In A TRACE OF VICE, Keri Locke, Missing Persons Detective in the Homicide division of the LAPD, follows a fresh lead for her abducted daughter. It leads to a violent confrontation with The Collector—which, in turn, offers more clues that may, after all this time, reunite her with her daughter. Yet at the same time, Keri is assigned a new case, one with a frantic ticking clock. A teenage girl has gone missing in Los Angeles, a girl from a good family was who duped into drugs and abducted into a sex trafficking ring. Keri is hot on her trail—but the trail is moving fast, with the girl being constantly moved and with her abductors’ single, nefarious goal: to cross her over the border with Mexico. In an epic, breathtaking, cat and mouse chase that takes them through the seedy underworld of trafficking, Keri and Ray will be pushed to their limits to save the girl—and her own daughter—before it is all too late.
There is one cold case that has plagued Special Agent Riley Paige for her entire career, dwelling at the corners of her consciousness, forcing her to return to it again and again. The only case she has never solved, she has finally put it out of her mind. Until she gets a call from the murdered victim’s mother. It spurs Riley to face the case once again, and to not give up until she has found answers. Yet Riley barely has time to catch her breath when she receives a lead for another cold case, one which, if possible, strikes an even deeper note within her. It is a lead that promises to solve the case of her own mother’s killer. And it comes from Shane Hatcher.
17 year old Ceres, a beautiful, poor girl from the Empire city of Delos, wakes to find herself powerless. Poisoned by the sorcerer’s vial, held captive by Stephania, Ceres life reaches a low point as she is made cruel sport of—and is unable to do anything to stop it. Thanos, after killing his brother Lucious, embarks for Delos, to save Ceres and to save his homeland. But the Felldust fleet has already set sail, and with the might of the world bearing down on it, it may be too late to save everything he holds dear. An epic battle ensues, one that may determine the fate of Delos forever. HERO, TRAITOR, DAUGHTER tells an epic tale of tragic love, vengeance, betrayal, ambition, and destiny. Filled with unforgettable characters and heart-pounding action, it transports us into a world we will never forget, and makes us fall in love with fantasy all over again.
"35 year old Emily Mitchell has fled her job, apartment and ex-boyfriend in New York City for her father's historic, abandoned home on the coast of Maine, needing a change in her life and determined to make it a B&B. She had never expected, though, that her relationship with its caretaker, Daniel, would turn her life on its head. Emily is still reeling from Daniel’s proposal. As all seems to finally fall into place in her life, she looks forward to an exciting engagement year ahead, from shopping for a venue and a wedding dress, to creating her invite list, to setting a date. But all does not goes as planned. The endless events of the engagement year add more stress than joy, putting pressure on their relationship as they are forced to make hard choices. Adjusting to life as parents doesn’t make it any easier, as Chantelle runs into problems at school and as a custody battle looms over them. As Christmas and New Years approach, the stress is only compounded. Meanwhile, as the B&B adds new guests and staff and as they find more priceless antiques, Emily discovers a shocking secret that just may bring her one step closer to finding her father. Will she and Daniel get married? Or will the stress of the engagement break them apart forever?"
35 year old Emily Mitchell has fled her job, apartment and ex-boyfriend in New York City for her father's historic, abandoned home on the coast of Maine, needing a change in her life and determined to make it work as a B&B. She had never expected, though, that her relationship with its caretaker, Daniel, would turn her life on its head. In FOREVER AND A DAY, Emily is stunned to finally, after 20 years, meet her missing father—just a week before her wedding. Their reunion changes both of their lives, and unlocks the key to the house’s many secrets, and to Emily’s missing memories. Spring has finally arrived at Sunset Harbor, and with just a week to go until the big wedding date, the wedding preparations are busier than ever, including Daniel’s surprise talk of a honeymoon. Will Emily and Daniel have their dream wedding? Or will someone appear to tear it apart? Meanwhile, Chantelle’s custody battle comes to a pitch, and as Memorial Day looms, they must figure out what to do with Trevor’s house. Yet amidst all of this, another issue weighs most heavily on Emily’s mind: will she herself ever be pregnant?
