
Все книги издательства Автор

    Different Perspectives on the Syrian Reality


    This unique collection from Syria presents research papers focusing on topics in cultural research that are relevant to the current Syrian situation, especially with regard to the fundamental changes in the relationship of Syrians to the society they live in and the dynamic transformations they are witnessing.
    Through its unique inside views, the volume offers a fascinating alternative narrative of the current societal context in Syria.

    Ettijahat – Independent Culture is a Syrian cultural organization founded in 2011. Ettijahat seeks to involve independent culture and arts positively in the process of cultural and social change. Ettijahat supports artists and people engaged in cultural initiatives, works to build consensus and alliances between individuals and cultural institutions, promotes the arts and artists through regional and international platforms, helps Syrian communities in having access to culture and arts, and funds young researchers focusing on the current cultural and societal situation in Syria.

    Concurrences in Postcolonial Research


    The concept of concurrences is a blanket term for challenging dominating statements of the past and present. Concurrent stories have varying claims to reality and fiction, as well as different, diverging, and at times competing claims to society, culture, identity, and historical past. Dominant Western narrations about colonial power relationships are challenged by alternative sources such as heritage objects and oral traditions, enabling the voice of minorities or subaltern groups to be heard. Concurrences is about capturing multiple voices and multiple temporalities. As such, it is both a relational and dynamic methodology and a theoretical perspective that undergirds the multiple workings of power, uncovering asymmetrical power relations. Interdisciplinary in nature, this anthology is the outcome of scholarship from the humanities and social sciences with an interest in the multiple temporality of postcolonial issues and engagements in various places across the world.

    The European Union’s Democracy Promotion in Central Asia

    Aijan Sharshenova

    Brussels made democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and good governance its top co-operation priorities in the EU Strategy Framework towards Central Asia for 2007–2013. This book examines two interrelated questions: To what extent has EU democracy promotion in Central Asia been successful? And, to the extent that it was successful, why was it so?
    The book presents a comprehensive analytical framework for the evaluation of democracy promotion, including factors which may facilitate or hinder democratic development in Central Asia. It demonstrates the validity of a holistic approach to analyzing impediments of democracy promotion meaning that external pro-democratic support is affected by a variety of diverse factors whose impact can vary as international, regional, and domestic conditions change.
    The stable and rich authoritarian state of Kazakhstan is different from the much poorer Kyrgyzstan—a state prone to political instability, but also to democratic openings. By contrasting the success of democracy promotion in these two countries which have different strategic importance for the EU, this study provides valuable insights into how non-normative interests interfere with normatively driven policies.

    Building Ukraine from Within

    Anton Oleinik

    Ukraine drew significant media attention after the 2013–2014 Revolution of Dignity and the subsequent undeclared war waged by Russia. However, the nature of these events and their impact on the social, economic, and political development of this country remain under-studied and, hence, often misunderstood. The reader is invited to take an inside look at the recent developments in Ukraine and to search for an answer to the question of whether transition from externally to internally driven development is possible in this case.
    Anton Oleinik argues that Ukraine is currently going through a revolutionary period aimed at building a nation-state and its aftermath. Ukraine is a latecomer in this process, especially compared with most other European countries. Its outcomes cannot be predicted with certainty. It is yet to be seen if a current surge in volunteerism and bottom-up civic initiatives will lead to the emergence of a viable and sustainable national democratic system in this country.

    Baby Shark


    This music book contains the original sheet music of the Children's Song «Baby Shark» for Piano. Easy arranged in G major. // Dieses Notenheft enthält die Originalnoten zum Kinderlied «Baby Shark» für Klavier. Leichter Schwierigkeitsgrad in G-Dur.

    Baby Shark


    This music book contains the original sheet music of the Children's Song «Baby Shark» for Flute. Arranged for beginners. // Dieses Notenheft enthält die Originalnoten zum Kinderlied «Baby Shark» für Blockflöte. Für Anfänger arrangiert.

    La Verticale del Ruolo

    Jurij Alschitz

    Gli attori di oggi devono essere capaci di recitare come solisti nel mondo sia del teatro che del cinema. La tecnica della “Verticale del Ruolo” consente agli attori di lavorare sul loro ruolo in maniera indipendente, rendendoli liberi e autonomi oltre che artisti a tutti gli effetti. Offre le basi per tutte le tipologie di audizione, ma anche per l’interazione artistica all’interno di un ensemble o con un regista. Generazioni di attori sono cresciute con il classico di Stanislavsky “Il lavoro dell’attore su se stesso” ma il teatro del 21° secolo con la sua particolare struttura di produzione richiede nuove forme di lavoro indipendente da parte dell’attore. Jurij Alschitz ha sviluppato il metodo della “Verticale del Ruolo” durante gli anni di ricerca all’interno della pratica teatrale, metodo sperimentato nei Centri Teatrali Europei che ha creato in Germania, Italia e Scandinavia. Egli ha verificato e applicato questo metodo con successo nella pratica della scena teatrale in vari paesi. Jurij Alschitz nel libro espone i suoi pensieri sull’etica della professione dell’attore. Egli vede l’attore come un autore, un creatore e il centro della performance drammatica, che dovrà, di conseguenza, essere equipaggiato di appropriate capacità tecniche per adempiere diversi compiti. Le successive fasi del lavoro dell’attore nella “Verticale del Ruolo” sono esposte in dettaglio, pronte per essere usate dagli attori, o per costituire le basi per insegnanti i registi che desiderino applicare questo metodo. Un capitolo a parte descrive il quotidiano training per l’attore sulla base di esercizi pratici.

    The Art of Dialogue

    Jurij Alschitz

    The Art of Dialogue The actor’s profession is, first and foremost, an open system of communication in an endless dialogue with his character, with his partner, with the director, with the spectators, with the playwright, with the role – but at the end of this list we should say – the actor also has an infi nite dialogue with himself. When the actor himself is open, then he knows how to open others, and then they open up to him. The opening of another system, and of another view, allows the actor to learn something new, to go beyond the boundaries of his familiar knowledge of the world and himself.
    In Theatre, dialogue is the art of creating with others. And for this, you need not only the talent of a Person but also the skills and mastership of an Artist. In this book, you will be introduced to my research about dialogue on stage, sketches of working methods and, of course, practical exercises. It’s important to me that you fi nd something useful here, something questionable and even something which you don’t need at all. I hope you will fall in love with dialogue on stage, and open up its artistic beauty for yourself.

    Studies in the Mahabharata

    Wilfried Huchzermeyer

    The Mahabharata is one of the most impressive creations of the Indi-an mind. The studies presented in this book are based on a dissertation which has been comprehensively revised and rewritten by the author in order to make the text accessible to a larger public. In the first part of the book the subject is the role of Krishna and his relationship with the Pandavas. Next follows an in-depth analysis of the dice game, whose legal, psychological and philosophical aspects are presented in detail and with great clarity. The second part contains biographical studies of a large number of yogis, saints and ascetics in the epic with an outline of their manifold characters and different practices, their individual realizations as well as human weaknesses. The book also contains many original Sanskrit quotations which are given along with the author’s own English translations.

    What A Place to Live in

    Burton Richard Senior

    Here available is the sheet music of 'What A Place to Live in' for piano, vocals and chord instruments. Is a whole-known release from Pop Tops.