Lukeman Literary Management Ltd

Все книги издательства Lukeman Literary Management Ltd

    Il Killer Dell’orologio

    Блейк Пирс

    “Un capolavoro del giallo e del mistero! L’autore ha svolto un magnifico lavoro, a sviluppare i personaggi con un approfondito lato psicologico, così ben descritto, che ci fa sentire all’interno della loro mente, provare le loro paure e gioire del loro successo. La trama è molto intelligente e vi intratterrà per tutta la durata del libro. Ricco di colpi di scena, questo libro vi terrà svegli fino all’ultima pagina.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (su Il Killer della Rosa) IL KILLER DELL’OROLOGIO è il libro #4 nella serie di bestseller dei misteri di Riley Paige, che comincia con IL KILLER DELLA ROSA, bestseller (Libro #1)! Delle donne vengono ritrovate morte sul ciglio solitario di un’autostrada nel Delaware. Alcune sono scomparse inspiegabilmente da molto tempo, mentre altre vengono ritrovate cadaveri, esposti in modi bizzarri e misteriosi. Quando viene scoperta una pista, diventa chiaro all’FBI, che un contorto serial killer è a piede libero—adescando ragazze, secondo subdoli schemi—e che non smetterà mai di uccidere. L’FBI, disperata di risolvere il caso, affida il compito di occuparsene all’Agente Speciale Riley Paige. Ma la brillante Riley, ancora riprendendosi dai casi precedenti, ha finalmente trovato la quiete nella sua vita domestica, ed è determinata ad aiutare la figlia April a tornare in piedi. Ma quando gli omicidi diventano troppo inquietanti, troppo urgenti—e quando l’ex partner, Bill, la implora—Riley finalmente realizza di non potersi tirare indietro. La caccia conduce la donna nelle profondità di un mondo oscuro formato da autostoppiste, girovaghe, donne di cui non importa a nessuno. Quando scopre che diverse donne sono tenute prigioniere, in vita, e che c’è ancora il tempo per salvarle, si rende conto che non si fermerà davanti a niente, ossessionata dal caso e spingendosi al limite. Tuttavia, Riley realizza che la sua stessa vita sta crollando, e che la sua fragile psiche può a malapena gestire la tensione. In una frenetica corsa contro il tempo, dovrà penetrare nella mente del killer per salvare quelle donne—e per impedire a se stessa—di crollare. Un cupo thriller psicologico, caratterizzato da una suspense mozzafiato, IL KILLER DELL’OROLOGIO è il libro #4 in un nuova serie affascinante—con un nuovo amato personaggio—che vi terrà incollati alle pagine fino a notte fonda. Il libro #5 nella serie di Riley Paige sarà presto disponibile.

    Forever and For Always

    Sophie Love

    “Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….FOR NOW AND FOREVER is the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads.” –Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan) “A very well written novel, describing the struggle of a woman (Emily) to find her true identity. The author did an amazing job with the creation of the characters and her description of the environment. The romance is there, but not overdosed. Kudos to the author for this amazing start of a series that promises to be very entertaining.” –Books and Movies Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re For Now and Forever) FOREVER AND FOR ALWAYS is book #2 in the romance series THE INN AT SUNSET HARBOR, which begins with book #1, FOR NOW AND FOREVER—a free download! 35 year old Emily Mitchell has fled her job, apartment and ex-boyfriend in New York City for her father's abandoned home on the coast of Maine, needing a change in her life. Tapping her life savings to restore the historic home, and with a budding relationship with the caretaker, Daniel, Emily prepares to open the Inn at Sunset Harbor as Memorial Day comes. But all does not go as planned. Emily learns quickly that she has no idea how to run a B&B. The house, despite her efforts, needs new, urgent repairs she cannot afford. Her covetous neighbor is still determined to make trouble for her. And worst of all: just as her relationship with Daniel is blossoming, she learns he has a secret. One which will change everything. With her friends urging her to return to New York City and her ex-boyfriend trying to win her back, Emily has a life-changing decision to make. Will she try to stick it out, to embrace small-town life, her father’s old house? Or will she turn her back on her new friends, neighbors and life—and on the man she has fallen in love with? FOREVER AND FOR ALWAYS is book #2 of a dazzling new romance series that will make you laugh, make you cry, will keep you turning pages late into the night—and will make you fall in love with romance all over again. Book #3 is also available!