Quando suo padre viene trasferito, Rachel Wood viene sradicata dalla sua casa in Pennsylvania ed è costretta a frequentare, al secondo anno di liceo, una nuova scuola in un benestante sobborgo di Westchester, New York. Si trova in difficoltà: deve fare nuove amicizie, trovare un ragazzo, evitare i gruppi di ragazze che si dimostrano ostili, cercando di capire come fare a sopravvivere in quel nuovo mondo, che sembra nemico. Le è davvero difficile orientarsi in un ambiente, dove alcol e droga sembrano essere la norma e dove le pressioni sociali la opprimono da ogni direzione. Tutto sembra andar male per Rachel, fino a quando giunge la salvezza, nelle sembianze di Rob, un giocatore di football, che nutre sentimenti interessati per lei. Ma, proprio quando l'amore sta per sbocciare, lei si scopre confusa dalle azioni del giovane. Sembra che la situazione abbia raggiunto un punto di non ritorno ma Rachel incontra un misterioso ragazzo, che frequenta la sua stessa scuola, Benji, un tipo solitario, che si tiene alla larga dagli altri ragazzi e le offre un passaggio in moto. Trascorrono una serata indimenticabile in un parco di divertimenti, fin a quando avviene qualcosa di terribile e Benji la sciocca, salvandole la vita. Rachel sa che Benji è diverso da chiunque altro, e sa anche che lui è l'amore della sua vita. E, mentre il loro amore cresce, la ragazza deve decidere se intende rinunciare a tutto pur di scoprire il suo segreto…
În TRANSFORMATĂ (Cartea 1 din Memoriile unui vampir), Caitlin Paine, de 18 ani, se trezește scoasă cu forța din frumoasa ei suburbie și forțată să urmeze un periculos liceu din orașul New York, când mama ei se mută din nou. Singura rază de lumină în noile ei împrejurimi este Jonah, un nou coleg care o place la prima vedere. Dar, înainte ca iubirea lor să poată înflori, Caitlin descoperă dintr-o dată că se schimbă. Ea este copleșită de o putere supraomenească, o sensibilitate la lumină, o dorință de a se hrăni – de sentimente pe care nu le înțelege. Ea caută răspunsuri la ceea ce i se întâmplă, și poftele ei o duc la locul nepotrivit, la momentul nepotrivit. Ochii ei se deschid către o lume ascunsă, chiar sub picioarele ei, înflorind în subteranele orașului New York. Ea se trezește prinsă între două sabaturi periculoase, chiar în mijlocul unui război între vampiri. Acesta este momentul când Caitlin îl întâlnește pe Caleb, un vampir misterios și puternic care o salvează de forțele întunericului. El are nevoie de ajutorul ei, are nevoie ca ea să-l conducă la legendarul artefact pierdut. Și ea are nevoie de el pentru răspunsuri și pentru protecție. Împreună, ei vor trebui să răspundă la o întrebare crucială: cine a fost tatăl ei adevărat? Dar Caitlin se trezește prinsă între doi bărbați, căci și altceva apare între ei: o dragoste interzisă. O dragoste între rase care le va risca viețile amândurora, şi îi va forţa să decidă dacă să riște totul unul pentru altul…
V knihe Premenená (Prvá kniha zo série Upírie žurnály), je osemnásťročná Caitlin Paineová nútená opustiť pokojné prostredie malého mesta a začať chodiť na nie príliš bezpečnú strednú školu v New Yorku, pretože sa jej matka opäť musela presťahovať za prácou. Jedinou svetlou stránkou celej situácie je Jonah, Caitlinin nový spolužiak, s ktorým okamžite nájdu spoločné zaľúbenie. Než sa ale ich vzájomné sympatie stačia rozvinúť v niečo väčšieho, Caitlin zisťuje, že sa začína meniť. Zrazu sa cíti neľudsky silná, citlivá na denné svetlo a má čudný hlad, ktorému vôbec nerozumie. Snaží sa pochopiť, čo sa to s ňou deje, ale jej nutkanie ju nakoniec privedie na zlé miesto vo veľmi nevhodnom čase. Rovno pred očami sa jej tak otvorí pohľad na doposiaľ skrytý svet, ktorý existuje priamo pod ulicami New Yorku. Proti svojej vôli je vtiahnutá doprostred mocenských sporov medzi dvoma mocnými klanmi a začínajúcej vojny upírov. V tom okamihu Caitlin stretne Caleba, záhadného a mocného upíra, ktorý jej zachráni život. Potrebuje ju, aby ho priviedla na stopu legendárneho, teraz však strateného, artefaktu. Ona zasa potrebuje jeho kvôli ochrane, ktorú jej poskytuje, a odpovediam, ktoré ona nutne potrebuje poznať. Spoločne budú musieť nájsť odpoveď na jednu zásadnú otázku: Kto vlastne bol Caitlinin skutočný otec? Caitlin sa tým zároveň ocitá medzi dvoma mužmi a navyše je v hre aj niečo ďalšie: zakázaná láska. Láska medzi dvoma odlišnými rasami, kvôli ktorej obaja budú musieť riskovať. Budú však ochotní riskovať jeden pre druhého úplne všetko?
