Spiralling inequality since the 1970s and the global financial crisis of 2008 have been the two most important challenges to democratic capitalism since the Great Depression. To understand the political economy of contemporary Europe and America we must, therefore, put inequality and crisis at the heart of the picture. In this innovative new textbook Mattias Vermeiren does just this, demonstrating that both the global financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis resulted from a mutually reinforcing but ultimately unsustainable relationship between countries with debt-led and export-led growth models, models fundamentally shaped by soaring income and wealth inequality. He traces the emergence of these two growth models by giving a comprehensive overview, deeply informed by the comparative and international political economy literature, of recent developments in the four key domains that have shaped the dynamics of crisis and inequality: macroeconomic policy, social policy, corporate governance and financial policy. He goes on to assess the prospects for the emergence of a more egalitarian and sustainable form of democratic capitalism. This fresh and insightful overview of contemporary Western capitalism will be essential reading for all students and scholars of international and comparative political economy.
Одна из старейших общественно-политических газет (издается с февраля 1921 года). Корреспонденты «Труда» ежедневно рассказывают читателям о политике, культуре, спорте, экономике, жизни общества, самых интересных новостях дня и многом другом. Издание рассчитано на широкий круг читателей.
Семейный еженедельник. Последние мировые и российские новости. Интервью со звездами, новости спорта, кинематографа , культуры. Телепрограмма.
Редакция газеты Аргументы и факты Москва
Еженедельная газета «Аргументы и Факты» – одно из самых популярных изданий в России и за рубежом. Основные темы: информация о событиях в России и за рубежом, политика, культура, экология, социальные проблемы и многое другое. В 1990 году за самый большой тираж в мире (33,5 млн. экземпляров) была внесена в книгу рекордов Гиннеса. Еженедельник «АиФ» рассчитан на широкий круг читателей.
<P>Originally published in 1992 and revised in 2001, Frank B. Connolly's Local Government in Connecticut is one of the most useful and well-established resources on the state's local government. Written expressly for public officials and students, the book explains Connecticut's basic forms of local government and its many variants, as well as examining their inner workings, including governance, management, administration, municipal services, education, and land use. This new edition has been entirely revised, expanded, and updated, with new chapters on charter revision, municipal employees and unionization, education, homeland security and local government, pensions, and economic development. It includes references to key sections of the Connecticut General Statutes. This unique and indispensable resource for the state is published in cooperation with the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities.</P>