    Forever and a Day

    Sophie Love

    “Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….This is the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads.”–Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re For Now and Forever) FOREVER AND A DAY is book #5 in the bestselling romance series The Inn at Sunset Harbor, which begins with book #1, For Now and Forever—a free download! 35 year old Emily Mitchell has fled her job, apartment and ex-boyfriend in New York City for her father's historic, abandoned home on the coast of Maine, needing a change in her life and determined to make it work as a B&B. She had never expected, though, that her relationship with its caretaker, Daniel, would turn her life on its head. In FOREVER AND A DAY, Emily is stunned to finally, after 20 years, meet her missing father—just a week before her wedding. Their reunion changes both of their lives, and unlocks the key to the house’s many secrets, and to Emily’s missing memories. Spring has finally arrived at Sunset Harbor, and with just a week to go until the big wedding date, the wedding preparations are busier than ever, including Daniel’s surprise talk of a honeymoon. Will Emily and Daniel have their dream wedding? Or will someone appear to tear it apart? Meanwhile, Chantelle’s custody battle comes to a pitch, and as Memorial Day looms, they must figure out what to do with Trevor’s house. Yet amidst all of this, another issue weighs most heavily on Emily’s mind: will she herself ever be pregnant? FOREVER AND A DAY is book #5 in a dazzling new romance series that will make you laugh, cry, keep you turning pages late into the night—and make you fall in love with romance all over again. Book #6 will be available soon. “A very well written novel, describing the struggle of a woman (Emily) to find her true identity. The author did an amazing job with the creation of the characters and her description of the environment. The romance is there, but not overdosed. Kudos to the author for this amazing start of a series that promises to be very entertaining.”–Books and Movies Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re For Now and Forever)

    For Now and Forever

    Sophie Love

    “Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….FOR NOW AND FOREVER is the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads.” –Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan) “FOR NOW AND FOREVER is a very well written novel, describing the struggle of a woman (Emily) to find her true identity. The author did an amazing job with the creation of the characters and her description of the environment. The romance is there, but not overdosed. Kudos to the author for this amazing start of a series that promises to be very entertaining.” –Books and Movies Reviews, Roberto Mattos Emily Mitchell, 35, living and working in New York City, has struggled through a string of failed relationships. When her boyfriend of 7 years takes her out for their long-awaited anniversary dinner, Emily is sure that this time will be different, that this time she will finally get the ring. When he gives her a small bottle of perfume instead, Emily knows the time has come to break up with him—and for her entire life to have a fresh start. Reeling from her unsatisfying, high-pressure life, Emily decides she needs a change. She decides on a whim to drive to her father’s abandoned home on the coast of Maine, a sprawling, historic house where she’d spent magical summers as a child. But the house, long-neglected, is in dire need of repair, and the winter is no time to be in Maine. Emily hasn’t been there in 20 years, when a tragic accident changed her sister’s life and shattered her family. Her parents divorced, her father disappeared, and Emily was never able to bring herself to step foot in that house again. Now, for some reason, with her life reeling, Emily feels drawn to the only childhood place she ever knew. She plans on going just for a weekend, to clear her head. But something about the house, its numerous secrets, its memories of her father, its oceanfront allure, its small-town setting—and most of all, its gorgeous, mysterious caretaker—doesn’t want to let her leave. Can she find the answers she’s been looking for here, in the most unexpected place of all? Can a weekend become a lifetime? FOR NOW AND FOREVER is book #1 in the debut of a dazzling new romance series that will make you laugh, make you cry, will keep you turning pages late into the night—and will make you fall in love with romance all over again. Book #2 is also available!

