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Digital Audio Broadcasting. Principles and Applications of DAB, DAB + and DMB

Lauterbach Thomas

Digital Audio Broadcasting revised with the latest standards and updates of all new developments The new digital broadcast system family is very different from existing conventional broadcast systems. It is standardised in a large number of documents (from ITU-R, ISO/IEC, ETSI, EBU, and others) which are often difficult to read. This book offers a comprehensive and fully updated overview of Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB, DAB+) and Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB), and related services and applications. Furthermore, the authors continue to build upon the topics of the previous editions, including audio coding, data services, receiver techniques, frequencies, and many others. There are several new sections in the book, which would be otherwise difficult to locate from various sources. Key Features: The contents have been significantly updated from the second edition, including up-to-date coverage of the latest standards Contains a new chapter on Digital Multimedia Broadcasting “Must-have” handbook for engineers, developers and other professionals in the field This book will be of interest to planning and system engineers, developers for professional and domestic equipment manufacturers, service providers, postgraduate students and lecturers in communications technology. Broadcasting engineers in related fields will also find this book insightful.

Person-centred Nursing. Theory and Practice

McCormack Brendan

The concept of 'person-centredness' has become established in approaches to the delivery of healthcare, particularly with nursing, and is embedded in many international healthcare policy frameworks and strategic plans. This book explores person-centred nursing using a framework that has been derived from research and practice. Person-centred Nursing is a theoretically rigorous and practically applied text that aims to increase nurses' understanding of the principles and practices of person-centred nursing in a multiprofessional context. It advances new understandings of person-centred nursing concepts and theories through the presentation of an inductively derived and tested framework for person-centred nursing. In addition it explores a variety of strategies for developing person-centred nursing and presents case examples of the concept in action. This is a practical resource for all nurses who want to develop person-centred ways of working.

The Handbook of Midwifery Research

Steen Mary

Research is a fundamental part of midwifery practice. However, not everyone finds it easy to understand the basic principles, and particularly the language of research. This accessible handbook enables midwives and student midwives to firstly understand how to search and make sense of research evidence, how to write a research proposal and finally how to undertake a research study. The Handbook of Midwifery Research specifically focuses on the needs of midwives and students and helps increase the knowledge and understanding of midwifery research, enabling the reader to undertake research with confidence. With case studies, learning objectives and clear examples throughout, this is an essential purchase for any midwife or student wanting to understand or undertake research. This handbook includes useful tools and techniques to assist midwives and students to keep themselves up-to-date with the best available evidence, enabling them to apply this evidence to their own clinical practice. An essential resource for midwifery students as well as qualified midwives Clear, straightforward, and accessible in style Provides midwives and students with the skills to undertake research with confidence Provides examples throughout to apply research to midwifery practice Includes a glossary of research terms

Biomedical Sciences. Essential Laboratory Medicine

Docherty Suzanne

Biomedical Sciences is an indispensable, all encompassing core textbook for first/ second year biomedical science students that will support them throughout their undergraduate career. The book includes the key components of the IBMS accredited degree programmes, plus sections on actual practice in UK hospital laboratories (including the compilation of a reflective portfolio). The book is visually exciting, and written in an interesting and accessible manner while maintaining scientific rigour. Highlighted boxes within the text link the theory to actual clinical laboratory practice for example, the histopathology chapter includes a photographically illustrated flow chart of the progress of a specimen through the histopathology lab, so that students can actually see how the specimen reception/inking/cut-up/cassette/block/section/stain system works, with an emphasis on the safety procedures that ensure specimens are not confused).

Programme Procurement in Construction. Learning from London 2012

Mead John

This book … adds to the impressive ‘legacy’ of learning which is still emerging from the successful delivery of the London 2012 construction programme. The authors combine the reforming zeal of a champion for change, who was there every step of the way, with academic rigour, and the result is delivered with impressive passion and commitment to the topic … All spenders and suppliers need to read this, to understand how conventional understandings of procurement fall so dramatically short when applied to high value-high risk acquisitions, which invariably is what large construction projects represent.’ Don Ward, Chief Executive, Constructing Excellence, UK Successful construction is often attributed to one or more aspects of the delivery process from good planning, design and clever engineering to efficient project management and quality construction. Before any of these disciplines can begin, they all require some form of procurement to select the team or supply chain to meet a client’s or a project’s specific requirements. The concept of PSE – Purchase and Supplier Engineering – originated in the procurement of the construction and infrastructure required to stage the 30th Olympiad in London during 2012. At the time of writing PSE has successfully delivered almost £25bn of public procurement meeting client and project requirements and without legal challenge. The construction of the venues and infrastructure needed to stage London 2012 was such a resounding success that it boosted not only the reputation of the UK construction industry but also the confidence of the UK population in the country’s ability to organise, build and run a major international event. Its success has been lauded as something from which clients and industry could learn. The ODA has established a comprehensive and informative body of evidence as part of a Learning Legacy. While the ODA is well aware of the many elements of the procurement and supply chain management, the complete end to end concept of how the Olympic supply chain procurements were managed has until now not been captured. For example, how does one buy the stage for an Olympic Games? How does one manage the details of thousands of contracts and the many firms of contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers and ensure that no one organisation adversely affects any other to the detriment of the programme? How are a client’s requirements beyond those of the capital asset realised as part of the investment? How does one measure programme exposure, or manage performance? How does one measure capacity and the ability of firms to cope with the work and manage the risks involved? Programme Procurement in Construction: Learning from London 2012 covers the planning and preparation of a programme’s procurement processes from understanding and developing the client’s requirements, to monitoring performance based on the benchmarks contractors set out in their own tender submissions. The emphasis is on a close attention to detail to avoid surprises, while keeping a focus on the total programme. Purchase and Supplier Engineering provides an overview of managing the interest of firms in participating and the resulting capacity and workloads of all suppliers, including the main contractors and the critical subcontractors and material suppliers. Offering techniques, tips and lessons learnt from the implementation of PSE on London 2012 and Crossrail, this book is aimed at public and private sector clien

