
Различные книги в жанре Экономика


Richard Lees


Richard Lees

Understand what’s required to deliver top-of-the-line customer experiences As organizations around the world do their best to deliver meaningful, effective, and efficient customer experiences, many are encountering difficulty translating their actions into progress. These businesses find that, despite a plethora of initiatives, programs, and plans, inclusive and excellent customer service remains stubbornly out of reach. In Shift: Transform Motion into Progress in Business, Chief Strategy and Marketing Officers at Merkle and dentsu offer business leaders a practical and coherent approach to creating the consistently exceptional customer experience that would set their business apart from the competition. The authors link three key themes—a clear vision with clear performance indicators, an aligned team, and a deep understanding of the marketplace—and outline their importance in the quest for the ideal client experience. They explain the importance of measuring progress through the eyes of the customer and ensuring that the measures that matter to customers are improving. A necessary addition to the reading lists of innovation and business development professionals, Shift deserves a place on the bookshelves of managers, executives, and other business leaders attempting to set their organization apart from the competition.

Making Light Work

David A. Spencer

Is work a primordial curse? Or a spiritual calling? Or is it a tedious necessity that technology will abolish, freeing us to indulge lives of leisure? In this book David A. Spencer argues that work is only an alienating burden because of the nature of work under capitalism. He makes the case not for the abolition of work – which can remain a source of meaning and dignity – but for its lightening. Engaging with thinkers ranging from Marx and William Morris to Keynes and Graeber, he rejects the idea that high-quality work can only be open to a few while the majority are condemned to menial tasks, and sets out an agenda for shortening the working week while also making work a site of creativity, usefulness and joy for all. This erudite book sets out a compelling agenda for radical change. It’s essential reading for anyone interested in the future of their work.

Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations

Paul L. Dann

Practical strategies for ensuring leadership success within nonprofit organizations In Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations: A Framework For Success , veteran senior leader and CEO Paul L. Dann, PhD, draws on over 30 years of developing and advancing nonprofits to walk you through practical strategies that support success as a nonprofit leader. The book is filled with universally applicable examples of how to implement its leadership techniques. Leaders working in a variety of sectors will benefit from the author’s careful balance of theory and practice. In the book, they’ll also find: How to choose a leadership style that suits your personality, the people you work with, and your organization How to engage in the co-creation of leadership through generative leadership practice, including the development of an organizational philosophy, practice, and structure How to manage employee performance and engagement and how to choose successful management systems to leverage success Ideal for practicing and aspiring nonprofit organization managers, board members, and directors, Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations: A Framework For Success is an indispensable, one-stop resource for the development and deployment of leadership skills in challenging as well as complex nonprofit environments.

Правда 14-2022

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Общественно-политическая газета

Аргументы и Факты Москва 06-2022

Редакция газеты Аргументы и факты Москва

Еженедельная газета «Аргументы и Факты» – одно из самых популярных изданий в России и за рубежом. Основные темы: информация о событиях в России и за рубежом, политика, культура, экология, социальные проблемы и многое другое. В 1990 году за самый большой тираж в мире (33,5 млн. экземпляров) была внесена в книгу рекордов Гиннеса. Еженедельник «АиФ» рассчитан на широкий круг читателей.