    De Opkomst Van De Draken

    Морган Райс

    “Als je dacht dat je geen reden meer had om te leven na het einde van de Tovenaarsring serie, dan had je het mis. De Opkomst van de Draken is het begin van wederom een veelbelovende serie van Morgan Rice, die ons meeneemt in een fantasiewereld met trollen en draken, moed, eer, magie en geloof in je lotsbestemming. Morgan is er weer in geslaagd om een sterke set personages neer te zetten die ons op elke pagina voor hen laten juichen… Aanbevolen voor de permanente bibliotheek van iedereen die van een goedgeschreven fantasy novel houdt.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos De #1 Bestseller! De #1 Bestverkopende auteur Morgan Rice komt met een meeslepende nieuwe epische fantasy serie: DE OPKOMST VAN DE DRAKEN (KONINGEN EN TOVENAARS—Boek 1). Kyra, 15, droomt ervan om een beroemde krijger te worden, net als haar vader, ondanks het feit dat ze het enige meisje is in een fort met alleen maar jongens. Terwijl ze worstelt om haar speciale vaardigheden te begrijpen, haar mysterieuze innerlijke kracht, beseft ze dat ze anders is dan de anderen. Maar er wordt een geheim voor haar verzwegen over haar geboorte en een voorspelling rond haar lot, waardoor ze zich gaat afvragen wie ze echt is. Wanneer de lokale heer komt om haar mee te nemen, wil haar vader haar uithuwelijken om haar te redden. Kyra weigert en vertrekt in haar eentje. Ze trekt een gevaarlijk bos in, waar ze een gewonde draak tegenkomt—en ze zet een serie gebeurtenissen in werking die het koninkrijk voorgoed zullen veranderen. Ondertussen offert de 15-jarige Alec zichzelf op voor zijn broer en wordt afgevoerd naar De Vlammen, een muur van dertig meter hoge vlammen die het koninkrijk tegen het leger van Trollen in het oosten beschermen. Aan de andere kant van het koninkrijk worstelt de huurling Merk met zijn duistere verleden. Hij reist door de bossen, vastberaden om een Wachter van de Torens te worden en te helpen het Vuurzwaard, de magische krachtbron van het koninkrijk, te bewaken. Maar de Trollen willen het Zwaard ook hebben—en ze bereiden zich voor op een enorme invasie die de koninkrijken voorgoed zou kunnen vernietigen. Met haar sterke sfeer en complexe personages is DE OPKOMST VAN DE DRAKEN een meeslepend verhaal over ridders en krijgers, koningen en heren, eer en moed, magie, het lot, monsters en draken. Het is een verhaal over liefde en gebroken harten, misleiding, ambitie en verraad. Het is fantasy op zijn best, en nodigt ons uit in een wereld die ons voorgoed zal bijblijven, een wereld die alle leeftijden zal aanspreken. Boek #2 in KONINGEN EN TOVENAARS zal binnenkort gepubliceerd worden. “DE OPKOMST VAN DE DRAKEN is een succes—meteen van af het begin… Een superieure fantasy novel… Het begint, zoals het hoort, met de worstelingen van de heldin en breidt zich geleidelijk aan uit in een bredere cirkel van ridders, draken, magie, monsters, en het lot… Alle elementen van high fantasy zijn aanwezig, van soldaten en gevechten tot confrontaties met de zelf… Een aanbevolen winnaar voor iedereen die houdt van epische fantasy novels die gevoed worden door krachtige, geloofwaardige hoofdrolspelers.” –Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer

    Das Festival der Liebe

    Sophie Love

    In GELIEBT (Band #2 Der Weg Der Vampire) brechen Caitlin und Caleb gemeinsam auf, um das eine Objekt zu finden, das den drohenden Krieg zwischen Menschen und Vampiren verhindern kann: Das verlorene Schwert. Alte Überlieferungen der Vampire erzählen davon, und es bestehen große Zweifel, ob es überhaupt existiert. Wenn es überhaupt eine Hoffnung geben soll es zu finden, müssen sie Caitlins Herkunft zurückverfolgen. Ist sie wirklich die Eine? Ihre Suche beginnt damit, Caitlins Vater zu finden. Wer war er? Warum hat er sie im Stich gelassen? Als sie die Suche ausweiten, finden sie heraus, wer sie wirklich ist und sind schockiert. Doch sie sind nicht die einzigen, die nach dem legendären Schwert suchen. Auch der Blacktide Zirkel will es haben, und sie sind Caitlin und Caleb dicht auf den Fersen. Schlimmer noch, Caitlins kleiner Bruder ist besessen davon, seinen Vater zu finden. Doch Sam ist der Situation nicht gewachsen, und findet sich mitten in einem Krieg der Vampire wieder. Wird er ihre Suche gefährden? Caitlins und Calebs Reise bringt sie zu einer Reihe von geschichtsträchtigen Orten – vom Hudson Valley nach Salem und ins Herz des historischen Boston – dem Ort an dem einst die Hexen auf dem Hügel von Boston Common gehängt wurden. Warum sind diese Orte so wichtig für die Rasse der Vampire? Und was haben sie mit Caitlins Herkunft zu tun, und mit der Person, zu der sie wird? Doch vielleicht schaffen sie es nicht einmal. Ihre Liebe zueinander erblüht. Und ihre verbotene Romanze könnte alles zerstören, was sie erreichen wollen… „ GELIEBT, das zweite Buch aus der Serie der Vampire Journals, ist genauso spannend wie das erste, VERWANDELT. Es ist randvoll mit Action, Romantik, Abenteuer und Spannung“ – „Die Der Weg Der Vampire Serie hat eine geniale Handlung, und VERGÖTTERT wird es Ihnen schwer machen, das Buch in der Nacht aus der Hand zu legen. Es endet mit einem derart spektakulären Cliffhanger, dass man sofort das nächste Buch kaufen will um zu sehen, was passiert. Das Buch war ein riesiger Fortschritt in der Serie und verdient eine solide Note 1.“ –The Dallas Examiner „In GELIEBT beweist sich Morgan Rice wieder einmal als extrem talentierte Geschichtenerzählern… Das Buch ist fesselnd und macht Spaß, mir hat es besser gefallen als das erste und ich freue mich sehr auf die nächste Folge.“ –The Romance Reviews