Bioinformatik Interaktiv. Grundlagen, Algorithmen, Anwendungen

Merkl Rainer

The second edition of this successful textbook, completely revised and largely expanded. In particular the section on the analysis of genome data is covered in much greater depth and chapters added on machine learning, Bayesian networks, protein and enzyme designs as well as the evaluation of microarrays. Furthermore an attractive website with supplementary material and problems is available: WWW.WILEY-VCH.DE/HOME/BIOINFORMATIK

FlipchartArt. Ideen für Trainer, Berater und Moderatoren

Meyer Elke

Das Flipchart ist das ideale Präsentationsmedium für Teambesprechungen und Workshops, aber auch für viele Seminare, Präsentationen oder Vorträge. Sein kompetenter Einsatz trägt entscheidend zur Einprägsamkeit von Inhalten bei und fördert Motivation und Arbeitsklima. Elke Meyer und Stefanie Widmann vermitteln Ideen und Anregungen für alle Nutzer dieses Mediums, vom Einsteiger bis zum erfahrenen Trainer. Sie zeigen, wie jeder von uns Flipcharts ansprechend und motivierend gestalten kann. Die Vorbereitung von Seminaren oder Besprechungen wird damit vereinfacht, der Zeitaufwand reduziert. Mit mehr als 200 Bildern bietet das Buch eine Fülle konkreter Beispiele zur Gestaltung von Flipcharts und eine Palette von Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, aus denen jeder Anwender mit wenig Aufwand seinen individuellen Stil ableiten kann. Außerdem stellt es einen Katalog mit Symbolen zur Verfügung, die jeder für sich modifizieren und einsetzen kann. Die 4. Auflage enthält wieder etliche neue Flipcharts, zum Beispiel zum Figurenzeichnen und zur Darstellung von Perspektiven. Dieses Buch gehört in jeden Moderatorenkoffer, in jedes Trainergepäck.

Adaptive Signal Processing. Next Generation Solutions

Adali Tülay

Leading experts present the latest research results in adaptive signal processing Recent developments in signal processing have made it clear that significant performance gains can be achieved beyond those achievable using standard adaptive filtering approaches. Adaptive Signal Processing presents the next generation of algorithms that will produce these desired results, with an emphasis on important applications and theoretical advancements. This highly unique resource brings together leading authorities in the field writing on the key topics of significance, each at the cutting edge of its own area of specialty. It begins by addressing the problem of optimization in the complex domain, fully developing a framework that enables taking full advantage of the power of complex-valued processing. Then, the challenges of multichannel processing of complex-valued signals are explored. This comprehensive volume goes on to cover Turbo processing, tracking in the subspace domain, nonlinear sequential state estimation, and speech-bandwidth extension. Examines the seven most important topics in adaptive filtering that will define the next-generation adaptive filtering solutions Introduces the powerful adaptive signal processing methods developed within the last ten years to account for the characteristics of real-life data: non-Gaussianity, non-circularity, non-stationarity, and non-linearity Features self-contained chapters, numerous examples to clarify concepts, and end-of-chapter problems to reinforce understanding of the material Contains contributions from acknowledged leaders in the field Adaptive Signal Processing is an invaluable tool for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners working in the areas of signal processing, communications, controls, radar, sonar, and biomedical engineering.

Convective Heat Transfer. Solved Problems

Tardu Sedat

Each chapter begins with a brief yet complete presentation of the related topic. This is followed by a series of solved problems. The latter are scrupulously detailed and complete the synthetic presentation given at the beginning of each chapter. There are about 50 solved problems, which are mostly original with gradual degree of complexity including those related to recent findings in convective heat transfer phenomena. Each problem is associated with clear indications to help the reader to handle independently the solution. The book contains nine chapters including laminar external and internal flows, convective heat transfer in laminar wake flows, natural convection in confined and no-confined laminar flows, turbulent internal flows, turbulent boundary layers, and free shear flows.

Relativitätstheorie. Speziell, Allgemein und Kosmologisch

Rindler Wolfgang

Dieses Buch bringt Studierenden schon in fruhen Semestern die spannenden und herausfordernden Aspekte der Relativitatstheorie und der modernen Kosmologie nahe und halt gleichzeitig auch fur Fortgeschrittene und Wissenschaftler reichlich neues Material bereit. Die besondere Starke des Buches ist die Betonung der fundamentalen, logischen und geometrischen Aspekte der Theorie. Berucksichtigt werden sowohl die spezielle als auch die allgemeine Relativitatstheorie in Verbindung mit aktuellen Entwicklungen der Kosmologie. Eine weitere Besonderheit ist der Vorrang von Anschauung und Verstandnis vor mathematischem Formalismus: erst nach Festigung des erworbenen Wissens wird dieses in eine mathematische, handhabbare Form uberfuhrt. Das Buch enthalt zahlreiche Ubungsaufgaben und bietet sich als vorlesungsbegleitende Lekture an.