which a bank will structure and implement the deal, and how the process is project managed and tested across internal bank departments While securitization transactions have been taking place for over twenty-five years, there is still a lack of information on exactly how they are processed successfully. This book will put you in a better position to understand how it all happens, and show you how to effectively implement an ABS transaction yourself.

    Shares and Taxation. A Practical Guide to Saving Tax on Your Shares

    Jimmy Prince B.

    The tax issues associated with owning shares can at times be mind-boggling and difficult to understand. This immensely practical guide unravels all of the umpteen taxation rulings that you'll need to comply with the moment you start buying shares. The book explains in simple terms core tax principles with numerous tax tips, potential traps and practical case studies to reinforce the learning process. So why pay a registered tax agent $250 an hour to solve a problem when you can read this book and find the answer yourself?

    Property & Taxation. A Practical Guide to Saving Tax on Your Property Investments

    Jimmy Prince B.

    There are numerous tax rules and regulations associated with real estate that you need to comply with and, if you get it wrong, the Tax Office could impose stiff penalties. Fortunately, help is at hand. In plain English, Property & Taxation explains just what your tax obligations are. Inside you'll learn: how property speculators and property investors are taxed which expenses are tax deductible how to calculate a capital gain and capital loss about the tax issues associated with owning your main residence and overseas property investments how negative gearing works about owning property in different legal structures. Packed with tax tips, tax traps to avoid and practical case studies, this comprehensive guide will give you the know-how to legally reduce your tax liability – and build your wealth.

    Superannuation and Taxation. A Practical Guide to Saving Money on Your Super or SMSF

    Jimmy Prince B.

    Superannuation is the cornerstone of every Australian?s financial future and retirement plan. Making the most of all the tax advantages that superannuation offers is essential to building your wealth. However, complying with and taking advantage of the superannuation and tax rules and regulations is mind-boggling. Fortunately, help is at hand. In plain English, Superannuation & Taxation explains just what your tax obligations are. Inside you?ll learn: ? about the Australian superannuation system and how it works ? what the rules for making a superannuation contribution are ? how to set up, run and maintain a compliant self managed superannuation fund ? how superannuation funds, pensions and death benefi ts are taxed. Packed with tax tips, tax traps to avoid and practical case studies, this comprehensive guide will give you the know-how to legally reduce your tax liability ? and build your wealth.

    Leveraged Buyouts. A Practical Guide to Investment Banking and Private Equity

    Paul Pignataro

    A comprehensive look at the world of leveraged buyouts The private equity industry has grown dramatically over the past twenty years. Such investing requires a strong technical know-how in order to turn private investments into successful enterprises. That is why Paul Pignataro has created Leveraged Buyouts + Website: A Practical Guide to Investment Banking and Private Equity. Engaging and informative, this book skillfully shows how to identify a private company, takes you through the analysis behind bringing such an investment to profitability—and further create high returns for the private equity funds. It includes an informative leveraged buyout overview, touching on everything from LBO modeling, accounting, and value creation theory to leveraged buyout concepts and mechanics. Provides an in-depth analysis of how to identify a private company, bring such an investment to profitability, and create high returns for the private equity funds Includes an informative LBO model and case study as well as private company valuation Written by Paul Pignataro, founder and CEO of the New York School of Finance If you're looking for the best way to hone your skills in this field, look no further than this book.