New translation of The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Poor Gregor Samsa! This guy wakes up one morning to discover that he's become a «monstrous vermin». The first pages of The Metamorphosis where Gregor tries to communicate through the bedroom door with his family, who think he’s merely being lazy, is vintage screwball comedy. Indeed, scholars and readers alike have delighted in Kafka’s gallows humor and matter-of-fact handling of the absurd and the terrifying. But it is one of the most enigmatic stories of all time, with an opening sentence that’s unparalleled in all of literature.
“When I fly among the stars and see the lights in the distance, I say to myself that this is my little Consuelo is calling me…” Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote about love for his wife. A graceful Consuelo Suncin inspired an outstanding French writer, poet and pilot to create a beautiful rose in his famous all over the world book The Little Prince. The book that became a real bestseller of the twentieth century.
The Communist Manifesto, originally titled Manifesto of the Communist Party (German: Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei) is a short 1848 book written by the German Marxist political theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It has since been recognized as one of the world's most influential political manuscripts. Commissioned by the Communist League, it laid out the League's purposes and program. It presents an analytical approach to the class struggle (historical and present) and the problems of capitalism, rather than a prediction of communism's potential future forms. The book contains Marx and Engels' Marxist theories about the nature of society and politics, that in their own words, «The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.» It also briefly features their ideas for how the capitalist society of the time would eventually be replaced by socialism, and then eventually communism.
The Art of War, literally The Laws of War by Master Sun is the most famous ancient Chinese treatise, dedicated to a military strategy and policy, written by Sun Tzu. The treatise by Sun Tzu influenced crucially on a whole military art of the East. Although it is the first treatise on the military art, it includes clearly expressed common principles of strategy as well as tactics. A special place in a military theoretical literature belongs to comments on Sun Tzu, the earliest of which appeared in the Han era (206-220 AD), and the new ones are still being created…
The famous phrase of the writer: “Brevity is the sister of talent”, could not be more suited to the work of Anton Chekhov himself. One right stroke to mark the character, with apt word to say about the main thing, to precisely place accents and draw a bright three-dimensional picture in just a few minutes is the work of the wizard. No one is as amused as Chekhov, and no one is so sad as he. The collection includes selected stories and stories in which the classic, who entered the history of literature under the frivolous pseudonym Antosha Chekhonte, draws eternal characters that invariably amaze with their psychological nude. This audiobook includes: A Pink Stocking A Country Cottage A Daughter of Albion An Inquiry At A Summer Villa Fat and Thin Nerves Too Early A Lottery Ticket A Story Without An End About Love Difficult People The Doctor
'The Meditations' is a series of personal writings by Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD, in 12 short chapters called 'books'. It was written in the 70s of the II century AD, mostly during the Emperor's campaigns in Central Europe, at the north-east border of the Roman Empire and in Sirmium. In essence, it is a rethink of the philosophy of Epictetus, often quoted in the book: it is useless to attempt to change the world to suit one's needs, one should accept calmly and dispassionately whatever is destined to happen, and every lot is good in its own way. United States President Bill Clinton said that 'The Meditations' was his favorite book, and former United States Secretary of Defense James Mattis carried his own personal copy of 'The Meditations' of Marcus Aurelius throughout his deployments as a Marine Corps officer in the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan and Iraq. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus is one of the prominent philosophers, alongside Seneca, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Socrates, Machiavelli and others.
In 1902, self-taught British philosopher and author James Allen published this inspirational essay based on the Bible verse “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” This slender volume (only 68 pages) has been a popular classic ever since. Allen preached the importance of people taking responsibility for themselves and their actions as well as using determination to improve the mind. The most frequently quoted lines from the book include: «Men do not attract what they want, but what they are» and «A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.»
Артур Шопенгауэр о половой любви – в представлении известного популяризатора науки Бориса Поломошного. Шопенгауэр, кроме многочисленных заслуг перед Философией, соорудил философский фундамент новой науки, которую в 1907-м году Иван Блох назвал сексологией. Сделал это Шопенгауэр легко и непринужденно, просто включив главу «Метафизика половой любви» в свой основной труд – «Мир как воля и представление». В этой весьма занимательной книжице вы найдете и хрестоматийный текст Шопенгаура и, как всегда, доступные и увлекательные комментарии и пояснения Бориса Поломошного – популярного поводыря по философским дебрям для «ленивых».
Спустя почти два года жизнь в городке Стоуни наконец-то налаживается, с наступлением очередного летнего праздника все его жители вновь готовятся к ярмарке и открытию парка аттракционов. Бывший коп Генри Лортенс переносит сложнейшую операцию, а шериф города проводит свои последние дни на службе. Одновременно с этим чудом выжившего маньяка «Водяного» направляют на освидетельствование в одну из лучших клиник округа. Где его уже ждет амбициозная девушка-врач. Что будет если в четкую, отлаженную систему добавить толику хаоса?
Приключенческий роман «Во времена Дира и Аскольда» является вторым произведением из серии «Путь волхва-радетеля», написанным на основе записок волхва-радетеля Велеса. Завесу тайны на действительное положения дел и происходящее на Руси приоткрывает повествование Велеса, охватывающее период с 850 по 881 годы. Основное внимание уделяется правлению князей Дира и Аскольда, их взаимоотношениям между собой, с русичами, волхвами, хазарами и Византией, а также освещается княжеская политика, мировоззрение русичей.