Tap into your body’s vital source of energy and wellness Positioned along the spinal axis, from the tailbone to the crown of the head, the seven main energy centers of the body are called chakras. Author Michelle Fondin explores and explains each one in the seven chapters of this book, demystifying their role in facilitating healing, balance, personal power, and everyday well-being. She offers meditations and visualizations, yoga postures, breathing exercises, and Ayurvedic dietary practices to learn about and work with the chakras. You may choose to follow the healing practices for seven days, devoting one day to each chakra; for seven weeks, focusing on each chakra for a week at a time; or at your own pace, spending as long as you need on each chakra. Whether you are experiencing an illness brought on by imbalance, feeling sluggish because of seasonal changes, or simply wishing to deepen your study of the subtle body, you will find healing and rejuvenation while discovering the power of these vibrant energy vortices, your chakras.
Author's books have sold more than 200,000 copies and are still selling after 20 years Jacob Liberman travels throughout North America to speak at Unity Churches and other venues Author has been featured on TedX, online venues, and national newspapers and television programs
In 1974, the legendary “teacher of teachers” yogi Dharma Mittra photographed himself in 908 yoga postures. He printed each photo as an 8 x 10 and pasted them together to form a poster, creating the Ultimate Yoga Chart as a gift for his teacher, Swami Kailashananda (Yogi Gupta). Asanas collects 608 of those black-and-white photographs, each accompanied by the English name of the pose and the Sanskrit characters, brief commentary, and specific combinations for Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and Iyengar practice. There are suggestions for beginning, intermediate, and advanced yoga practitioners, as well as a list of poses beneficial for particular health problems and chakra relationships. Because it builds on basic postures, Asanas will appeal to students of any of the 100 yoga styles.
Discover an Ancient Path to Power, Wisdom & Magick What do you think of when you hear the word witch ? Through centuries of persecution, our society has been indoctrinated into thinking that witches are evil villains. Author and proud witch Danielle Dulsky debunks this interpretation and reveals the true nature of Witchcraft: an ancient spiritual path that rejects religious dogma in favor of female empowerment and a deep reverence for the Earth. In a collaborative, conversational tone, Woman Most Wild reclaims the Earth-centered power of aligning with our wildest, freest selves to create an inclusive world for all. The three keys to liberating your inner witch and owning your power are:• Wild Rhythm: aligning yourself with the cycles of nature• Wild Ritual: understanding the importance of ritual and ceremony• Wild Circle: bonding with like-minded seekersDulsky’s tools for embracing and experiencing the power of these keys, including moon rituals, healing meditations, yoga postures, circle work, and Goddess encounters, will guide you toward joining the cosmic dance befitting the divine, limitless woman you are.
Have you ever wondered about your life’s purpose? The next step in the life-changing Human Design system, <i>The Book of Destinies</i> presents in-depth profiles of the 192 Life Themes that encompass humanity. Based on the place, date, and time of your birth, your Life Theme reveals a remarkably detailed portrait of your true nature, allowing you the peace of knowing who you really are so you can live your life with clarity and fulfillment. Instead of struggling to achieve unsuitable goals, you can align yourself with a deeper plan for your relationships, career, and decision making. Many passages include a list of noted people who share that Life Theme. The culmination of the authors’ twenty years of research, practice, meditation, and readings, <i>The Book of Destinies</i> is for anyone who has ever stopped to wonder, “What is my life purpose, and how do I realize it?”
To determine your Life Theme, visit www.humandesignforusall.com
Tap Your Personal Power and ThriveHave you ever hoped to recapture the powerful sense of aliveness you’ve felt at the best moments of your life? Cara Bradley can show you how. With enlightening stories and fresh practices, her book will teach you how to experience what she calls “high-definition, high-voltage living” on purpose, every day. She will expertly guide you through the process toward an indescribable sense of fulfillment and empowerment that you may not have thought possible but that was always there, on the “verge” of happening, ready to emerge. This user-friendly book also offers:• the encouragement to not be a spectator of life but to instead cultivate ways to live beyond your busy mind and be present in each moment• the coaching you need to stay consistent with transformative daily practices• the guidance to trust that, like spiritual sages and Olympic athletes, you have brilliance and strength available to you at any time
Foster Tranquility to Restore and Invigorate Body and Mind
Leeann Carey’s approach to yoga, the Yapana Way, provides a unique and insightful refuge from the imbalances of our frenzied lifestyle. In this book, she introduces a prop-supported practice that will help deepen and extend the benefits of yoga. This restorative practice meets you where you are, using props to extend the time you remain in a posture and encouraging self-inquiry, reflection, and relaxation. The use of props allows everyone to receive the benefits of these poses, regardless of physical ability or injury.
Restorative Yoga Therapy includes over one hundred photos and clear instructions for seated and supine forward bends, back bends, twists, and inversions, as well as breath work and final relaxation poses. Carey also provides helpful hints and suggested poses to relieve common complaints, including stress, lower back pain, stiff shoulders, PMS and menopause discomfort, and overexertion.
A practical guide that empowers women to create the optimal conditions for conceptionAyurveda is known as the “sister science” to yoga, which 27 million women in the US practiceMedical fertility treatments are costly, time-consuming, and less and less effective as women ageSuggests lifestyle practices, including diet and exercise, that align women with nature and the environment and are also compatible with mainstream medical optionsIncludes support for uncovering and healing emotional blocks that hamper conception
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