John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Air Dispersion Modeling. Foundations and Applications

    Alex Visscher De

    A single reference to all aspects of contemporary air dispersion modeling The practice of air dispersion modeling has changed dramatically in recent years, in large part due to new EPA regulations. Current with the EPA's 40 CFR Part 51, this book serves as a complete reference to both the science and contemporary practice of air dispersion modeling. Throughout the book, author Alex De Visscher guides readers through complex calculations, equation by equation, helping them understand precisely how air dispersion models work, including such popular models as the EPA's AERMOD and CALPUFF. Air Dispersion Modeling begins with a primer that enables readers to quickly grasp basic principles by developing their own air dispersion model. Next, the book offers everything readers need to work with air dispersion models and accurately interpret their results, including: Full chapter dedicated to the meteorological basis of air dispersion Examples throughout the book illustrating how theory translates into practice Extensive discussions of Gaussian, Lagrangian, and Eulerian air dispersion modeling Detailed descriptions of the AERMOD and CALPUFF model formulations This book also includes access to a website with Microsoft Excel and MATLAB files that contain examples of air dispersion model calculations. Readers can work with these examples to perform their own calculations. With its comprehensive and up-to-date coverage, Air Dispersion Modeling is recommended for environmental engineers and meteorologists who need to perform and evaluate environmental impact assessments. The book's many examples and step-by-step instructions also make it ideal as a textbook for students in the fields of environmental engineering, meteorology, chemical engineering, and environmental sciences.

    Musical Rhetoric. Foundations and Annotation Schemes

    Patrick Saint-Dizier

    Discourse analysis and rhetoric are very much developed in communication, linguistics, cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Besides theoretical investigations, discourse analysis is central in a number of application areas such as dialogue and negotiation, the semantic web, question answering or authoring systems. Music is also a natural language, more abstract and mathematical, which follows very strict construction principles. However, there is very limited and no recent literature on Music Discourse analysis using computational principles. This book aims at developing a central issue in musical discourse: modeling rhetoric and argumentation. It also contributes to the development of high-level multimedia annotation schemes for non-verbal communication.

    Water-Quality Engineering in Natural Systems. Fate and Transport Processes in the Water Environment

    David Chin A.

    Provides the tools needed to control and remediate the quality of natural water systems Now in its Second Edition, this acclaimed text sets forth core concepts and principles that govern the fate and transport of contaminants in water, giving environmental and civil engineers and students a full set of tools to design systems that effectively control and remediate the quality of natural waters. Readers will find coverage of all major classes of water bodies. Moreover, the author discusses the terrestrial fate and transport of contaminants in watersheds, underscoring the link between terrestrial loadings and water pollution. Water-Quality Engineering in Natural Systems begins with an introduction exploring the sources of water pollution and the control of water pollution. It then presents the fundamentals of fate and transport, including the derivation and application of the advection–diffusion equation. Next, the text covers issues that are unique to: Rivers and streams Groundwater Watersheds Lakes and reservoirs Wetlands Oceans and estuaries The final two chapters are dedicated to analyzing water-quality measurements and modeling water quality. This Second Edition is thoroughly updated based on the latest findings, practices, and standards. In particular, readers will find new methods for calculating total maximum daily loads for river contaminants, with specific examples detailing the fate and transport of bacteria, a pressing problem throughout the world. With end-of-chapter problems and plenty of worked examples, Water-Quality Engineering in Natural Systems enables readers to not only understand what happens to contaminants in water, but also design systems to protect people from toxic pollutants.

    Mehr als Sonne, Wind und Wasser. Energie für eine neue Ära

    Christian Synwoldt

    What are the energy sources of the future and what technologies can we rely on? These are the questions that show the precarious situation our planet is in. Which is why we need solid answers – for laypeople and the scientifically-minded as well as for politicians and students of the relevant disciplines. The author provides here a compact and comprehensible overview of our future energy resources. Alongside a detailed and richly illustrated introduction to the various technologies, he also discusses the fundamental problem of energy storage. The author is an electrical engineer working as a consultant for a group of inventors in regenerative energies, and reports on the latest research approaches.

    Licht und Materie. Eine Physikalische Beziehungsgeschichte

    Oliver Morsch

    Dies ist eine Beziehungsgeschichte, deren Hauptpersonen beim Sonnenbaden eine äußerst wichtige Rolle spielen: das Licht und die Materie. Dass Sonnenlicht unsere Haut wärmen und bräunen kann, wissen wir. Doch Licht und Materie können noch ganz andere Dinge: Wer hätte gedacht, dass Licht nicht nur wärmen, sondern auch kühlen kann? Oder dass man mit gebündeltem Licht nicht nur Löcher ins Papier brennen, sondern auch ganz winzig kleine, einzelne Atome festhalten kann? Und was haben Lichtteilchen mit Geheimcodes zu tun? Oliver Morsch, Physiker und Wissenschaftsjournalist, zeigt Ihnen in diesem kurzweiligen und sehr verständlich geschriebenen Buch, dass viele heutige Errungenschaften und zukünftige Technologien auf den Erkenntnissen der Atomphysik beruhen. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

