
Различные книги в жанре Эзотерика

Личность, дух и смысл жизни

Алексей Мирный

Наверное каждый из нас желает быть счастливым и так построить свою жизнь, чтобы не чувствовать неудовлетворенности и неполноценности. До поры до времени человек учится и понимает, что без страданий невозможно существовать, испытывая всякого рода давление в семье, в процессе начальной социализации в школе, других учебных заведениях, неформальных группах. Средством разрядки причиняющих боль ситуаций служило для некоторых уединение, хобби, игра, другие виды удовольствия.

#гдежетыпринц. Позитивная психология на каждый день

Анастасия Борзенко

Книга затрагивает вопросы взаимоотношений женщин и мужчин, целевая аудитория – женщины, которые так и не встретили своего «принца на белом коне», имеют сложности в общении с мужчинами, которые им интересны, либо носят «венец безбрачия». В приложениях к книге предложен ряд «энергетических процедур», цель которых привести в порядок энергетический фон и впустить в личную жизнь долгожданные перемены!

Осторожно! Двери открываются… Часть 2

Ольга Владимировна Михайлова

Путешествие по сакральным местам продолжается. Главные герои расскажут вам, что в мире магии существуют такие понятия, как дружба, взаимопомощь и, конечно, Любовь; что значит быть равнодушным и что такое волшебная оболочка мага. Вы узнаете предысторию Рафаила и поучаствуете в построении защитной оболочки вокруг нашей планеты. Вам станут понятны ответы на вопросы: «Почему видящие порой не видят, а слышащие не слышат». Удивительное, захватывающее приключение длиною в жизнь ждёт Вас.

Быть богатым

Елена Проскурякова

В книге описывается актуальная на сегодняшний день тема «Деньги. Как стать богатым». Также рассматриваются причины финансовых проблем и варианты их решения, приведены примеры из жизни.

Гадания. На корейских картах Хато: «Гадание на желание»

Lory Ma

Дорогой друг! Эта книга научит тебя редкому виду восточных гаданий – гаданию на корейских картах Хато. С первого взгляда может показаться, что сложно освоить секреты гаданий на картах Хато, но на самом деле в этом нет ничего сложного. Приложив небольшие усилия, ты легко освоишь все способы гадания на Хато, тем более, что мы начинаем с самого простого из них – на желание. В этой книге подробно описаны и проиллюстрированы все шаги. Просто позволь себе открыть непознанный мир с помощью этой книги!

Mindfulness Workbook For Dummies

Shamash Alidina

Restore balance to your life and live in the moment Mindfulness is a proven meditation technique that can help you restore balance in your personal life. Now, the author of Mindfulness For Dummies shows you step-by-step how to put the lessons of his book into practice. Inside you'll find a huge number of hands-on exercises and techniques to help you to live in the present, let go of negative, distracting, and judgmental thoughts, and achieve greater happiness and contentment in your life. Mindfulness can be applied to a range of conditions, including depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue, or illness Practicing mindfulness promotes well-being and improves quality of life The audio CD contains guided meditations to enhance the practical guidance within the book Mindfulness Workbook For Dummies gives you the tools you need to pay attention to the present without judgment, and build a happier life. CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase.

Become More Mindful In A Day For Dummies

Shamash Alidina

Discover how mindfulness can help you take care of yourself – and others! Become More Mindful In a Day provides a practical introduction to mindfulness, and the benefits of a mindful approach to life. Designed to contain a day’s reading, this handy guide explains what mindfulness is, how to begin practising mindful meditation, and explores a number of ways mindfulness can help you achieve a happier state of mind. Open the book and find: An introduction to the basics of mindfulness meditation The difference between ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ meditation Several examples of mindful meditation, including the body scan meditation and sitting meditation How mindfulness can help in relationships Tips for exercising mindfully

Basic Yoga Postures and Series In A Day For Dummies

Georg Feuerstein

Learn basic yoga postures and series in a day? Easy. Want to start enjoying the benefits of yoga today? The secret's out—you can quickly get up-to-speed on the basics of yoga and begin your workout with the help of this fun guide. Basic Yoga Postures & Series In A Day For Dummies gives you an easy-to-follow introduction on the essential beginning elements of yoga. It's packed with tips and advice for staying balanced while maintaining proper posture (when sitting or standing) and step-by-step instructions for basic yoga sequences. An overview on the basic philosophy and benefits of Yoga Essential keys to posture, sitting, and standing The mechanics and practice of breathing during Yoga practice A recommended routine for beginners Online component takes you beyond the book with bonus content and features Get ready to start reaping the many benefits of this ancient practice with Basic Yoga Postures & Series In A Day For Dummies.

Meditation For Dummies

Stephan Bodian

Take an inward journey for a happier, healthier, more productive life Meditation relaxes the body, calms the mind, improves mental clarity, reduces stress and enhances overall health and well-being. Ideal for novices as well as experienced practitioners looking to expand their horizons, this portable edition of the bestselling Meditation For Dummies gives you dozens of techniques, practices, and specific meditations, along with tips on how to get the most out of meditation in your everyday life. Learn the basics – get step-by-step instructions for a variety of meditations, starting with how to sit, what to focus on and how to stop your mind from racing Fine-tune your meditation – discover how to tailor your practice to your unique needs and life situation, and how to troubleshoot common problems Put meditation to work – learn how to extend meditation's benefits to every area of your life, from performing more effectively at work, at play and even in the bedroom, to promoting your spiritual growth Open the book and find: How to sit, what to wear and how to breathe Ways to improve your mental concentration Tips on tuning into your body Tried and tested methods for replacing negative patterns of thought Guidance on dealing with fear and self-doubt Meditations for stress reduction, healing and performance enhancement Ways to develop your own meditation practice Learn to: Embrace meditation and improve your mood Find your focus Overcome difficult emotions and everyday problems Slow down and enjoy life

Feng Shui For Dummies

David Kennedy Daniel

Benefit from the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui Take a look around you. What do you see? Whether or not you're aware of it, your environment profoundly affects your health, wealth, family life, relationship, and yes, even your destiny. Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway), which means wind water, is the ancient Chinese study of harmony and energy flow between you and your physical surroundings. Now, Feng Shui For Dummies, 2nd Edition shows you how you can apply Feng Shui principles to your home (inside and out) and workplace (from window office to cubicle) in order to achieve a better life. Principles are explained in an easy-to-understand language Practical tips show you how to incorporate the traditions of Feng Shui to your everyday life Before-and-after illustrations and full-color photos of real-life Feng Shui makeovers in an all-new 8-page color insert Free of technical jargon and brimming with practical tips and advice, Feng Shui For Dummies shows you how to feel and access the energy of your environment and create harmony and happiness in your life.