John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Continuous Emission Monitoring

    James A. Jahnke

    CONTINUOUS EMISSION MONITORING The new edition of the only single-volume reference on both the regulatory and technical aspects of U.S. and international continuous emission monitoring (CEM) systems Continuous Emission Monitoring presents clear, accurate, and up-to-date information on the technical and regulatory issues that affect the design, application, and certification of CEM systems installed in power plants, cement plants, pulp and paper mills, smelters, and other stationary sources. Written by an international expert in the field, this classic reference guide covers U.S. and international CEM regulatory requirements, analytical techniques, operation and maintenance of CEM instrumentation, and more. The fully revised Third Edition remains the most comprehensive source of CEM information available, featuring three brand-new chapters on mercury monitoring, the reporting and ­certification of industrial greenhouse gas emissions, and the instrumentation and methods used to measure air toxic compounds including dioxins, furans, and hydrogen chloride. Thoroughly updated chapters discuss topics such as flow rate monitors, new EPA regulations, instrumentation and calibration techniques, CEM system control and data acquisition, and extractive system design. Providing environmental professionals with the knowledge of CEM systems necessary to address the present-day regulatory environment, Continuous Emission Monitoring: Discusses how CEM systems work, their advantages and limitations, and the regulatory requirements governing their operation Covers both the historical framework and technological basis of current CEM regulatory programs and standards in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia Offers practical guidance on sampling system selection, measurement techniques, advanced monitoring approaches, recordkeeping, and quality assurance Provides detailed technical descriptions of the technology necessary for regulatory compliance Includes new orthographic drawings to help instrument technicians and regulators with little technical background to easily understand key topics Continuous Emission Monitoring, Third Edition is an essential resource for professionals responsible for ensuring regulatory compliance, managers and technicians who purchase, operate, and maintain CEM instrumentation, regulatory personnel who write and enforce operating permits, and instructors and students in upper-level environmental engineering programs.

    Handbook on Intelligent Healthcare Analytics

    Группа авторов

    HANDBOOK OF INTELLIGENT HEALTHCARE ANALYTICS The book explores the various recent tools and techniques used for deriving knowledge from healthcare data analytics for researchers and practitioners. The power of healthcare data analytics is being increasingly used in the industry. Advanced analytics techniques are used against large data sets to uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends, customer preferences, and other useful information. A Handbook on Intelligent Healthcare Analytics covers both the theory and application of the tools, techniques, and algorithms for use in big data in healthcare and clinical research. It provides the most recent research findings to derive knowledge using big data analytics, which helps to analyze huge amounts of real-time healthcare data, the analysis of which can provide further insights in terms of procedural, technical, medical, and other types of improvements in healthcare. In addition, the reader will find in this Handbook: Innovative hybrid machine learning and deep learning techniques applied in various healthcare data sets, as well as various kinds of machine learning algorithms existing such as supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, reinforcement learning, and guides how readers can implement the Python environment for machine learning; An exploration of predictive analytics in healthcare; The various challenges for smart healthcare, including privacy, confidentiality, authenticity, loss of information, attacks, etc., that create a new burden for providers to maintain compliance with healthcare data security. In addition, this book also explores various sources of personalized healthcare data and the commercial platforms for healthcare data analytics. [b]Audience Healthcare professionals, researchers, and practitioners who wish to figure out the core concepts of smart healthcare applications and the innovative methods and technologies used in healthcare will all benefit from this book.

    Niederländisch für Dummies

    Margreet Kwakernaak

    "Niederländisch für Dummies" bietet einen leichten Einstieg in die niederländische Sprache. Nach einer Einführung in die sprachlichen Besonderheiten, die Aussprache und die Grammatik wird es auch schon praktisch: Jedes Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit einer Alltagssituation. Sie lernen, wie Sie sich auf Niederländisch vorstellen, im Restaurant Essen bestellen oder ein Hotelzimmer reservieren. Ganz nebenbei erhalten Sie viele Informationen zu Alltag und Kultur in den Niederlanden. Am Ende jedes Kapitels gibt es eine kleine Übung, mit der Sie Ihre neu erworbenen Sprachkenntnisse prüfen können.

    Small Animal Surgical Emergencies

    Группа авторов

    Small Animal Surgical Emergencies <p><b>A comprehensive and up-to-date guide in emergency surgical intervention for veterinary professionals </b> <p><i>Small Animal Surgical Emergencies, Second Edition</i> continues to be an important resource focusing on surgical emergencies, combining the work of surgical specialists and critical care specialists, and filling a void in educating and informing veterinarians. <p>The new edition of this book provides updated information on an array of topics such as preoperative stabilization, new and innovative treatment options, and aftercare. Each chapter covers step-by-step information on emergency stabilization, diagnostic approach, operative techniques, postoperative care, common complications encountered in each case, and how to troubleshoot any such complication should they occur. It also offers simplified surgical techniques to ensure success and describes new and novel procedures throughout. <p>The Second Edition of <i>Small Animal Surgical Emergencies</i> features: <ul><li>Nine new chapters covering operating room nursing tips, rectal prolapse, colonic torsion, surgical intervention post celiotomy, assisted enteral feeding tubes, open chest CPR, managing complications of skin flaps and grafts, incisional infection, and joint luxations</li> <li>Many chapters are written in collaboration by experts in small animal surgery and critical care, combining these practices in one important resource</li> <li>Relevant anatomy, imaging, and full-color illustrations and drawings incorporated into each chapter</li> <li>Inclusion of case presentations, when relevant</li></ul> <p>An important tool for small animal general practitioners, veterinary surgeons, critical care specialists, as well as veterinary nurses and operating room technicians, <i>Small Animal Surgical Emergencies, Second Edition</i> is a crucial resource for this constantly evolving branch of veterinary medicine.

    Multiblock Data Fusion in Statistics and Machine Learning

    Tormod Næs

    Multiblock Data Fusion in Statistics and Machine Learning Explore the advantages and shortcomings of various forms of multiblock analysis, and the relationships between them, with this expert guide Arising out of fusion problems that exist in a variety of fields in the natural and life sciences, the methods available to fuse multiple data sets have expanded dramatically in recent years. Older methods, rooted in psychometrics and chemometrics, also exist. Multiblock Data Fusion in Statistics and Machine Learning: Applications in the Natural and Life Sciences is a detailed overview of all relevant multiblock data analysis methods for fusing multiple data sets. It focuses on methods based on components and latent variables, including both well-known and lesser-known methods with potential applications in different types of problems. Many of the included methods are illustrated by practical examples and are accompanied by a freely available R-package. The distinguished authors have created an accessible and useful guide to help readers fuse data, develop new data fusion models, discover how the involved algorithms and models work, and understand the advantages and shortcomings of various approaches. This book includes: A thorough introduction to the different options available for the fusion of multiple data sets, including methods originating in psychometrics and chemometrics Practical discussions of well-known and lesser-known methods with applications in a wide variety of data problems Included, functional R-code for the application of many of the discussed methods Perfect for graduate students studying data analysis in the context of the natural and life sciences, including bioinformatics, sensometrics, and chemometrics, Multiblock Data Fusion in Statistics and Machine Learning: Applications in the Natural and Life Sciences is also an indispensable resource for developers and users of the results of multiblock methods.