“A remarkable and very moving feat of storytelling.” —Andrew Holgate China is the center of the world, and the center of China is Beijing, and at the center of Beijing is a billionaire financier named Qin. At the opening of this novel-in-stories, billionaire Qin is lying in state at his funeral, victim of a sudden and premature death. Moving back and forth in time, we meet a wide range of Chinese, all linked to Qin by a degree or two of separation: a property developer, a street artist, a prostitute, a fashion model, a spy, a thief, an expat lawyer, a muckraking journalist. By the end of this biting, post-post-modern cultural observation, the manner of Qin’s death is revealed. Scratching the Head of Chairman Mao presents today’s China in its full and fabulous complexity.
Вторая книга, рассказывающая о приключениях неудачной троллихи Чучо в Зеленецком лесу. На этот раз в троллиный борок приезжает ее грозная мать – Перес… и опять начинаются приключения.
Denise, a middle-aged idealist, cashes her last $400 paycheck and drives south with her two Chihuahuas in search of a summer job that will renew her weary spirit. As she drives through a national park in Northern California, Denise stumbles upon a job as a fast-fry cook at Hacienda RV Park and seizes the promising opportunity. Unfortunately, her job behind the grill turns out to be more complicated than flipping burgers and transforms her working vacation into a trip comparable to the psych ward. As she falls deeper into the tangled web created by her dysfunctional, dangerous, and inept coworkers, Denise struggles to make this working vacation a positive time in her life and, at the least, come out of it alive. Reading GRILL! takes you to a place you never want to go; and a job that no one should ever have to endure. At the same time, there will be those of you who will completely identify with Denise, the place, and the job; those who have also been grilled to a crisp in a whacked-out environment. About the Author: Diane Stegman has been an artist throughout most of her life and spends her free time painting or writing. She owned and operated a custom picture framing shop in Carmel Valley for thirteen years and currently resides in the high desert of southern California with her parents, tending to their daily needs and health concerns. Diane is the proud mother of two grown sons and grandmother of four grandchildren. This is her first published book.
Эта история произошла не на Востоке, не на Западе, а в современной России, краях московских, давно уже не белокаменных. Жил-был Аладдин Куралесович с супругой своей Шахерезадой Ягуаровной. Жили они не тужили, кашу варили, деток кормили. Многодетное отцовство лишило Аладдина Куралесовича личного пространства. Он редко бывает один. Гораздо чаще он остается один с детьми. Дети удивляют и пугают отца своей изобретательностью. В минуты досуга Аладдин Куралесович смотрит фильмы Андрея Тарковского, слушает современную музыку. А супруга его, Шахерезада Ягуаровна, всегда рада составить ему компанию.