    Chemie und Literatur. ein ungewohnlicher Flirt

    Prof. Schwedt Georg

    Georg Schwedts Bucher, in denen er chemische Elemente und Prozesse im Alltag aufspurt und spannende Experimente daraus entwickelt, sind Bestsellergaranten. «Chemie in der Weltliteratur» verbindet Schwedts Leidenschaft fur das Stoffliche mit der fur die Literatur. Seit seinen Studientagen liest er sich begeistert durch die gro?en Werke der Literatur: naturlich mit einem besonderen Blick fur alles Chemische. In seiner gro?en Gesamtschau findet sich Einschlagiges wie Goethes «Wahlverwandtschaften»: Das zentrale Motiv, wie die Hauptfiguren sich voneinander entfernen und wieder neu finden, lasst sich ubertragen auf die Anziehungskrafte von chemischen Stoffen, die neue Verbindungen eingehen. Aus Aldous Huxleys dusterer Zukunftsvision «Schone neue Welt» zitiert er Abschnitte uber chemische Verwertungsprozesse oder das Klonen von Embryonen und erklart die Hintergrunde. Nicht fehlen darf naturlich die Geschichte von Jean-Baptiste Grenouilles aus Patrick Suskinds Erfolgsroman «Das Parfum». Die Experimente des genialischen Parfumeurs und Morders kann der Leser hier 1:1 nachvollziehen. Die spannende Reise durch die Welt der Literatur enthalt daruber hinaus Kapitel u. a. zu Buchners «Woyzeck», dem «Zauberberg» und «Doktor Faustus» von Thomas Mann oder auch zu Ecos «Der Name der Rose». Das ist ein ganz besonderes Buch fur alle, die einmal uber die Grenzen ihres Faches hinausdenken wollen, aber naturlich auch fur diejenigen, die nach dem etwas anderen Zugang zur Chemie suchen.

    Drought and Aquatic Ecosystems. Effects and Responses

    P. Lake Sam

    Droughts are a major hazard to both natural and human-dominated environments and those, especially of long duration and high intensity, can be highly damaging and leave long-lasting effects. This book describes the climatic conditions that give rise to droughts, and their various forms and chief attributes. Past droughts are described including those that had severe impacts on human societies. As a disturbance, droughts can be thought of as “ramps” in that they usually build slowly and take time to become evident. As precipitation is reduced, flows from catchments into aquatic systems decline. As water declines in water bodies, ecological processes are changed and the biota can be drastically reduced, though species and populations may survive by using refuges. Recovery from drought varies in both rates and in degrees of completeness and may be a function of both refuge availability and connectivity. For the first time, this book reviews the available rather scattered literature on the impacts of drought on the flora, fauna and ecological processes of aquatic ecosystems ranging from small ponds to lakes and from streams to estuaries. The effects of drought on the biota of standing waters and flowing waters and of temporary waters and perennial systems are described and compared. In addition, the ways in which human activity can exacerbate droughts are outlined. In many parts of the world especially in the mid latitudes, global warming may result in increases in the duration and intensity of droughts. Drought and Aquatic Ecosystems is essential reading for freshwater ecologists, water resource managers and advanced students.

    Future Families. Diverse Forms, Rich Possibilities

    Ross Parke D.

    Future Families explores the variety of family forms which characterize our contemporary culture, while addressing the implications of these increasingly diverse family units on child development. Reveals the diversity of new family forms based on the most current research on fathers, same-gender parents, new reproductive technologies, and immigrant families Illustrates that children and adults can thrive in a variety of non-traditional family forms Shows the interrelatedness of new trends in family organization through the common themes of embedded families and caregiving in community and cultural contexts Features an interdisciplinary approach, drawing from works in areas that include child development, family studies, sociology, cross-cultural scholarship, ethnic studies, biology, neuroscience, anthropology and even architecture Sets an agenda for future research in the area of families by identifying important gaps in our knowledge about families and parenting

    Material Politics. Disputes Along the Pipeline

    Andrew Barry

    In Material Politics, author Andrew Barry reveals that as we are beginning to attend to the importance of materials in political life, materials has become increasingly bound up with the production of information about their performance, origins, and impact. Presents an original theoretical approach to political geography by revealing the paradoxical relationship between materials and politics Explores how political disputes have come to revolve not around objects in isolation, but objects that are entangled in ever growing quantities of information about their performance, origins, and impact Studies the example of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline – a fascinating experiment in transparency and corporate social responsibility – and its wide-spread negative political impact Capitalizes on the growing interdisciplinary interest, especially within geography and social theory, about the critical role of material artefacts in political life

    Illumination Engineering. Design with Nonimaging Optics

    R. Koshel John

    This book brings together experts in the field who present material on a number of important and growing topics including lighting, displays, solar concentrators. The first chapter provides an overview of the field of nonimagin and illumination optics. Included in this chapter are terminology, units, definitions, and descriptions of the optical components used in illumination systems. The next two chapters provide material within the theoretical domain, including etendue, etendue squeezing, and the skew invariant. The remaining chapters focus on growing applications. This entire field of nonimaging optics is an evolving field, and the editor plans to update the technological progress every two to three years. The editor, John Koshel, is one of the most prominent leading experts in this field, and he is the right expert to perform the task.