Emily Mitchell, 35, living and working in New York City, has struggled through a string of failed relationships. When her boyfriend of 7 years takes her out for their long-awaited anniversary dinner, Emily is sure that this time will be different, that this time she will finally get the ring. When he gives her a small bottle of perfume instead, Emily knows the time has come to break up with him—and for her entire life to have a fresh start. Reeling from her unsatisfying, high-pressure life, Emily decides she needs a change. She decides on a whim to drive to her father’s abandoned home on the coast of Maine, a sprawling, historic house where she’d spent magical summers as a child. But the house, long-neglected, is in dire need of repair, and the winter is no time to be in Maine. Emily hasn’t been there in 20 years, when a tragic accident changed her sister’s life and shattered her family. Her parents divorced, her father disappeared, and Emily was never able to bring herself to step foot in that house again. Now, for some reason, with her life reeling, Emily feels drawn to the only childhood place she ever knew. She plans on going just for a weekend, to clear her head. But something about the house, its numerous secrets, its memories of her father, its oceanfront allure, its small-town setting—and most of all, its gorgeous, mysterious caretaker—doesn’t want to let her leave. Can she find the answers she’s been looking for here, in the most unexpected place of all? Can a weekend become a lifetime? FOR NOW AND FOREVER is book #1 in the debut of a dazzling new romance series that will make you laugh, make you cry, will keep you turning pages late into the night—and will make you fall in love with romance all over again.
Где-то в Вирджинии находят мёртвую женщину, убитую причудливым образом. Пока взявшее на себя расследование ФБР пребывает в растерянности, серийный маньяк все чаще похищает и убивает своих жертв. Только одному человеку под силу расколоть это непростое дело: специальному агенту Райли Пейдж. Райли же взяла перерыв от работы, чтобы восстановиться после столкновения с убийцей из предыдущего дела, и еще слишком слаба для новых задач, что понимают в ФБР и не слишком наседают на неё. И всё же Райли решает сразиться со своими демонами и вступает в игру. В охоте за убийцей она знакомится со странной субкультурой коллекционеров кукол, посещает дома осиротевших семей, погружается в тёмные глубины разума убийцы. Снимая слой за слоем, Райли понимает, что борется с более извращённым убийцей, чем ожидала. В бешеной гонке со временем она доходит до своего предела, ставит на карту работу; её хрупкая психика ломается, а над семьёй повисает угроза. Однако, взявшись за расследование, Райли его так просто не оставит. Оно мучает её, проникает в самые тёмные уголки её души, размывает границы между охотником и жертвой. События развиваются самым неожиданным образом, и инстинкты приводят Райли к таким шокирующим результатам, которых она не могла бы и представить. Тёмный интригующий психологический триллер КОГДА ОНА УШЛА – это начало новой увлекательной серии и дебют нового любимого героя, книга, которая заставит вас листать страницы до самой ночи.