
Все книги издательства Автор

    Extremism and Violent Extremism in Serbia


    This volume explores the issues of extremism and violent extremism in Serbia through research from a multitude of different interdisciplinary perspectives. The topic of violent extremism and radicalization leading to terror (VERLT) has grown as a field of policy and donor aid support, globally and in the western Balkans. This new focus has been manifest through both increased counter-terrorism support as well as efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism (P-CVE)—activities which are often peacebuilding as well as democratization initiatives. The main manifestation of extremism of interest to foreign donors (and often domestic authorities) is ISIS-inspired Salafi jihadism. However, in many of the countries in the region, and in the case of Serbia, there are other forms of extremism—namely far-right nationalism, violent hooliganism, and neo-Nazi movements—that are considered to be more of a threat, particularly as they are often viewed as examples of ‘normalized’ political expression. In addition, these extremisms can magnify one another through a process of reciprocal radicalization and interconnected spirals of exclusion, marginalization, grievance, and perceived victimhood.
    This volume explores the issue as evident on the ground in Serbia in 2017 and 2018, using fresh and original research and perspectives that demonstrate that Serbia is at risk of many types of extremism, which are interconnected and can best be prevented by achieving the liberal, democratic, rights-based reforms that have remained elusive for more than two decades.

    Di chi tiene la penna: immagini di scrittori e scrittura nel romanzo italiano dal 1911 al 1942

    Simona Bianconi

    L’invenzione letteraria può dare vita a un secondo scrittore, a sua volta all’opera. A sua volta colui che comunica al di là della parola, che si assume l’importante responsabilità della creazione, che intende lasciare traccia di sé. Da lui nasce il libro, sua sfida, sostegno, tormento; prova unica o reiterata. Come prende forma nel romanzo di primo grado la figura centrale dell’autore? Come si mostra l’immagine ammaliante del suo lavoro nelle storie di lotta e rinuncia, successo e mediocrità presentate? E qual è l’e?etto della scrittura sul personaggio – anche nella sua interazione sociale – che, pure tra gravi ostacoli, la elegge tra le vie da percorrere e ne fa il proprio destino? Attraverso la lettura di testi di sei straordinari protagonisti del romanzo italiano nella prima metà del Novecento, ideatori di altrettanti artisti, donne e uomini, si è tentato di dare una risposta ad interrogativi seducenti che il lettore si pone. In tal modo, penetrando il motivo dell’esperienza della letteratura, si giunge a toccare la scrit-tura come rivelazione e sigillo di vita.

    The Collected Works of Alexis de Tocqueville

    Alexis de Tocqueville

    This comprehensive eBook presents the complete works or all the significant works – the Œuvre – of this famous and brilliant writer in one ebook – 4300 pages easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate: • Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville • The Recollections of Alexis de Tocqueville by Alexis de Tocqueville • American Institutions and Their Influence by Alexis de Tocqueville • Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior by Alexis de Tocqueville and Nassau William Senior

    BurnOut - BurnIn. Autoayuda con Jin Shin Jyutsu

    Frain Benton

    Burnout se ha convertido en una enfermedad generalizada. Los síntomas son varios y para el afectado, una carga pesada en una vida ya bastante ajetreada. ¿Como puede el cuerpo recobrar su equilibrio para poder gozar nuevamente de la relajación necesaria y encontrar la paz interior?
    Autoayuda – La imposición de manos en el arte curativo tradicional de Jin Shin se puede implementar en cualquier momento, y en cualquier lugar con medios sencillos para entrar en armonía consigo mismo. Con estas instrucciones fáciles de seguir usted aprenderá los beneficios de Jin Shin corrientes de curación y recuperar el bienestar y la alegría de vivir. Tómese su tiempo para disfrutar de este ejercicio de auto-ayuda y aprender sus efectos beneficiosos.
    Jin Shin Jyutsu es un método de curación tradicional que guía el cuerpo para activar la energía para curarse a sí mismo. Las fuentes para esto son siempre disponible y pueden se utilizados en cualquier momento, por ejemplo en una reunión exigente en el trabajo.
    Frain Benton es un estudiante de Felicitas Waldeck, el naturópata conocido y autor sobre el tema de Jin Shin Jyutsu, y tiene el conocimiento de las antiguas tradiciones curativas de Jin Shin Jyutsu reconstituido y aplicado al burnout problema omnipresente.
    Encuentre aquí como guía, este conocimiento concisamente editado para aplicarlo rápidamente para ayudarse a sí mismo.

    Towards a Political Economy of Ukraine

    Marko Bojcun

    The essays in this book explore the major developments, both domestic and international, that shaped the first quarter-century of Ukraine’s independence: the simultaneous construction of a nation-state and the privatization of its economy; a formal democratization of the political process alongside the capture of state institutions by big business oligarchs; their efforts to gain social acceptance at home while maneuvering between competing Russian, EU, and American projects to hegemonize the region; the impact of the financial crises of 1997 and 2008 on Ukrainian society and the national economy’s place in the world market; the growing inequality of society, the mass revolts in 2004 and 2014 against corruption and injustice; and the beginning of Russian military intervention in Ukraine.

    The Collected Works of W. CAREW HAZLITT

    W. Carew Hazlitt

    This comprehensive eBook presents the complete works or all the significant works – the Œuvre – of this famous and brilliant writer in one ebook – 10324 pages easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate: • Essays of Michel de Montaigne • Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine • The Book-Collector • Shakespeare Jest-Books • A Select Collection of Old English Plays • Schools, School-Books and Schoolmasters • The Confessions of a Collector • etc.