    An Oath of Brothers

    Морган Райс

    “THE SORCERER’S RING has all the ingredients for an instant success: plots, counterplots, mystery, valiant knights, and blossoming relationships replete with broken hearts, deception and betrayal. It will keep you entertained for hours, and will satisfy all ages. Recommended for the permanent library of all fantasy readers.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos AN OATH OF BROTHERS is Book #14 in the Bestselling series THE SORCERER'S RING, which begins with A QUEST OF HEROES (book #1)! In AN OATH OF BROTHERS, Thorgrin and his brothers emerge from the land of the dead, more driven than ever to find Guwayne, and set sail across a hostile sea, leading them to places beyond their wildest dreams. As they come ever-closer to finding Guwayne, they also encounter obstacles unlike ever before, obstacles which will test them to their very limits, which will call on all their training and force them to stand together as one, as brothers. Darius stands up to the Empire, boldly amassing an army as he frees one slave village after the next. Facing off against fortified cities, against an army a thousand times his size, he summons all of his instincts and courage, determined to survive, determined to win, to strive for freedom at any cost, even at the cost of his life. Gwendolyn, with no other choice, leads her people into the Great Waste, deeper into the Empire than anyone has ever journeyed, on a quest to find the legendary Second Ring—the last hope for the survival of her people, and the last hope for Darius. Yet along the way she will encounter horrific monsters, worse landscapes, and an insurrection from amidst her own people that even she may not be able to stop. Erec and Alistair sail for the Empire to save their people, and along the way stop at hidden islands, determined to raise an army—even if it means dealing with mercenaries of questionable repute. Godfrey finds himself deep inside the city of Volusia and deep in trouble as his plan goes from bad to worse. Imprisoned, set to be executed, finally, even he can see no way out. Volusia forges a pact with the darkest of sorcerers, and driven to even greater heights, she continues her ascent, conquering all who stand in her way. More powerful than ever, she will take her war all the way to the steps of the Empire Capital—until she is up against the entire Empire army, an army that dwarfs even her own, setting the stage for an epic battle. Will Thorgrin find Guwayne? Will Gwendolyn and her people survive? Will Godfrey escape? Will Erec and Alistair reach the Empire? Will Volusia become the next Empress? Will Darius lead his people to victory? With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, AN OATH OF BROTHERS is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and genders. Books 15-17 are also available! “A spirited fantasy that weaves elements of mystery and intrigue into its story line…. For those seeking meaty fantasy adventures, the protagonists, devices, and action provide a vigorous set of encounters that focus well on Thor's evolution from a dreamy child to a young adult facing impossible odds for survival….Only the beginning of what promises to be an epic young adult series.” Midwest Book Review (D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer)

