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    QuickBooks 2017 All-In-One For Dummies

    Nelson Stephen L.

    “Make sure your students follow your instructions.” That sounds like a straightforward instruction, but in fact, it’s fairly abstract. What does a teacher actually have to do to make sure students are following? Even the leader delivering this direction may not know, and the first-year teacher almost certainly doesn’t. The vast majority of teachers are only observed one or two times per year on average—and even among those who are observed, scarcely any are given feedback as to how they could improve. The bottom line is clear: teachers do not need to be evaluated so much as they need to be developed and coached. In Get Better Faster: A 90-Day Plan for Coaching New Teachers, Paul Bambrick-Santoyo shares instructive tools of how school leaders can effectively guide new teachers to success. Over the course of the book, we break down the most critical actions leaders and teachers must enact to achieve exemplary results. Designed for coaches as well as beginning teachers, Get Better Faster is an integral coaching tool for any school leader eager to help their teachers succeed. It’s the book’s focus on the actionable—the practice-able—that drives effective coaching. By practicing the concrete actions and micro-skills listed here, teachers will markedly improve their ability to lead a class, producing a steady chain reaction of future teaching success. Though focused heavily on the first 90 days of teacher development, it’s possible to implement this work at any time. New and old teachers alike can benefit from the guidance of Get Better Faster and close their existing instructional gaps. Packed with practical training tools, including agendas, presentation slides, a coach’s guide, handouts, planning templates, and 35 video clips of real teachers at work, Get Better Faster will teach you: The core principles of coaching: Go Granular, Make Feedback More Frequent, Top action steps to launch a teacher’s development in an easy-to-read scope and sequence guide The four phases of skill building: Phase 1 (Pre-Teaching): Dress Rehearsal Phase 2: Instant Immersion Phase 3: Getting into Gear Phase 4: The Power of Discourse

    Reputation Strategy and Analytics in a Hyper-Connected World

    Foster Chris

    An insightful, compassionate account of the grieving process that helps us through the pain and isolation experienced with the loss of a loved one.. We're never really prepared for the loss of someone we love. Thrown into a state of emotional chaos we experience rage, guilt, anxiety, and intense sadness all at once. It's the oldest story in the world, we tell ourselves – millions of people have had to cope with this before – and yet, we always believe that what we are experiencing is unique to us. We feel isolated in our anguish and often ashamed of what we are feeling. A profoundly compassionate and insightful book, Surviving Grief. & Learning to Live Again offers you the support and understanding you need to get you through this difficult time. Written by Dr. Catherine Sanders, a therapist and researcher specializing in bereavement issues and one who has lived through the loss of close family members, it helps you to see that what you are feeling is part of a natural process of readjustment and renewal. According to Dr. Sanders, grieving, like any other natural regenerative process, must be allowed to run its proper course if we are ever to regain our equilibrium and continue on with our lives. To help us better understand the process, she describes the five universal phases of grief: Shock, Awareness of Loss, Conservation and The Need to Withdraw, Healing, and Renewal, and guides us through each. Drawing directly from her own experiences and those of her clients and her research studies, she delves deeply and compassionately into the different experiences of grief, and talks about what it means to lose a mate, a parent, or a child. And she discusses the factors that can have an influence on the grieving process, such as age, gender, and the circumstances surrounding the loved one's death.

    The Art and Adventure of Leadership

    Rob Asghar

    Bring a fresh perspective to your classroom Teaching Outside the Box: How to Grab Your Students by Their Brain, Third Edition integrates practical strategies and engaging advice for new and experienced teachers. Whether you are preparing for your first year of teaching or have been working in the classroom for decades, this conversational book provides you with answers to the essential questions that you face as an educator—how to engage students, encourage self-directed learning, differentiate instruction, and create dynamic lessons that nurture critical thinking and strategic problem solving. This updated edition includes expanded material that touches on Project-Based Learning, brain-based teaching, creating smooth transitions, integrating Common Core into the classroom, and other key subject areas. Questions for reflection at the end of each chapter help you leverage this resource in book groups, professional development courses, and in both undergraduate and graduate classes. The art of teaching is one that evolves with changing educational standards and best practices; to be the most effective teacher possible, daily self-reflection is critical, along with a need to see things from a different perspective. This means we must step outside the box—moving our focus from 'fixing' the students when a problem arises to helping a teacher improve his or her practice. Improve classroom management, discipline, motivation, and morale Explore strategies for arranging your classroom, engaging students, and avoiding the misbehavior cycle Create an environment where students learn and teachers teach Leverage insight from teachers and students Teaching Outside the Box: How to Grab Your Students by Their Brain, Third Edition is an essential resource for teachers at any stage in their careers.

    Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings

    Gaughan Patrick А.

    Bring Common Core Math into high school with smart, engaging activities Teaching Common Core Math Standards with Hands-On Activities, Grades 9-12 provides high school teachers with the kind of help they need to begin teaching the standards right away. This invaluable guide pairs each standard with one or more classroom-ready activities and suggestions for variations and extensions. Covering a range of abilities and learning styles, these activities bring the Common Core Math Standards to life as students gain fluency in math communication and develop the skillset they need to tackle successively more complex math courses in the coming years. Make math anxiety a thing of the past as you show your students how they use math every day of their lives, and give them the cognitive tools to approach any math problem with competence and confidence. The Common Core Standards define the knowledge and skills students need to graduate high school fully prepared for college and careers. Meeting these standards positions American students more competitively in the global economy, and sets them on a track to achieve their dreams. This book shows you how to teach the math standards effectively, and facilitate a deeper understanding of math concepts and calculations. Help students apply their understanding of math concepts Teach essential abstract and critical thinking skills Demonstrate various problem-solving strategies Lay a foundation for success in higher mathematics The rapid adoption of the Common Core Standards across the nation has left teachers scrambling for aligned lessons and activities. If you want to bring new ideas into the classroom today, look no further. Teaching Common Core Math Standards with Hands-On Activities is the high school math teacher's solution for smart, engaging Common Core math.