    A Vow of Glory

    Морган Райс

    “THE SORCERER’S RING has all the ingredients for an instant success: plots, counterplots, mystery, valiant knights, and blossoming relationships replete with broken hearts, deception and betrayal. It will keep you entertained for hours, and will satisfy all ages. Recommended for the permanent library of all fantasy readers.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos A VOW OF GLORY is book #5 in the Bestselling series THE SORCERER'S RING, which begins with A QUEST OF HEROES, a #1 Bestseller! In A VOW OF GLORY, Thor embarks with his Legion friends on an epic quest into the vast wilds of the Empire to try to find the ancient Destiny Sword and save the Ring. Thor’s friendships deepen, as they journey to new places, face unexpected monsters and fight side by side in unimaginable battle. They encounter exotic lands, creatures and peoples beyond which they could have ever imagined, each step of their journey fraught with increasing danger. They will have to summon all their skills if they are to survive as they follow the trail of the thieves, deeper and deeper into the Empire. Their quest will bring them all the way into the heart of the Underworld, one of the seven realms of hell, where the undead rule and fields are lined with bones. As Thor must summon his powers, more than ever, he struggles to understand the nature of who he is. Back in the Ring, Gwendolyn must lead half of King’s Court to the Western stronghold of Silesia, an ancient city perched on the edge of the Canyon that has stood for one thousand years. Silesia’s fortifications have allowed it to survive every attack throughout every century—but it has never been faced with an assault by a leader like Andronicus, by an army like his million men. Gwendolyn learns what it means to be queen as she takes on a leadership role, Srog, Kolk, Brom, Steffen, Kendrick and Godfrey by her side, preparing to defend the city for the massive war to come. Meanwhile, Gareth is descending deeper into madness, trying to fend off a coup that would have him assassinated in King’s Court, while Erec fights for his life to save his love, Alistair and the Duke’s city of Savaria as the downed shield enables the wild creatures to invade. And Godfrey, wallowing in drink, will have to decide if he is ready to cast off his past and become the man his family expects him to be. As they all fight for their lives and as things seem as if they can’t get any worse, the story ends with two shocking twists. Will Gwendolyn survive the assault? Will Thor survive the Empire? Will the Destiny Sword be found? With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, A VOW OF GLORY is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and genders. Books #6–#17 in the series are now also available! “Grabbed my attention from the beginning and did not let go….This story is an amazing adventure that is fast paced and action packed from the very beginning. There is not a dull moment to be found.” –Paranormal Romance Guild {regarding Turned}

    A Trace of Vice

    Блейк Пирс

    “A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go.” –Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone) From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense. In A TRACE OF VICE (Book #3 in the Keri Locke mystery series), Keri Locke, Missing Persons Detective in the Homicide division of the LAPD, follows a fresh lead for her abducted daughter. It leads to a violent confrontation with The Collector—which, in turn, offers more clues that may, after all this time, reunite her with her daughter. Yet at the same time, Keri is assigned a new case, one with a frantic ticking clock. A teenage girl has gone missing in Los Angeles, a girl from a good family was who duped into drugs and abducted into a sex trafficking ring. Keri is hot on her trail—but the trail is moving fast, with the girl being constantly moved and with her abductors’ single, nefarious goal: to cross her over the border with Mexico. In an epic, breathtaking, cat and mouse chase that takes them through the seedy underworld of trafficking, Keri and Ray will be pushed to their limits to save the girl—and her own daughter—before it is all too late. A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, A TRACE OF VICE is book #3 in a riveting new series—and a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night. “A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.”–Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) Book #4 in the Keri Locke series will be available soon.

    A Trace of Murder

    Блейк Пирс

    “A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go.” –Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone) From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense. In A TRACE OF MURDER (Book #2 in the Keri Locke mystery series), Keri Locke, Missing Persons Detective in the Homicide division of the LAPD, remains haunted by the abduction of her own daughter. Encouraged by the new lead that has landed, the first in years, she pursues it with all that she has, determined to find her daughter and bring her back alive. Yet Keri, at the same time, receives a phone call from a frantic husband, a famed Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, who reports that his wife has been missing for two days. A wealthy socialite with no enemies and little reason to leave her life, he fears the worst has become of his wife. Keri takes on the case, assigned a new partner whom she hates, as Ray still recovers in the hospital. Her investigation leads her deep into the elite Beverly Hills world of the idle rich, to encounters with lonely housewives, and those with shopping-addicted, empty lives. Keri, in over her head in this world, becomes increasingly puzzled by the conflicting signals: did this woman, with a stalker and a lurid, secret past, run away, or was she abducted? Or did something far more sinister happen? A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, A TRACE OF MURDER is book #2 in a riveting new series—and a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night. “A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) Book #3 in the Keri Locke series is also available!